Love zone on Feng Shui in the apartment: Tips and recommendations on the interior decor


The Love Zone on Feng Shui in the apartment is located in the southwestern sector. The correct organization of space on the Eastern canons will fill your home with the energy of love, will help make relationships happy and harmonious or find your soul mate.

Location of the Love Zone

What if you still have to dream about relationships with your beloved man? How to solve problems in a pair if quarrels and conflicts arise as if from nothing? Conversations and appeals to family psychologists do not always help. Feng Shui supporters believe: the problem may hide in the wrong organization of the space of your home.

Love zone on Feng Shui in the apartment

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If the energy of love in the apartment is suppressed or circulation is impaired, this is reflected on the thin body of tenants. As a result, they either remain lonely or cannot build normal relations.

That is why it is so important to find the love zone, it is correct to equip it and activate. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is located in the southeastern part of the house. This rule applies to any dwellings, regardless of their planning.

Ideal if the bedroom is located on this side, because in this room the greatest concentration of love energy. If not, you will need to activate the zone with the help of eastern talismans.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin to equip the love zone on the canon hairdryer Shui, it must be prepared.

Love zone on Feng Shui

What needs to be done:

  1. Take all the old, unnecessary things that were kept in the room for years. Ruthlessly get rid of those subjects that have not been used for a long time. They not only litter the space, but also interfere with the energy freely flow.
  2. Make general cleaning: There should be no dust in the room. Look in the most hard to reach places. Thoroughly blast windows and mirrors, they should look perfectly clean.
  3. At the end you need to clean on a thin plan. Light incense, walk around the room with a wax candle. You can read prayers or mantras at this time to increase energy vibrations.

And after preparation, you can begin the arrangement of the love zone.

Organization of space

After you found the love zone in the house, you can proceed to its arrangement.

Love zone on Feng Shui in the room

Recommendations for the organization of space are as follows:

  1. To activate love energy, lay the room with pair items that are associated with you with romance and love. These are all sorts of statuettes of angels, birds, cute little animals. Put an even number of pillows on the bed, aromatic candles in pairs. Eastern talisman is considered very favorable - figure mandarine ducks. In general, the whole "bird" attribute is suitable.
  2. The sector of love patronizes the element of the Earth. Therefore, you need to decorate the interior with the relevant items. This is all that symbolizes fertility, as well as precious or semi-precious stones, minerals. It is also necessary to observe the principle of paired.
  3. Remove anything to symbolize loneliness: your lonely photos, paintings with a sad plot. Replace their images with floral compositions or romantic abstractions.
  4. Peonies in Feng Shui are considered a symbol of love. Artificial or live flowers need to be placed in ceramic vases.
  5. Take care to penetrate enough daylight into the room. If necessary, strengthen the lighting with fixtures. The perfect option is the chandeliers of crystal or glass - they literally attracting positive energy.

It is equally important to adhere to the right color scheme, because each shade corresponds to a certain element and affects the emotional state of the person.

Color selection for love zone

There are no strict restrictions on the bedroom color. It is very important that you like the interior of the room. You must feel relaxed in it and calmly. Therefore, bright, screaming shades better avoid.

What colors are considered favorable to improve the bedroom from the point of view of Feng Shui:

  • All shades of green are the colors of the Earth's element, so they will intensify and strengthen its calm energy.
  • Red - color passion. It should not be basic, but you can make several bright accents. Activates sexual energy, helps to remain attractive for men.
  • White - color of harmony. The ideal option for married couples, which together for a long time, but the newlyweds are not suitable.

Look at the video on how to equip the love zone in the apartment on Feng Shui:

Tips and recommendations on the interior decor

We have already told all the basic information, but there are additional recommendations that you can also use.

They are as follows:

  1. Buy several candles of red and white colors. Arrange them in pairs around the room (1 red, 1 white paired). This will create a romantic environment, and will add comfort, and activates the love energy indoors.
  2. Do not let me in the bedroom of foreign people. For guests, it should always be closed. Ideally, you can only here you and your chosen one.
  3. For this reason, girls in the search are not recommended to often bring home different partners. It is bad not only from a moral point of view. Energy of every man who sleeps with you in one bed affects the total energy situation of the room.
  4. It is extremely unwanted to put a computer, a TV, laptop and other electronic gadgets in the bedroom. They create islands of dead energy, which interferes with qi circulate around the room.

And finally, it is very important to monitor not only outside the outside, but also for your inner state. Negative emotions and thoughts affect your surroundings, violate the harmony of space. So try to leave them outside the door at home.

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