Aquarium on Feng Shui in the apartment - how to strengthen the water energy in the house


The aquarium on Feng Shui in the apartment is considered an indispensable subject. He personifies the element of water - the source of the financial well-being of the family. If you want to attract money to the house, put an aquarium with fish and take care of them.

How to choose aquarium and fish

Immediately we note: if you are active, active and do not tend to relax in silence, do not love calm, preferentiate aquarium decorative fountains. But if you like the unhurried, measured course of life, you are inclined to contemplation and solitude, it is the perfect "alive" mascot to attract financial well-being.

Aquarium on Feng Shui in the apartment

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Features of the choice of aquarium on Feng Shui are as follows:

  1. The size of the aquarium is chosen so that it harmoniously fit into space. He should not be too cumbersome, but not to look very small. The greater the room, the more dimensional can be a container with water and fish.
  2. The form must be symmetrical, it is important in order for positive energy to circulately circulated around the room, without having no interference on its path. It is better to choose round, oval or rectangular aquariums with rounded corners, without sharp outlines.
  3. Provide good lighting and constant circulation of water in the aquarium. It should not be stood - it is harmful not only for fish, but also for the financial well-being of your family.
  4. The number of fish should be odd, otherwise you will attract negative energy to the room. It is best to buy bright, beautiful marine inhabitants, and not fish black, gray or other gloomy shades.

In the pet shop carefully look at all the fish that you can buy. Purchase those who liked you most visually.

The location of the aquarium in the house

Ideally, the containers with fish need to be placed in the sectors, subject to water elements along a hairdry shui. This is the Northern, Eastern and Southeast Apartment Zone.

Aquarium on Feng Shui

The features of each of these sectors are as follows:

  1. East. Located in the power of the elements of the tree. And as we know, it needs water for growth and prosperity. Therefore, the aquarium harmonizes the energy state of the space, strengthens the relationships, the "roots" of your family.
  2. Southeast - zone of wealth and prosperity. In this place, water energy contributes to the circulation of cash flows, stimulates financial well-being, attracts money and opportunities to increase income. Next to the aquarium it is advisable to put a couple of other talismans Feng Shui - for example, a money tree or a gold bowl.
  3. North is the most ideal place where clean water energy circulates. This is a great location for the aquarium in the Human House, which is engaged in business, leads people, strives for career heights and wealth. If this is an office space, then the "alive" mascot with the marine inhabitants will help to quickly increase sales, develop and "to restrain" business.

There are some restrictions that it is important to take into account.

How not to harm

Using the aquarium in the interior of the apartment, you can and harm yourself if you install it incorrectly.

Where to put aquarium on Feng Shui

What you can not do:

  1. Put it near the entrance door, partitions, arches and window openings. These places are considered unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui. If they are forced something, you limit free movement around the apartment.
  2. Above the aquarium should not be protrusions and beams. Because of this, the "tenants" will begin to root and die. It is not known why this happens, but this is a fact.
  3. Do not put an aquarium into the kitchen, it will "extinguish" the fiery energy of this space, and you limit cash flows. It is fraught with problems with material position, there will be less sources of income, they can dismiss or lower wages, problems with business will begin.
  4. The color of the support or surface on which you will place aquarium also matters. You can not use fiery shades: red, yellow or orange. Ideally - blue and all shades of blue.

You can not run aquarium and poorly care for fish. If the water is muddy, dirty, it is not enough oxygen in it, you will not only kill small tenants, but also attract the negative into the house, which is fraught with absolutely in all life areas.

Check video about Water Talismans Feng Shui:

How to strengthen the energy of water in the house

Water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to strengthen it with the help of the right organization of space and scenery.

Recommendations are as follows:

  • Wealth zone in the apartment. Lay in the shades of blue, blue. It should be bright and most spacious as possible;
  • Watch out for the cleanliness of window windows, and also do not clutter window and doorways: you do not need to put anything to the windowsill, for example;
  • Decorate the wealth sector subjects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings with sea landscapes and other;
  • put live flowers there to strengthen the movement of positive energy flows around the apartment;
  • Put in the zone of prosperity 2-3 cash talisman Feng Shui: It can be a golden bowl, a ship, toad with a coin in teeth or Chinese coins, tied with red thread;
  • Do not overdo it - too many oriental symbols in the house should not be;
  • Make sure that the interior may not be contrasting the two opposite elements: fire and water;
  • It is impossible for red and blue items nearby;
  • The "water" talismans should be kept from the "wooden" element. But with the energy of metal and soil, they are perfectly combined

We summarize: aquarium, from the point of view of Feng Shui, is not only aesthetic interior decoration, but also a powerful tool for increasing cash flow streams. This is a very "alive" talisman. But after him you need to carefully care for, if you are not ready to do it, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

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