How to determine the element of a person on Feng Shui


How to determine the element of a person on Feng Shui? According to this ancient oriental teaching, at birth, each of us is endowed with signs of one of the four elements. During life, they affect almost everything: at your temperament, potential, talents.

How to determine your element

To determine your element, do the following:

  • If your birthday has come from January 1 to February 20, write down the last figure of your birthday.
  • If born in the period from February 20 to December 31, take away the unit from the year of birth and write down the last digit.

Look at the table:

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how to determine the element of a person on a hair dryer shui table

Next, consider the features of every element and how they affect the life and personality of man.


Representatives of the "fiery" element on Feng Shui are endowed with such features:

  • They are very mobile. Many moving, never sit in place, constantly busy. They need to do something, run somewhere.
  • They speak quickly and many, almost not stop them. Speech is very live, rich, emotional.
  • They have a lot of passion and love, it is very important to communicate with the opposite sex. These are girls with a lot of fans, coquettes. Or man-cauldrons, from which women are crazy.
  • We need new emotions, vivid impressions. Without this, "fiery" people begin to fade, they constantly seek to be in the center of events.
  • Associve pleasure from everything, even from simple things in ordinary life.
  • Very sociable.
  • We need sources of emotions, sensations, excitement.
  • Recently, changeable, unstable, hardly withstand long-term monotonous load.
  • Mad Wiesels.
  • "Appearance" of fiery in their sorrow, which arises from the lack of opportunities to get new impressions.
  • They fall in love and fond of infinitely, no less often disappointed in partners.
  • Almost always in high spirits.
  • We experience the need for sincere and trust communication.
  • There is a tendency to rapid actions, changeable in their actions and decisions.

Each element manifests itself in human appearance. Signs listed in the picture:

Element Fire External Signs


The following features are clearly traced in the nature of "water" people:

  • Very stubborn and decisive, endowed with the colossal power of will.
  • Artistic.
  • May be stubborn and unnecessarily melancholic.
  • Do not suffer restrictions and frames, people of freedom.
  • We need a personal space in which they will be able to "taste", to engage in contemplation and get into themselves.
  • The most frequent negative emotion of "water" is fear.
  • Very restrained, in a noisy company prefer to be in the shade.
  • We need time to make decisions, never cut off the shoulder.
  • Persistent, wise and strong.
  • Their surviving reactions, smooth movements.
  • Could feel thin, largely, deep, test the whole range of emotions.

Exterior signs:

Element of water External signs


People with Earth elements are characteristic:

  • Excessive involvement in someone else's life: love to give advice, take care, "save".
  • Very need to take care of loved ones and native people.
  • Focus on friends and family, this is the most important part of their lives.
  • Good and compassionate, always ready to help, generous and bossy.
  • The most frequent negative emotion is insult. They are offended when they do not get gratitude for their care. Often suppress this feeling, they suffer inside, but do not show it.
  • If you come to visit such a person, he will first feed, move, and then the conversations will begin.
  • In the bag there is always a sweetie or cookies to treat friends in the company.
  • Love "nest": to equip the house, create a warm and cozy atmosphere in it.
  • Born in order to maintain, feed, nourish, take care and think about others.

Exterior signs:

Element Soil External Signs


The nature of the "metal" people:

  • They are easily noticed by regal appearance. Can be arrogant, love to criticize.
  • Do not love the crowd, prefer to spend time alone so that no one bothers.
  • True leaders and seams will never agree to the second roles.
  • All emotions feel very much, thin. If disappointment, then global. If offended, then with a complete rupture of relationships.
  • Very clearly distinguish false from the truth, they are almost impossible to deceive.
  • We need solitude, get tired of communication. Restored only alone.
  • They have a natural feeling of style and taste, in their actions they wish everyone to bring to perfection, perfectionists.
  • In life, choose all the most genuine, sophisticated, meaningful.
  • At the level of the Aura read and understand the whole essence: relations, man, actions, actions, processes.
  • They are being introduced into the essence of the problem and disassemble it thoroughly.
  • Do not tolerate superficiality, will never be engaged in something ababy as.
  • Everything that is associated with refinement, improvement, real, genuine meaning and quality is a metal.
  • Scrupulous, sensitive, perfectly hear, read all shades and nuances.
  • Improve - this word is best characterized by "metal people".

Exterior signs:

Element Metal External Signs

Check out the video about the elements:


People who have a tree energy manifest:

  • May be irritable or excessively persistent.
  • They have many different interests.
  • Love movement and exercise.
  • Wish to learn and move forward, enthusiasts.
  • Focused intense character.
  • The most frequent negative emotions: anger, anger, irritation.
  • It is important for them to be able to act, show their activity, produce steam.
  • Quickly move and want movements in life, active, impulsive.
  • Wishing to improve and improve the world are optimistic.
  • Adore to set goals and reach them, careerists, very ambitious.
  • Reaches and figures with active rapid energy.

Exterior signs:

Element of a tree External signs

Why is it so important to determine your element and know its features? It is necessary to live in harmony and harmony with you, it is better to understand yourself and your needs. For example, if a water person is forcing to be "wooden": to quickly make decisions, build a career, constantly to be among people, he will quickly get tired, will wage. He needs to be more likely to be alone, to restore its energy alone with him.

Clearly realizing what energy prevails in you, you can satisfy the needs of your nature, living happier and calmly.

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