Kitchen on Feng Shui - Rules Location, Color and Secrets


Kitchen on Feng Shui is one of the most important places in the house. It is very important to organize the space in this room correctly that the energy of fertility, prosperity and material well-being circulate in your dwelling.

Rules location

It is best to equip the kitchen in the southernmost home sector. It is believed that the powerful and live energy of the fiery element prevails in the south. And the fire is a symbol of homemade focus, heat and lifeful strength.

Kitchen on Feng Shui

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East or southeast Apartments are also a fairly favorable zone. It reigns the element of the tree. It is "warm", active, stimulates a person to achievements and fills with powerful energy.

In the northern part, the kitchen is undesirable - here the space is in the power of the water element, which "slows down", reduces life activity. Instead of filling the energy during cooking, you will lose it. It provokes laziness and inaction.

If the layout of your home is such that the kitchen is located in the unfavorable zone, the negative impact of space can be neutralized. To do this, use the eastern talismans, intelligently distribute the furniture and do not forget about the correct color scheme in the interior design.

Cuisine color

Ideal shades for the design of the kitchen area - green, yellow, white, brown and orange. These are the most active colors that awaken his energy potential in man.

Kitchen location rules on Feng Shui

During cooking, the hostess charges it with a certain energy. And if the kitchen is decorated and equipped in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, such food will feed and saturate all family members not only by proteins, fats and carbohydrates. She will also give the charge of strength, cheerfulness, activity that is necessary to lead a bright and rich life.

Secrets Feng Shui

If the kitchen is unfavorable, you can fix it with some tricks.

Kitchen color on Feng Shui

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Do not leave the doors and windows open for a long time. They ventilated the room - and immediately close the openings.
  2. On the entrance, install the Music Talisman "Wind Music" or stone crystals.
  3. Be sure to make live flowers. If there is no such possibility, hang pictures with live landscapes or curtains, imitating plants. Perfect option - Blinds from bamboo.
  4. To reduce negative energy streams, store cereals and spices in round-shaped tanks. In general, the more round items in the kitchen, the better.
  5. Unsite sewer and plumbing pipes should be hidden under decorative panels.
  6. Make sure that the pipes do not clog, and the cranes worked properly. Any breakdown overlaps the channels of cash energy, and you block your financial capabilities.
  7. It is especially important that the stove is always clean. Her condition directly affects the material well-being of the family, this is the "cormalitsa" of your home.
  8. Decorate the wall with pictures with images of fruit colorful still lifes. They should prevail red, orange, green and other bright colors.
  9. Dishes on Feng Shui It is advisable to use from ceramics, and decorative items are better to choose from clay and wood - natural brown materials enhance the energy of the elements of the earth and tree.
  10. Symbols of fertility and crop contribute to the involvement of material well-being. These are artificial vouches of vegetables and seasonings.
  11. Knives and other sharp objects, as well as any metal utensils need to be stored in a closed space. Do not leave them freely access, they in this case attract negative energy, which can lead to quarrels and conflicts in the family.
  12. Make sure that the lighting is bright, light in the kitchen should be enough, so the lamps with soft muted light are not suitable.

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Important parts of the kitchen

The stove is the most important object of the kitchen interior. This is the "cormalitsa" of your home, a source of powerful fiery energy. Rules of Fen-Shuya:

  • The slab can not be put in the corner of the kitchen - it is considered the "heart" of the room, so it should be located closer to the central part.
  • It is also undesirable to have a slab under the window - along with smells and evaporation during cooking from the house will proceed to financial well-being.
  • The dirty plate is a source of financial problems. Always contain it clean. If trouble fell on your family, start cleaning precisely from cleaning the slab from scale, fat and other contaminants.
  • Ideally, the slab must be put in the southern part of the kitchen, this is the most favorable place.
  • Very good if you use gas tiles. Electric or microwave oven "Empty", they do not enhance the power of fiery energy.
  • It is advisable to use all the burners. You can also hang in front of the plates of the mirror to strengthen the element of the fire in the room.


  • Choose metal sinks - they contribute to the destruction of negative energy, purify space from bad emotions, protect the family from conflicts and quarrels.
  • The further the washing is located from the stove, the better. It is advisable to share them at least one kitchenette on which you are cooking.


  • The refrigerator in the kitchen symbolizes the water element, which is also a source of material well-being. It is better to be placed in the southeastern part of the room.
  • It is impossible that the refrigerator stood empty, there should always be products in it. Inside, you can install a mirror that visually increases the number of contents.

Properly organized space of the kitchen, taking into account all the smallest things - the key to the fact that your family will always live abreastably and happily. In this place, strong positive energy is concentrated, which provides the house with sources of financial well-being.

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