Line of moving on hand and its main characteristics


The crossing line on palm in the chiromantia has a different display in each specific situation, but in general is a rather predictable symbol that is easy to confirm almost. More about the features of this line you can learn from this material.

Distinctive features that have a line of moving on hand

If you plan to change the place of residence or you constantly encounter plans on this issue, but at the same time you feel some confusion, you will come to the rescue, you will come to the rescue, thanks to which you either confirm your plans or refute them.

Pay attention to the image below, you can consider in detail the crossing line. It represents a slight branch from the line of life, located in its lower area. Then the crossing line is slightly removed from the line of life and begins to strive towards the moon bug.

Line of moving photos

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The presence of the crossing line to the palm is designed to tell about the fact that a person who appeared in one place in one place, the remaining part of his life will be carried away away from his native land, on fate it is written to change his place of residence.

It is also necessary to make small clarification of the situation - a change in the place of residence is implied not just a change of apartment or the house number, and a more significant change in the coordinates, which is a significant move to a large distance (here you can attribute complete emigration, moving abroad).

There will be different distinctive signs about moving on the arm, if the highest forces are intended to be abroad, then this is no doubt on the main lines. For example, one of the characters to change its location is the presence of gaps on the fate line, which are shifted to the side and imply a change in their place of residence with labor activity.

It should also be noted that there are certain differences between the emigration lines and the crossing lines. The first line is more manifested and has a big length, with the more significant event takes place and the more distant move you have to, the more important it will be shown in the palm.

You also need to pay special attention to travel lines located on the moon hillside. For them, it will be possible to learn about significant trips and movements, how often a person will have to be watched and what is able to make him change the place of residence or to motivate to complete complete emigration.

As for the genuine line of emigration, it often in its view is much stronger than the line of life. Pay special attention to all the characteristic signs on hand, as well as the features of the hill of the Moon and the lines of life in those areas where the line of moving is coming to the degree of its severity and the presence of cuts.

In general, if you make a challenge of the crossing line, it is necessary to mention that it is a positive line and in most situations speaks of joyful events, for example, about a happy marriage, and is often indicated in the form of a joy line on the palm - she Responsible for emotions relating to important internal experiences of a person.

Of course, any relocation is in self-improvement, permanent identity changes, improving living conditions. But at the same time, it is impossible to forget about other symbols and signs on the hand, in the direction of which this line begins to rush, because they are able to change the situation strongly.

In most situations, the line responsible for moving to another state is a direct horizontal segment located near the Moon Hill. That is, in its appearance, it will be similar to that which is located in the figure below.

Basic lines on hand photo

In very often, the line of moving such a plan indicates a change in the place of permanent residence or that a person will be forced to travel a lot for his life. This concerns annual travel to the sea or in the mountains.

Often, the line of moving to the palm performs a branch located downstairs from the line of life stretching down towards the hill of the moon. Such a line is characteristic of those who make moving to another city or other state.

In addition to the emigration lines themselves and moving, there are still many other signs that foreshadow moving. For example, the presence of a mole on the moon hill will indicate and even even danger in traveling. Therefore, having it should be extremely careful.

The presence of any horizontal lines on the hill of the moon will lead about marine travel. A similar line on the palm can talk about long trips to the sea or about long-range swimming.

In the same case, when you see the horizontal line on your palm, which is responsible for moving and located on the Mars Hill, it will lead about land wanders. It is located slightly higher than the hill of the moon on the palm, closer to the central part of the hand.

If at the end on the line of emigration is a square, it will tell about danger in traveling.

Really meet the palm on which the travel line ends with a cross. A similar sign will tell about failures on the road, as well as about experiences, unrest and chagrins.

It turns out that in the overall emigration line is a horizontal line or can be located downstairs and at the top on hand. If you are watching a similar line on your hand and at the same time you have a moving abroad, it will only be necessary to make small efforts, and the fate itself will assist you in changing the place of residence, and it is likely that your life will also change in the best direction.

Is the palm tell about all the trips?

Homoantia does not give 100% guarantee that in hand you can learn absolutely about all human movements. Emotions play a very large role here. For example, a person can travel throughout his life, but at the same time there will be no corresponding marks on his palms only because all the trips left it indifferent, no emotions caused.

Only travels that caused emotions are displayed on hand.

For example, sailors are mediocrely perceive moving from one state to another, as they have become accustomed to this, and for them the journey turned into a routine. With this scenario on their hands, either there will be no these lines in general, or they will be, but very weak.

And the opposite is possible: a person cannot get abroad because of the lack of funds, for family reasons or by virtue of poor health. Therefore, he remains on the spot, but in his head he is constantly spinning thoughts, as it would be wonderful if the situation has changed. And the palm captures this game imagination.

And sometimes the lines of such a plan are called the lines of restlessness, as people who have a lot of similar features are constantly trying to escape somewhere, they cannot stand routine and need a permanent change of the situation.

Absolutely any travel lines will tell about important movements. But sometimes it happens that a person too emotionally perceives hunting or a hike in the forest for mushrooms, in this case it will also be reflected on his hand. And the more the degree of importance of the journey, the more significant the crossing line we can observe.

The hand will also be able to approximately tell about the planned trip time or about traveling from the past. At the same time, the countdown occurs from the bottom of the hand towards upstairs, but they cannot tell about the exact date of the chirromate.

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