Sun line on the hand of her full characteristics and features


Sun line (also occurring under the name Success line) in the same line of Destiny should be interpreted with the obligatory account of the type of hand on which it runs. In this article, we give basic information about the Sun line, as well as its distinctive features and their correct interpretation.

Photo of the Sun line

General information about the sun line

Palmists ancient Greece gave the line the name "Apollo line" since Apollo identified with Helios, the sun god who spoke.

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The situation is very good manifestation lines on the palm it provides its owner with the successful achievement of various goals and the realization of desires. In addition, the line will strengthen the offensive success, if it promises a good line of Fate: adds brightness of such a person, sometimes - make a famous person.

Like the sun, bringing fertility, with all the creature comforts, the Sun line helps a person to strengthen his position in the world.

Sun line contributes to the progression of success, ensures the availability of excellent lines of Destiny, is responsible for the achievement of human glory, obvious merits and differences in life situations where it corresponds to the profession and which show other hand line. That is, if it is explained in another way, the Apollo line is related to the human temperament, which is acutely aware of the art. But if in other parts of the hand is not confirmed, it means that people will be able to appreciate art, but would not be able to express themselves in it.

Especially the interpretation of the Sun line

Absolutely everything in the world is learned in comparison, not the exception, and this line stands. Her study should take place with the obligatory taking into account the working conditions and career study of personality.

It is understood that in the case of this line on the palm of a particular age, for example, when a person opens his own restaurant, it will not mean that it will become suddenly a multi-millionaire, but will point to the successful period in the business, he will be able to rise above its competitors, but how long this period will show additional signs and other lines.

The Apollo line can appear on hand at different ages and people of different social groups, qualifications, religion, and so on. Regardless of this, she speaks of a significant improvement in his career. The line is very interesting, but it is not easy to read it, especially novice chirromates.

What will tell different start of the sun line

It is possible to start the line of the sun from the line of life, from the Moon Hill either from the plain of Mars, the lines of the head or heart.

  • At the beginning of the sun line from the line of life in the artistic type of hand, such a person will serve as a beautiful;
  • with other good lines - success in the artistic sphere;
  • If the Apollo line begins with the line of life, and in front of you - artistic type of hand, this suggests that such a person is destined to serve as art, and he will be able to achieve significant success;
  • In the event of a start with the moon, the fame will depend on how the personality is assessed by others, especially when the line of fate from the same place. Such a mark is very often found in the famous artists who have many fans;
  • The beginning from the central part of the palm from the plain of Mars - he will tell about the sunlight, however, to precede tears, the struggle, which will be completed with success;
  • In the event of the start of the sun line from the fate line, regardless of the place, it will further enhance the success foresown by the line of fate. From this point, the study man will begin to carry in the work;
  • At the beginning of the line from the head line - other people or other external factors will not be able to influence the success of such a person. It will be provided with powerful talent and the power of the mind, but at the same time, a person will be able to succeed not before in the middle of his life;
  • When the start of the line accounts for a heart line, we can talk about great love and talent to the arts, as well as the line since its inception foreshadows the improvement of the life of the individual, happiness and finance. In the same case, when the line of fate is drawn relative to the Jupiter Bug, we can talk about the unusual success or authority of a person from this time to death.

An example of a person who has achieved success in life

What do different signs on the sun line mean

  • A large number of lines on the sun hill speaks about the artistic type of nature and achieving success in adulthood. Also multiple lines indicate that a person has so many different classes with ideas that they are already beginning to interfere. Therefore, it is better when the line is one or two.
  • Availability of a star on the hill of the Sun is a very good sign. At the location at the end of the sun line, on his hill, she will tell about great glory and fame.

Note! The better the Sun line manifested on the hand, the more successful a person will be able to achieve in my life. The hands of the criminals or people who suffer from a negative slope, the sun line tells you about the excessive fame and notoriety.

  • The square, situated on the Line of Sun is a sign, protected from any adverse impact.
  • The appearance of an island in the Apollo line indicates that people temporarily lose their position or reputation (as much as an island will last). In that situation, when the line has a uniform thickness, both before and after the island, you will be able to fully recover and catch up as if there were no scandals and misfortunes.
  • The presence of lines that cross the line of Apollo will indicate that someone is trying to harm humans, but it is his reputation.
  • The presence of the lines across the palm of Mars Hill and cut or Apollo dividing line characterizes the subject of competitors who have sex with him and one will seek to destroy his position and reputation.
  • The starting point of the line comes with Venus or Mars the hills that fit closely to the Sun line and will cut it on the palm of your hand: the stronger sex representatives will talk about other men, who will be able to harm him in this period. Further confirmation of this will be the presence of the island. As for the ladies, that their delicate hands the appearance of these lines from the Mount of Venus or Mars tells about the other women, who will be able to shake their reputation or position in society. And with the additional presence of the island we can say about some scandalous situation at a time when there is an island in the palm of your hand.
  • In case of heavy lines denote fate, but in the absence of the Apollo line in general, people will be able to achieve the power and make a successful career, but in his life will be too few positive moments. For such individuals are characterized by a focus on his own person, as well as avoidance of Fame in any form or unwillingness to enter into contact with people.

Sun broken line

  • In those situations where the Apollo line thicker line of Fate, this means that over such a person always hangs the shadow of his celebrity offspring. This is often found on the palms of sons whose fathers were able to very famous in life.
  • It is important that the Sun line looked harmoniously with the line of Fate. If it is too manifest in the palm of your hand, it means that in the career field of such a person will accompany the splendor and glory, who, however, will not have any basis. The line loses its force on the hollow palm.
  • If the Apollo line on the hand is not in principle, even if we face a talented and artistic hand, this indicates that a person can work very efficiently, make an effort, but at the same time to be convinced that he will not be able to gain recognition from others that subsequently performed. And what would such a person was doing, he would have himself or tried in any area of ​​life, it is only in very rare cases reach fame.

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