Line of life on hand - decoding values


Chiromantia studies the fate of a person on the lines on his palms and wrists. Many centuries ago, people noticed a certain relationship between the lines on the hand and the fate of a person. What denotes the line of life on the palms? Is it possible to find out how many years it is destined to live on Earth? We learn about everything in the article.

Life line

Life line

The fortune telling the hand again gained a wide interest in humans, since this technique gives a detailed answer to all questions of interest. Where is the line of life, you can look at the photo. It begins between big and index fingers and goes to the wrist - as if outlines the thumb out the arc. This line is one of the main ones and determines the vitality of a person.

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Many are interested in what hand need to watch the lines of fate? Professional chirromants look at two hands at once, because on the left you can see the past events, and on the right - future and real. Left palm shows that it is destined, and the right - changes in the data on the fate of events.

The lines on the right hand should be considered by necessity, since it is precisely those changes that form further fate. This also applies to men and women. A deep clearly defined line of life shows the happy fate of its owner - good health, good luck and longevity. There should be no points, breaks or islands on this line.

People with the right line of life have not only good health, but also a steady psyche. They are difficult to remove from equilibrium and to upset something, maybe therefore life goes well. These are hardy people who never lower hands and take a maximum of the best from fate.

A thin barely noticeable line indicates a durable and a disappointment. He has little vital energy, so it does not differ strong health and does not have charisma. As a rule, these are losers in life that simply exist. They are sharply perceived any negative situations, they are experiencing a long time and often get cold.

If this line is located too close to the thumb, it will tell about the tendency to dramatize events. A person can fall into a depressive state for any occasion and long out of it.

Double line

Sometimes you can meet a dual line of life. What does it say about? The chirromants claim that the second line shows a strong human genetic foundation. These people are the owners of powerful self-healing energy, the sea is knee-deep and all over the shoulder. In addition, they have a very strong will, bend that few people manage.

This is the dumplings of fate, optimists and lucky. They go through life with the song and are not afraid of anything. The light line can predict a brilliant military career, and a dark red will show a heart or loving person. Such people are very attractive to others, as they possess charisma. However, the envy of the surrounding no interference - powerful energy is able to suppress any energy send in their direction.

What do thin drops indicate that cross the line of life? They indicate the emotional mobility of a person. A very good sign near this line is a triangle - it says about unexpected wealth. But the triangle, located directly on the line, symbolizes the possible death in the fire.

If dashes rise up to the fingers, it speaks of constant replenishment of vitality. Poor if the dashes are directed to the wrist, the vitality of you are constantly declining.

Life line splits

Split line

What does it mean if the line is split? This can be seen in the presence of a short line of life. This indicates a shortage of vitality. These people often sick, constantly get tired and look apathetic. But if the life strip splits at the very top, it predicts the patronage of the authoritative person.

Short line

Many people believe that the short line of life predicts early death. Is it so? The chirromants claim that it talks about the coldness of human nature, and not about his short century. But if the line as if unexpectedly breaks right at the thumb, it may be a familiar death sign.

Is it possible to extend your life? Pavel Globa offered his own version of the extension of life: you need to draw every day on the right hand just such a strip, which you need. This is a kind of programming to extend your life. Draw a strip with a handle with red ink or a red felt-tip pen until your living space expands. How can you feel? First, intuitively, and then you will notice that your line of life has lengthened on the palm.

Divination by hand

Danger signs

Many people are frightened by seeing the gap on the main line of the palm. How to determine how much to live? Is the rupture show a sudden death? Hiromantia soothes on this subject, saying that the gap symbolizes changes in life. For example, a person will change the worldview or go out of one faith to another.

However, if the breaks are visible on both palms in the same place, it is worth thinking. Sometimes it symbolizes an accident or some tragedy in life. If cross or dashes appear on the lines, it can warn about risky situations or about diseases.

A bad sign is the connection of three lines in one - lines of life, heart and head. What is the decryption of this combination? This indicates the adventurous warehouse of the character of a person, love for adrenaline and risky adventure. As a rule, such individuals do not live for a long time, as they die in another adventure.

Sometimes on the line of life you can see the islands similar to the eyes. This speaks about the problems with vision. If large islands can be seen instead of islets, the sign warns about severe disease. However, if you notice the squares, then the highest strength will protect you from premature death.

A grill is considered a very unfavorable mark. This is a symbol of restrictions of any kind, including the prison chamber. However, it is not necessary to upset in advance, because the lattice shows the service in the army, and studying in a closed college.

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