Kabbalah for beginners: the basics of the doctrine, symbols and their meaning


Kabbalah - acts as spiritual mystical and philosophical teachings arising from Judaism. The main sources of creed - Jewish religious treatises Bagir, Yetzira, Zohar, as well as the Scriptures of Ari. In Kabbalah, there are elements of magic and esoteric.

"Kabbalah for beginners" - is a textbook designed to help students understand the provisions of this religion, familiarize themselves with the processes of the universe device, the meaning of human life, etc. The author of the book is the famous modern Kabbalist Michael Lightman.


Kabbalah: Basics of exercise

It is believed that the Jewish trust reveals the deep, encrypted meaning of the Torah is a mystical code that gives information about God and the Universe. The foundations of Kabbalah say that the main problem of all human difficulties is caused by violation of the laws of the Universe. With the help of Knowledge Kabbalists seek to be improved in the spiritual plan.

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Kabbalah states about the repeated arrival of the soul into the material world - exactly as many times as it is necessary for the passage of the lessons set in front of it, the implementation of its unique destination. When performing the target set before the soul, the re-embodiment process stops.

This condition is known as Gmar Tikkun and its achievement is the main purpose of Kabbalistic teaching.

Interesting! At adherents of the Jewish religion it is believed that only believers of the Jews who have reached the age of 40 can imbued with the true wisdom of Kabbalay.

The doctrine of Kabbalah is based on the Torah (in a different pentateuch of Moses - an analogue of the Christian Bible). Torah performs the most ancient part of the Old Testament. In addition to the recorded Old Testament Treatment, there is also oral - Talmud, interpretations and comments on the Holy Scriptures are collected in it.

In general, the study of Kabbalah has the right to engage in people who are familiar with Torah and Talmud. However, exceptions are made - for unenmended adepts, but only on condition that they will study all other areas of Jewish law.

According to the assurances of verbation, the Torah is the female hyposta of the Most High. The process of familiarization with religious texts occurs on 4 levels:

  1. Pesche (or literal).
  2. Remez (moral).
  3. Derash (allegorical).
  4. SOD (secret).

The last level is secret and got the name Kabbalah.

The basics of the doctrine, according to its adherents, help get the most detailed information about the universe, its secrets. The main Kabbalistic terms can be found in the treatises of the exercise. So Yetsira tells about the conclusion of knowledge about everything we mean in 22 literals used in the Jewish alphabet, and 10 numbers. For this reason, true Kabbalists must necessarily own Hebrew. Also orthodox Jews with skepticism perceive interest in Kabbalah from representatives of another nationality and faith.

Zohar is another important religious treatise. It is written in the form of poems, is a guide for meditative practices. It is impossible not to mention one of the most important provisions of the creed - the concept of "Tree of Life". The author of the latter is Moshe de Lyon.

It is believed that the tree of life contain all of the divine aspects. At the same time, one part of the tree depict the male, the second - female (after all, according to Kabbalists, the Most High 2-Field). Ten branches are associated with each other, and they find seduction on them - levels of consciousness, worlds, spheres.

Kabbalah: Symbols and their meaning

The next thing to consider is the Kabbalay symbols.

Hexagram - He performs the main sign of the Jewish creed. Other Names: Tetragram, Masonic printing or Solomon Printing.

In appearance, this is a hexagonal star or two triangles that are superimposed on each other. It symbolizes a person connecting both material and spiritual. Another value of the tetragram is the constant confrontation of the highest and the lowest in every person. And only for the latter the decision remains, on what path he moves - along the path of development or degradation.

Kabbalah Hexagram

Tetragrammaton . This Kabbala sign symbolizes one of the options name of the creator. It forms four consonant letters of Hebrew: He, iodine, Vav and Heh. These listers are symbolic correlated with four natural elements:

  • fire (male creative energy);
  • water (female energy);
  • Earth (perfect action);
  • air (mental energy).

