What will receive Feng Shui forecast for every day


Only born, each person acquires a specific destiny code and a personal set of personal characteristics. Therefore, people born in the same year possess similar features of character. And they also feel the impact of approximately one and the same time interval.

Of course, at the same time they will have different life situations, since their character and fate will influence the full date of appearance on the light. Feng Shui Forecast for every day is based on these knowledge and will help you understand what events to prepare themselves today or tomorrow. Find out more about it from this material.

Find out what is preparing a new day with Feng Shui

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According to the Chinese horoscope, all people are divided according to their identity characteristics, which are presented in the form of a combination of 8 hieroglyphs. At the same time, for all hieroglyphs there is a correspondence in the form of a specific sign of the animal and one of the elements.

It turns out that each person is a unique combination combining 5 elements in certain proportional ratios. And as a result of the interconnection of these combinations between people, there are such strong differences, and because of this, their fate is so much.

It is also possible to divide each of the time intervals (year, month, day or a specific date) to eight hieroglyphs. All elements are different in different ways on another (one can weaken the action of the second element or to enter with it into the dissonance), as a result of which all temporary gaps have different effects per person.

For example, a person who appeared in the year of the dog can use the positive effects of the year of the tiger, because the tiger and the dog are harmonious signs. As for monkeys, they, on the contrary, may experience difficulties, as for them a tiger is the main antagonist. The people who born in the year of monkeys will be able to worsen his position if an important thing is important a day or a month to which Tiger patronizes.

Of course, this is a fairly simplified technique explaining how time affects a person. To date, there are different special techniques, with which it is realistic to predict the events of the future. But this is enough to realize how important this forecast is.

In addition to personal technician, a variety of techniques and formulas are also known to compile a common characteristic of every day. It is possible to estimate how much of the segments of time is favorable to make certain events.

Methods of drawing up forecast in art Feng Shui

For example, in the forecasting day of Feng Shui use the "Twelve Good luck indicators" method, which allows you to establish how many days or events will be favorable for a person. This is one of the main ways of general forecast. If you believe in the theory of the indicators of good luck, then for some days all the initiatives of the person are designed to end with the collapse, and according to others - on the contrary, are performed almost instantly. In addition, in some days a week it is better to practice self-development, personal growth, and to others - to focus on long and stable projects.

In addition, in forecasting Feng Shui there is another technique called "28 lunar parking" (or 28 constellations). You can also seek help to her, it can also be based on the selection of an ideal date to make certain significant events. The specified method is very old, it is used not only in the art of Feng Shui: twenty-eight lunar parking should be taken into account in the process of planning important dates and events with a further prospect (extending for years and dozens of years). As for the average for the importance of affairs, the lunar parking may not be taken into account.

Xuan Kong DA GUA is an unusually strong technique based on mutual relationship between people, time and space. To effectively use this method, it is important to take into account the number of human gua. At the same time, 3 shares are also taken into account, and more days of significant evils and lesions, destroying days - all these data should be taken into account in the preparation of the forecast, as they are able to significantly affect further success in life.

Calculation of a personal forecast of Feng Shui

Even in the forecast, we enjoy the characteristic of the lunar days and the features of the passage of the moon on zodiacal constellations. Let these techniques and do not belong to the Chinese metaphysics, they still significantly affect the state of the human energy body and the mood of people.

Important moments

  1. In forecasting Feng Shui, the category of large-scale and significant cases includes events of this plan: marriage, the beginning of the business, the conclusion of important long agreements, a change in the place of residence, the change of work or a change in its position, the need for operations, the purchase of significant property (real estate, car ).
  2. It is important when you will make a forecast and planning future events, pay attention not only to the animal of the year of your appearance, but also an animal of the day (for this purpose, use a special Ba Tzu calculator). Remember the fact that the animal of the day affects the personal sphere, the features of family relationships, as well as with relatives, and the animal of the year is associated with the social sphere of life, external, career.
  3. In forecasting, it is necessary to indicate the time of the onset of lunar days according to a certain time zone.

Examples of Feng Shui forecast for day

Now it's time to consider Feng Shui's forecast for a day on specific samples.

September 22, Friday

Is the day of the metal bull.

Indicators of the day: the number of five and "stability".

Constellations of the day are: 20, "beak turtle".

The moon is in the constellation of Capricorn.

This day is not suitable in order to take important things to change anything in your life, the reason for this is the unfavorable constellation of the day, the destroyer of the year, and also takes place the so-called "disconnecting day". The function of the disconnecting day is the separation of everything on "to" and "after". For these days, it is forbidden to leave far from the house, to enter the marriage union, even rearrangement of furniture.

But at the same time, similar days are ideal for the rupture of something old, what agitates man.

It's time to get rid of extra

On this day, people who appeared per year or the goat day should refuse something important and global.

It is allowed to plan any accurate, weighted and methodological measures. The day is well suited to compile reports, checks and calculations. It is worth refuse today from meetings with friends and dates.

September 23, Friday

It is a water tiger day.

The indicators of the day are the number six and "retention".

The constellations of the day are: 21, "Orion". Also performs disconnecting day.

This day is very close to the border of the seasons, because of which it is not at all suitable for being taken for important things, make serious changes in life, because the Qi-energy of this day is too weak and will come to complete something, and not Start a new one.

Now it is correct to practice ordinary everyday affairs, to complete what was started in advance. Most of all, this Council concerns representatives of the monkey sign.

It is important to show attentiveness to those people who are under the strong influence of the moon. Today, the whole day of the moon has no course, for this reason, people can behave inadequately, to make incorrect decisions, leaving the influence of the circumstances or others. Because of this, it is best to have some clear action plan for this day and not to let your own, leaving the provocations of other people.

And finally, we advise you to view an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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