Line of the mind - creativity and pragmatism, location and form


The values ​​of the lines on the palm are paid to special attention, because they can get information about the life and character of man. Among the main lines are the line of mind, which is determined by the intellectual opportunities of a person and his approach to life at all. Consider in detail all values.

Head's mind line

Location and form

Where to find the mind line on the palm? It is located between the index and thumb and crosses the palm in the horizontal direction until the middle, but sometimes it can go to the palm rib and be long. People with developed intelligence the line of mind can pass through the palm diagonally.

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What should be the form of a "smart" line? Most often meets a smooth and straight line of mind. Hiromantia believes that the absence of additional signs on this line and threw about the clear and practical man's mind. The appearance of dashes, islets and other signs says that in a certain life period, a person experienced difficulties in thinking and did not own attention and concentration.

What shows the location of the line at an angle? The degree of inclination relative to the horizontal direction indicates a rich creative imagination, the flexibility of thinking and erudition. However, too much bias from the horizontal position indicates a tendency to hallucinations. The direct horizontal line shows a practical personality, not aggravated by imagination and bright mental images.

What does the length of the lines of mind tell? The longer the line, the wider and versatile mental activity. Such people can adapt to different life circumstances, creatively influence the events and find answers to any complex questions. However, the presence of a long line speaks of potential facilities that a person must implement. If the person does not develop its potential, it will remain unrealized.

Creativity and pragmatism

Like a heart line, the line of mind has two meanings - creative and pragmatic. Creative people have a curved line of the mind or passing through the palm diagonally. The greater the bend towards the wrist, the more creative potential is laid in man. These are people with a rich imagination and developed mental activities, they are prone to fantasies and may be innovators.

The creative line of mind is found in people of art with a subtle taste and a feeling of beautiful.

Practical mind symbolizes horizontal straight line. These people appreciate the life of the work out of templates and standards, without rejecting the world of fantasies. They always independently make decisions, are not inclined to trust and emotional splashes. These are analysts seeking to find rational grain. If the line is short, it indicates an unbiased and simplified approach to life as such.

A characteristic feature of a practical mind is a rounding at the end of the line, directed to the fingers of the hand. This shows the priority of material over spiritual. A person is completely absorbed by the world of material things and can achieve good results in trade or business. However, there is a risk of fixation on enrichment and storage. If there is no fixation, a person may well become a millionaire and achieve great success in business.


Writer fork

How to determine the writer potential on the hand of a person? This will tell a fork on the end of the line of mind - the edge of the palm. It is always a diagonal, split at the end. The fork indicates that a person is gifted by a bright imagination and talent to state thoughts in artistic form. A creative fork may be not only in writers, but also in people creative professions. In this case, they can become generators of new ideas, innovators and inventors.

Connecting lines

What denotes the connection of the lines of the mind with a line of life? It tells about the caution of a person who is not able to take risks. These are practical prudent people, alien to adventuristic ideas and madness.

If both lines merge at the beginning, it shows the dominant value of the family mistake in a person's life. A certain period in life, he could not independently make decisions under the influence of the family's traditions and was forced to obey them.

If the line of mind does not connect with life, but is located nearby (at the beginning), it speaks of a confident and self-sufficient person. A person has constructive thinking, firmly stands on the legs and relies only on himself. The freedom is marked with the distance between the beginning of the lines of life and the mind - than it is more, the more freedom-loving is a person.

Head Line - Value


What signs can be found on the mind line? Ideally should not be. If the islets are observed (large rings), it shows the periods of sobbing thinking and nervous disruptions.

If the line looks like a chain, it shows the intense and nervous life of a person. These may be periods of stressful situations or just attacks of headaches. On the presence of headaches indicate and located perpendicular to the dashes.

What does the rupture on the line say? This shows interrupted brain activity as a result of injury to the head or stay in a coma. But most often the gap shows a tendency to mysticism and occult sciences. These people have a vision of a different plan, they are shot by the prophetic dreams.


If the head of the head originates at the index finger, it distinguishes the person ambitious and adamant in concerning his goals. He will meet anyone who will stand on his way.

If the head of the head originates inside the lifetime, you are insecure a man. Typically, the origins of such a living position are in raising cruel parents.

Pale, barely a noticeable head of the head shows a person, not burdened by mental activity. Wide, but the colorless head of the head determines the tube. Information to man comes like a giraffe.

Can the mind of the mind of the mind change during life? If a person does not possess a tube, mental capabilities develop under certain efforts. However, for this you need to have a desire for self-development and self-improvement.

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