Rules for harmonious placement of mirrors in its bedroom


On the mystical power of mirrors, people were known since ancient times. In Western countries, the fair sex served as a fortune telling with mirrors, and magicians and sorcerers tried to see the future in them. In the eastern states of the mirror were a powerful wubble from unclean strength, for this purpose they should have been worn on her neck. The mirror can be both useful and harmful. From this article you can find out the rules for placing mirrors in the bedroom on Feng Shui.

Where to put a mirror in the bedroom

What energy has a mirror

First of all, you need to deal with the main properties of the mirrors. Thus, the mirror has reflective, attracting, as well as visually reducing or increasing space properties. In addition, the mirrors are able to redistribute the streams of the positive energy of qi. Using the mirror, it becomes possible to adjust unwanted angles and other points.

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You must know that positive energy enters the dwelling through the door, and then stretches to running water. