Signs on hand - chiromantia, interpretation features


Homoantia is the occult science exploring the fate of a person and its quality on the lines on the palms. In antiquity, people noticed the relationship of the fate of a person with the type of structure of the hand, the features of her skin covering, drawings on the palms. Signs on the hand of the Chiromantia allocated in a special area of ​​research, depending on the location of the sign on the hills and the lines the interpretation was determined. Consider the characteristics of the main signs on the hand and their meaning.

Signs on the hand of the Hiromantia

Signs on the palms

Hiromantia studies human palm in all aspects. The lines crossing it in all directions, and the hills - they are assigned the name of the planets of the solar system. Where are the signs? They may appear on both lines and fights.

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Types of signs:

  • star;
  • trident;
  • cross;
  • Island;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • point;
  • circle;
  • triangle;
  • lattice.

These characters can be both constant and temporary. Temporary tags sometimes appear, disappear and reappear. One of the mysterious symbols is a mystical cross in the center of the palm - it symbolizes the person's passion by occult practices and the burden to unknown.


The value of each symbol

Symbols and signs on hand can carry various meanings - positive and negative. Consider the characteristic and value of the specified characters. It is them that can most often meet in the palms of people. However, symbols exist much more, their interpretation can be found in textbooks and manuals on chiromantia.


This symbol is interpreted differently, depending on its location - on the line or on the bug. Star on the line always has an unfavorable value for a person. It is always a rock surprise that is impossible to provide in advance. Star symbolizes the predetermination of fate.

  • Hollyk Saturn - the star indicates a tragic death, thanks to which a person will become famous.
  • Hollyk Moon - all the misfortune of man is the fruit of his imagination, that is, far-fetched. Sometimes the symbol can warn about untimely death through water - drowning.
  • Marsa Hollyk - Star warns about the possibility of violent death from Tirana's hands or as a result of an accident.
  • Kholmik Venus - the misfortune causes the part of the opposite sex.
  • Hollyk Apollo - predicts misfortune from wealth and fame or wealth will be obtained dishonest way.
  • Hollyk Jupiter - a star in this place has a positive interpretation, as it determines the influence and power over people.
  • Hollyk Mercury - defines success and success in commerce, communications and eloquence. However, a person will succumb to the temptation to use its qualities for dishonest purposes.


This sign is usually located at the beginning or end of the palm lines. If the symbol is placed on Jupiter's Kholmik, a person expects public recognition and success. The appearance of a trident on the Hollyman Apollo guarantees dizzying success and universal admiration. If the trident is located in other hills, it determines the success in the sphere that the tubercles indicate.


This symbol has a positive value if the lines form the correct form. A distorted form is bad. For example, the ugly cross on the marriage line predicts a divorce. Also, the interpretation of the sign has the difference when the planets on the hills are located.

  • Jupiter Hollyk - a clear clear sign of the cross indicates a successful marriage.
  • Hamik Saturn - the symbol acquires a fatal value. It may be death from an accident or a different fatal event in a person's life.
  • Apollo Budgorm - Cross symbolizes a stop in development. If a person is engaged in art, the cross has an adverse effect on fate - the lack of inspiration and fantasy.
  • Budgorm Mercury - the cross indicates a dishonest person, a fraudster. The ugly shape of the cross shows the degree of personal corruption.
  • Kholmik Venus - Cross predicts fatal tragic love. However, if the same symbol is located on the Jupiter Burgharck (two cross), this love will be happy.
  • Marsa Kholmik - the cross indicates the scandalousist and the rowdy. If the cross is located on a positive aspect of Mars, it may indicate transferring operations.
  • Moon Hollyk - Cross denies a pathological liar.

Signs on hand - meaning


These are divergent and connecting lines, resembling their form of an island on the map. This sign is considered unfavorable and determines the negative events marked with lines on the palm. For example, an island on the line of fate can predict treason in marriage, immoral behavior. Interpretation of the islands has the general meaning of obstacles in life.
  • Heart line - the island shows the development of heart pathologies or an unfavorable stage in a personal life.
  • LIFE LIFE - Large Sign Shows Reducing Life Forces, Impressive Problems.
  • The success line - a small island will show small obstacles on the life road.
  • Line of the head - the sign determines the insidious ideas or mental illness.


This symbol has a security value. If the square (rectangle, rhombus) is located on unfavorable lines, it means that a person will be assisted over. However, the location of the square next to the Kholmik Venus or Line Line determines the limitation of the will and freedom of choice.

The intersection of the mind line, the heart line, the line of fate and the success line form a large-size rectangle. This combination defines a man with a wide soul and kindness of the heart. If the form of the rectangle is distorted, it determines the narcissist nature, cowardice and indecision.


This sign is considered unfavorable and indicates unexpected blows of fate. If the point is localized on the heart line, the person expects an unexpected grief. Points can be blond and dark. Light dots define unexpected events that are just surprised by a person. Dark dots always carry tragedy and force majeure situations.


This sign is not common. The circle, located on the palm tubercles, indicates a happy period associated with the value of this tubercle. However, the circle on the head line carries a negative omen - loss of vision or eye.


This sign is considered very positive, it has the importance of high mental human abilities, a tendency to accurate sciences. However, the improper arrangement of the sign or triangle of the wrong form conclude an unfavorable sense.
  • Hollyk Jupiter - a sign symbolizes the ability to diplomacy, developed mind.
  • Hollyk Saturn - a sign determines the tendency to mystical and interest in black magic.
  • Hollyk Moon is a tendency to mystical, the comprehension of the secretion of Being.
  • Hamik Venus - a man is calculating in amur affairs.


This sign symbolizes extremes or obstacles. For example, a sign on the Venus Burghorcon shows the focus on sexual hobbies, perversion and suspension of sensual pleasures.

The grille on the Jupiter's Kholmik characterizes a man, an obsessed mania of greatness. In addition to the mania of greatness, a person characterizes nonsense, arrogance, curmony and the desire to be the best.

The grille on the Saturn hilly determines the pathological loser, which wore a pitiful existence.

The sign on the hilly of Apollo determines non-truth, talkativeness, pesty and falsity. In extreme cases it can pour out in madness.

A sign on a burggerian Mercury shows a fraudster, unclean the person's hand. From such people should be stayed away.

The lattice on Mars Mars shows a gross force and despotism. In another interpretation, the sign can predict violent death on the hands of Tirana.

The lattice on the moon tubercle shows melancholy, the tendency to fall into depression and despondency for each occasion. Sometimes the lattice can show a capricious person prone to manipulating others. In the hardest case, the lattice shows their hysterical personality with insane behavior or fanatics.

Remember that signs on your hand are not a sentence. Fate can always be changed by reasonable behavior and work on themselves. Appeal to spiritual practices can change the fate, and the lines on the hands of the hands will acquire other outlines.

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