Tetragrammmaton at Kabbalist is associated with wisdom, beauty, understanding and kingdom.

Pentacle Solomon . He is credited with the properties of a powerful talisman, designed to attract good luck and financial well-being in the life of the owner. In addition, the symbol increases the energy, relieves from errors, gives respect for other people, keeps from misfortunes, the forces of the element.

It has the form of a diamond, which is inscribed in the circle. At the same time, the rhombus in the circle - gives power on earth, and the circle inside the geometric shape - makes a person closer to the Most High. In the central part of the sign you can see 7 points, they personify the appeal for help to seven patron planets (starting with the Sun, Moon and reaching Saturn).

Tree of Life . In total, 10 sefirots are allocated in Kabbalah (that is, divine hypostasis). Among them is beauty, wisdom, mercy, understanding and others. There is an inseparable connection between Sephirota - in reality they form one.

Their task is to control the process of creating the world, an increase in either holding away the streams of the life-giving force in the event of such a need. People need to apply all possible actions to provide Sefirot support so that they do not finally disappear.

So the tree of life schematically depicts the organization of the Universe, shows how different deities and sephyrots are associated. Even in Kabbalah, this sign personifies the decomposition of the initial light to the color spectrum forming it.

In addition, this symbol indicates the person himself, which was created by the Creator in his image and likeness. In the final context of sefyrota, the archetypal states (body and consciousness) will be implied.

Kabbalah Tree of Life

As a personal talisman, the tree of life symbolizes love and unity. It is used to increase the level of awareness, comprehension of higher plans of existence, healing, filling the vitality.

Kabbalistic rings . Very often, followers of Jewish creeds wear jewelry or jewelry decorations with sacral kabbalistic signs: in the form of seeds, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc.

The rings are given a special role - they symbolize infinity, and also remind of the rover of the ruler of Solomon (from which it originated, according to the tradition of doing such magical decorations).

And today, the ring of King Solomon occupies an honorable place among the Kabbalistic jewelry. From the outside, it is written on it "everything will pass", and from the inner - "and this will also be held." It will become reliable protection against stress, excitement or negative exposure from the outside.

Believers of newlyweds according to traditions exchange rings at the wedding - but not simple, and Kabbalistic. The latter patronize the happy marriage, guard the new family from quarrels and adversity, betraying, deception, evil eye and other troubles. Sacral signs are engraving: the pentacle of Solomon or the Pentagram, the names of the angelic entities and other mystical signs are applied.

Bracelet with red thread . Another characteristic custom of the worldview under consideration is associated with the binding of the thread of red on the wrist. Where did this tradition come from? It is rooted by its roots to the biblical legend about the tomb of Pramatera Rahili - a great woman, from which the genus Jewish is being conducted. Allegedly, her tomb pulled red thread. And people began to cut off pieces from her and tossing their wrists.

The red thread on his hand is designed to protect from someone else's evil eye, curses, spanking, fill the owner with a powerful stream of vital energy. It should be imposed on the left hand, which is connected with the heart. Moreover, the Adepta Kabbalah does not make it independently, but are asked for help to a spiritual mentor, because in this case a special magic rite is required.

It is important that the thread is not synthetic, but from natural wool. 7 nodules impose on it - the number of spiritual measurements. But it is not tight on the wrist not tight so that blood circulation is not disturbed.

Another significant moment - the red thread can not be bought for personal funds, it should be presented to a person. You can buy it for a gift in the Jewish city of Netivot.

Studying Kabbalah - where to start

Kabbalah is a rather complicated and multifaceted teaching, to figure out all the nuances of which can be quite problematic. Therefore, everyone who decided to deepen in the Jewish religion is recommended to do this in the Kabbalists group. It is necessary to find teachers or teachers so that they help clarify difficult moments, give answers to all issues.

Today you can find a lot of organizations of Kabbalists offering training from them. For example, Michael Lightman's personal blog: all the necessary information is painted regarding the dive into the world of Kabbalay.

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