Feng Shui to attract love and marriage - recommendations


How to use Feng Shui to attract love? It is important to properly organize space in the house, get rid of items - symbols of loneliness and fill the rooms with love talismans.

Apartment design

The most important thing in oriental teaching is to properly organize space in the house in which you live. This must be done first, and then pick up talismans and love symbols to decorate the interior.

Feng Shui for love and marriage

General Tips:

  • Print photos of cute men (just unfamiliar) and hang them around the house. It is very important that these were abstract people, not stars and do not guys from your environment.
  • Remove all items symbolizing loneliness. It may be sad paintings, decorative statuettes. Replace them with pairs. For example, a figure of one angel is better to change on a statuette where the angels are two. Etc.
  • Birds, according to Feng-Shuya, - a symbol of love. Therefore, fill the space with pictures, figures, figurines and any other pictures of feathery. It is best if it is phoenixes or peacocks.
  • All the gifts of former men need to be thrown or destroyed. Do not regret anything, otherwise the past will never give a normal relationship with the new chosen. Growlessly burn photos, distribute expensive gifts and decorations by girlfriends. If it is a pity, sell, and the money sweep into your pleasure.
  • All "female things" store in one place, do not distribute them all over the apartment. It is cosmetics, decorations, lace underwear, cute heart of the little things and so on.

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The most important place to attract love is a bedroom. Therefore, the space in this room should be organized very carefully. Observe the following rules:

  1. The headboard of the bed can be hanging pictures with the image of the moon and everything is connected with it. It attracts lunar energy, which is very important for a woman.
  2. Mirrors need to be placed in such a way that the bed does not affect them. It is believed that the mirror reflection takes a love energy.
  3. It is impossible to keep live flowers in the bedroom, it is better to place them in the wealth and good luck sector, in the southeastern part of the apartment.
  4. Keep home more pair items. Double bed, two pillows, two toothbrushes, slippers and so on - all these things attract men to your life.
  5. It is undesirable to place a bed in such a way that you sleep in the direction of "feet to the door."
  6. The bedroom should not be a passing room, ideally it is a separate room with one inlet door.
  7. Items that symbolize marine subjects attract love. Decorate the bedroom with seashells, marine stones, thematic appliqués.
  8. Children's toys store in the child's room. If there is no separate room for nursery, place them anywhere, but not only in the bedroom.

Tips Natalia Pravdina

Natalia Predina is a real expert on Feng-Shui. Her advice has already helped a variety of people to organize space in the house within the framework of Eastern Teaching.

Feng Shui for love

Tips Natalia to attract love and marriage:

  1. If the bedroom is oversaturated with female energy, chances to meet the second half are small. Therefore, you need to get rid of lovely women's hearts: soft toys, pink items, excessive pillows.
  2. Imagine that every night in your bedroom you fall asleep not alone, but with a man. How will the room look like? Put on the bed not alone, but two pillows. Release the shelf in the closet for the clothes of the future husband, do not litter the place under the mirror cosmetics.
  3. In the love sector, electrical appliances cannot be stored. From there you need to remove all the household appliances: from the TV to the hair dryer. So you will remove the "non-living" energy that does not give love to appear in your life.
  4. Fill the space of love in the house (southwestern apartments) with symbolic things. It can be paintings of happy couples, figurines in the form of hearts, red aromatic candles.
  5. To maximize the energy of love, make a card wish. Fill in the appropriate sector of the map with images of happy couples, weddings, romantic dates, sign up the right affirmations ("I met the love of my life," "I married a man of my dreams").

In addition, in order to meet your chosen one, you need to clearly imagine what it should be. Therefore, try to visualize the image of a suitable partner first, and then proceed to decorate the house along the hair dryer.

Look at the video about how to attract love with Feng Shui:


According to Eastern philosophy, it is necessary not only to trace the right organization space, but also to comply with some other recommendations.

Feng Shui to attract love

They are as follows:

  • Highlight time and think what kind of man you want to meet. Write on paper in detail all the features of the future chosen one. How should it be, and what qualities you can push. Visualize the pictures of your dating, imagine how the relationship will develop. The finished list can be tied up with a red thread and remove into a secluded place.
  • Sometimes ignite the houses of red aromatic candles. The red and energy of the fire attract the flow of love energy, fill the woman with attractiveness and beauty.
  • Going on a date, put on a red dress. In extreme cases, use the accessories of this color.
  • Follow the order in the house. Determine your place for each thing and always remove it there after use. Getting rid of broken and spoiled items in time, which overlap energy flows.

You will be surprised how quickly the methods of Feng Shui begin to work. As soon as you organize space correctly, your life will come many opportunities to meet your dreams with a man.

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