What kind of hand and how gaming chiromers


Fortune telling, prophecies, predictions - it was fond of childhood. I tried to guess in ancient rites, but I had little anything - nothing came true. Then I tried myself in another sphere - Hiromantia.

This is an ancient and causing teaching. However, for 10 years of work, I understood - it works. As it is, I am unknown - I think it is the forces that do not obey the mind, so something to try to analyze here is useless. Now I will tell you about what is a chiromantia, as it works and why is effective. I will reveal the secrets, what kind of hand it is better to guess and is it true that for women a hand is taken by another. In general, all the most interesting!

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What is chiromantia?

  • Chiromantia is a very ancient science and fortune telling. Its essence is that the chiromeant can "read" the fate of a person in the appearance of his hands - papillary and flexor lines, the so-called hills on the palm and even just in appearance of the hands.
  • To say where the chiromantia appeared and when, it is very difficult - this teaching is very old and distributed in many countries of the world. The term itself went from ancient Greece and is literally translated as "divination by hand." Such teachings were distributed worldwide, for example, mention of the chirromants are found in India.
  • Officially, Hiromantia is not recognized as a science with any of the scientific communities of the world. Together with astrology, parapsychology and esoteric, it refers to occult teachings. Some chirromants consider themselves to be artists, but this is far from that - after all, this doctrine does not imply any activities that would be aimed at creating any aesthetically expressive objects.
  • In many countries, the chiromantia is developed quite well - there are schools and even the institutes of chiromantia, they give diplomas.
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How do chomands choose a hand?

So, I will immediately say that the hands for divination are usually needed both - not alone. Almost any person has two palms - right and left. Chirromates call one of them active, and the second - passive.

  • Passive palm shows how the initial human data, what was given to him at birth. She will tell the master about the character, which man possessed in childhood, that His ancestors and relatives were invested in him, that he was written fate. It is on passive hand that the various reasons for any events determine, but it is also possible to learn an approximate life of a person. Also, the passive hand is responsible for being already, for the past.
  • The active palm has a completely different direction - it shows the activity of man that he changed from what he was given at birth. It can be said that the active palm shows the flow of life. It is possible to determine the future of a person on the active palm, to learn how to go to the current moment. According to the active palm, the chiromant can see how things are with what a person is doing at the moment, which he breathes and what dreams of.

Determine which hand is active, and what passive, very easy. At the right hand, the right hand will be active, and the left is passive. The left-handed on the contrary - the right will be passive, and the left is active.

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Differences of fortune telling to men and women

Recently, you can often hear about gender-various fortunes. Like, women are guessing not as men. Let's just say that this is a delusion and error. Sometimes it is possible to hear that in women patterns in the hands are located mirrored, but this is a fake.

Hiromantia has no differences in sexual sign - both for men, and for women, the principles of choosing hands for fortune telling the same. The only thing that is a completely slight difference is questions related to the birth of children. But there is not a hand at all.

So they are looking for?

Chiromantia is quite extensive science. Do not wait for some accurate dates or clear instructions from the chiromant - your hands do not give so much information. Hiromant gets his knowledge from lines and other relief on the hands of a person. About 15 such markers, and everyone is responsible for their sphere in life.

Mostly, the chirromants are guessing along the lines - each of them has its own name and can tell about some one area of ​​life. In turn, the lines are divided into basic and minor, also on the hands there are so-called rings and belts. In addition, there are hills, that is, bulbs. In the form, length and size of these elements, the chiromance and reads the fate of man.

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Please note that if the chiromance promises to tell about something in detail, most likely, he is a fraudster or just an inexperienced master.

Briefly about the main thing

  • Chiromantia is an ancient teaching that has been distributed over the Millennium over the world. The relief chiromers on the hand of a person can read his fate, learn about the past or the future.
  • There is an assumption that the chiromantia originated in ancient Greece, because the origin of this term is Greek itself.
  • Homorates cannot give very accurate information - for example, dates or accurate numbers.
  • There are no gender differences - both women, and men chiromands guess at the same scheme, not counting questions that are associated with pregnancy or children.
  • Chirromants are guessing on both hands. Each person has an active and passive hand, each of which gives different information. Active - about the present and future, passive - about fate and past.
  • It is simply active to determine the passive and active hand - the right hand is always active, and the left passive, and the left-hander - on the contrary.
  • Homoantia is not science and is not recognized as any serious teaching. Nevertheless, there are schools and even entire institutes of chiromantia.

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