Is it permissible to place a mirror opposite the front door on Feng Shui


The mirror is a very common element of the interior, which visually increases the space. Often, the mirror is placed in the hallway, it is very comfortable, because you can take a look at yourself before going out of the house. It does not need to take place or dump the floor in the room. But is it permissible so that the mirror is located opposite the entrance door? Feng Shui will answer this question thoroughly.

Mirror in the hallway photo

Is it possible to place mirrors at the entrance to the house

Of course, the mirror in the hallway is simply necessary. It will help to assess your appearance, leaving the house, and also, according to the popular accept, protect you from negative, if you forget something and you will be forced to return. In this case, look at the mirror and smile (in some options, the signs need to show itself a language), and the trouble will wage you by the side.

At the same time, the main difficulty is not to choose a quality product, but whether it is possible to hang the mirror in the hallway in principle.

According to the famous Trends in Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to place mirrors in the hallway. This ban explains from the point of view of energy.

There is a very simple rational argument, why it is impossible to hang reflective items in the hallway - you just risk being scared by your own reflection in the mirror, as it is at first glance very much like a stranger in the apartment.

But how to act in a situation if the mirror has long been located at home next to the front door? Of course, the most correct thing will be outweigh the necessary item to another place. At worst, if the space of the apartment does not allow global permutations, you can try to attach the mirror to the cabinet reverse door. When you need it, just open the closet and you can admire it with your reflection as much as you like.

Signals relating to the placement of the mirror in the hallway

For what reason is it forbidden to place mirrors at the entrance to the apartment? For a better understanding of this issue, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular signs and beliefs about this. Almost every people offers their interpretations of this issue.

So, what we will learn about the mirrors located at the entrance door for folk signs:

  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the basis of the biofield is the energy of qi, falling into the dwelling through the open spaces of the wind blows or input by your personal energy. And when placing a mirror opposite the entrance door, the reflecting item will interfere with the correct energy exchange, plus because of this the balance between energy flows is disturbed.
  • According to another one, the mirrors are able to push the positive energy, they cause its reflection, as a result of which it cannot fully penetrate the dwelling.
  • A reflecting subject is filled with poor energy over time. Feng Shui claims that your negative emotions brought to the dwelling accumulate in the mirrors.
  • The mirror, which is located opposite the entrance to the house, is able to attract unexpected guests to the housing (which are also detractors, and even different evil spirits), as it is a kind of portal.
  • Located opposite the entrance door, the mirror will pull out of people living in a dwelling, all positive energy, which often provokes poor well-being, causes depressive states or simply provokes a negative mood.
  • Still, according to the art of Feng Shui, all mirrors located opposite the entrance to the house provoke a lack of funds. In addition, the object with a reflective surface will contribute to the weakening of health, will save the owners of the dwelling from good luck, luck and good mood.

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Of course, confirm or refute such signs from a scientific point of view is not possible. But we would not advise you to risk, it is better to still listen to the recommendations of experts in the field of energy. Then, thanks to the items located in the house, you charge yourself with positive and you will feel constant confidence in our own power.

Rules how to safely place mirrors in the home

So, we came to the conclusion that it is forbidden to place the mirrors in front of the entrance door. It's time to deal with how it is necessary to place this reflecting item if you want to attract happiness and good luck with it, raising the level of energy in general. To do this, you will have to listen to several useful recommendations:

  • Position the mirror from the side from the entrance to the house at a small distance so that you are nearing it when you enter housing. The most correct option will be the placement of the mirror from above from the chest or locker for shoes.
  • The larger the size of the mirror, the expression will be the degree of its impact and the easier it is in him a person to consider his own reflection. For this reason, it is recommended to make a glass all the wall, having it on the same line with the front door. Also suitable wardrobes, equipped with mirror doors.

Mirror wardrobe - perfect solution

  • Also a good solution will be the acquisition of an outdoor model. Does Feng Shui allow such interior details near the entrance to the dwelling? In general, this is possible, but the main thing is that at the same time there is an indirect contact.
  • Remove the items from their housing, who survived different unhappy events with which some unpleasant situations are associated. Items have a property of accumulating negative, so it's best if you buy a new mirror.
  • It is allowed to hang mirrors on the frontal walls, but the main thing is that they are not directed to the entrance.
  • There is a very cunning way to neutralize the negativity from the mirror located near the entrance door. To do this, it needs to be placed not directly, but at an angle so that it is at least a little, but refracted the energy flows and sent them inside the housing, and not vice versa.

Fencing Feng Shui Design

It is important not only how to position the objects according to the art of Feng Shui, but also how to combine them correctly with each other.

In design without options, it is worth stopping your choice on oversized products. With the help of large mirrors, you will make space visually wider, especially if you have a narrow corridor in your apartment, for example.

Even knowing that the mirrors cannot be placed in the hallway opposite the entrance to the house, sometimes there are difficulties associated with the layout of the room when you simply cannot hang it into some other place.

Then, in order to harmonize energy flows, according to the art of Feng Shui, it is permissible to attach a reflective object directly to the door. For this purpose, you can take advantage of special decorative inserts, with the help of which the mirror is attached to the canvas.

Other recommendations Feng Shui for interior

The trend of Feng Shui involves the use of several more points that relate to the placement of the mirror at the entrance door. They need to listen if you are worried about all objects in the house are right.

  • The most important point - under no circumstances do not have products with cracks, scratches in your home. They will spoil and the visual view of the interior, and will also attract different non-frequency events to their owner.
  • Under the ban also sharp angles, the most suitable form is oval. To further protect the edges of the subject, the mirrors are recommended to enter into a beautiful framework.
  • If possible, try to place a picture in front from mirrors, compositions of colors or other no less pleasant and attractive details - thanks to them you eliminate the negative and attract positive energy into the home. It is also necessary to carefully follow the cleanliness.

decorate mirrors with different elements

  • Flowers set by the mirror will also attract positive energy to the dwelling.
  • Still, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you yourself can charge the reflective item with positive emotions. To do this, you need to smile every time when your view falls on your own reflection, you need to say compliments to yourself, to praise your person in every possible way. Under no circumstances do not allow to scold yourself in the mirror and test various negative emotions. Otherwise, all negative energy is accumulated in this subject.

Let you not scare bad signs, because even in the case of placing the mirror at the entrance door, resorting to the uncomplicated Feng Shui rules, you will place it easily easily, so that your hallway has become not just a stylish room, but also spoke in a source of positive For all housing.

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