How to choose the right picture for a bedroom on Feng Shui


The bedroom is one of the most important and cozy corners in our house. It is in the bedroom that we can relax, filled with new forces and energy before the new day.

Pictures in the bedroom on Feng Shui should have a good energy designed to provide internal harmony and harmony with the surrounding reality, and at the same time are the necessary room decoration. It is important when choosing a bedroom patterns guided by the basic principles of ancient art, and how to do it, you can find out after reading this material.

Bedroom in Feng Shui - place of passion and tranquility

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bedroom is inherent in a dual value: on the one hand, it acts as the kingdom of rest, and on the other, all items and symbolism should call the Association with love games.

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Before you get to choose a picture for your felling, you need to determine the total color gamut of the room.

If a young couple lives in this room, recently crossed themselves with love bonds, they should use passionate, exciting shades. The ideal solution is, of course, all tones red, but if it does not harmoniously look in general design, it can be successfully replaced by peach or saturated pink.

Red colors - perfect for young couples

Do not forget about bed linen. Most of all, the sets of white, pastel and other, as close as possible to natural, shade are suitable for the bedroom. It is necessary to abandon the underwear of blue color variations that can provoke trouble.

Often, people love to decorate their bedroom with lush indoor plants. The latter have their own energy, scientists argue that they, like people, are experiencing different feelings and emotions and feel that their owner is in mind.

For this reason, do not put more than two flower vase in your bedroom. And also carefully follow the status of colors, water in time and use special fertilizers so that they always look great.

According to Feng Shui, the best bedroom flowers are peonies.

Features of the placement of paintings in the bedroom

You can also use peonies as pictures, such a solution is even more appropriate than the use of living colors. Especially they are suitable for lovers who are experiencing the most peak of their passion.

Feng Shui's doctrine suggests that her bedroom needs to be decorated with images displaying your aspirations. For example, if so far you have no pair, you should hang a couple of two lover near the lie.

If we are talking about a married couple, dreaming of getting off the offspring, it is worth hanging a picture with the image of smiling, happy children. You should not post photos, it is more correct to replace them with the reproductions of famous paintings.

Remember, the symbolism of water elements is unacceptable in the sleeping room. Remove away to other pictures on which waterfalls, fountains, seas or oceans are depicted. Feng Shui refers water to the material supply of the dwelling, but she is able to harm the sleeping person.

The aquatic element also includes aquariums, often placed in the bedroom. People think that, looking at cute fish, they calm their nervous system, but still it will be better if you put aquarium in some other room.

Under the ban on Feng Shui, paintings with wild animals remain. They at the expense of their aggressive energy will involve different troubles in the life of a person possess the energy of death. Also unacceptable are decorative elements relating to the animal world, better move the horns of the deer or the bear with the bear in his living room.

The use of autumn landscapes will also become an inappropriate option, and all other seasons can be safely placed in any quantity.

Interesting detail. Family couples, which have been married, must in the interior of the bedroom instead of bright colors use ripe fruits.

Pictures with fruits - suitable couples

Images with crowded celebrations also act as a faithful solution for the bedroom. It is important that what is drawn, associated with you with pleasant feelings, joy, romanticism.

And does not play an absolutely no role that the material used a master to create his product - canvas, paper, fabric or something else. It is worth choosing a piece of decor based on its own preferences, as well as guided by the voice of intuition. That's right - this is when you feel like a sympathy with a first look at her.

Acceptable decoration of its bedroom

To all of the above, you will need to add a few more points.

So, it is necessary when placing a bedroom to abandon sharp corners, teeth, ribbed decorative elements, gypsum relief ceilings - all this is not the best solutions, how to decorate the bedroom. The very big danger of Feng Shui has decor elements similar to spears and arrows. Release your interior from everything that carries some threat or energy of aggression.

Instead, it is worth using different crystals forming an interesting game of light. They will contribute to a successful conception plus harmonize relations in a pair. At the same time, individual decorations and whole compositions can be used as crystals. In order to continue the game of light in the conditions of artificial lighting, the crystals are worth hanging on the chandelier or lampshade.

Science Feng Shui expresses extremely negative attitude towards mirrors in the bedroom. Experts of this teaching are confident that reflecting items extremely negatively affect relations between partners. In addition, the mirrors act as conductor to parallel reality through which different other entities can penetrate into the dwelling.

And this attitude towards the mirrors is accepted not only in Feng Shui - many other mystical teachings practiced different rites using mirrors, as well as in many nations, the custom of the mirror wrapping is popular when someone dies.

In the same cases, if the mirrors for the bedroom, in your opinion, are a necessary attribute, you need to come up with a method for reducing the reflective surface. For example, at night the mirror can be covered with the curtain. It is important that in no case there is no reflection of sleeping people.

Also note for yourself that the bed in the bedroom must be placed in such a way that the feet of the legs go to the door. Do not place the bed headboard towards the window, to sharp corners or cabinets or towards the toilet. If this is not possible, it is not possible and you are forced to encounter one of the listed factors, it is worth wrinkling from the problem with the help of a screen or curtain - this will help protect you from adverse effects.

In which places you can post pictures, according to Feng Shui

To answer this question, first of all, you need to study all the functional zones in the bedroom. In the immediate vicinity of the bed, pictures are placed with light unobtrusive plots made in neutral shades. It is unacceptable to hang a picture from the headboard of the sleeping person, the images should be distributed from the side sides of the bed or opposite it.

correctly post pictures not above the head of sleep

In the area of ​​the desktop, hang the corresponding image - with a classic plot, with a predominance of discreet drawings and muted tones.

It will correctly be the pictures in the bedroom opposite the bed so that they are in the most prominent place. True, there is one nuance - in modern planning this place is usually ranked with a TV, which is not completely approved by Feng Shui experts. And even more - the doctrine suggests that all objects of equipment with electromagnetic radiation must be removed from its bedroom to protect themselves from negative informational influences.

In case you are not thinking of your life without television, stay on your favorite films, pleasant comedies, light family films and good cartoons, eliminating news from your "menu" (especially criminal), horror, thrillers and other "fun and positive" programs .

Do not place pictures in your bedroom with the image of the devastating natural phenomena - for example, eruption of a volcanic or discharge of lightning. At the expense of their fullness, strong negative energy will be able to negatively affect your relationship with your second half.

And finally, of course, look at the interesting video:

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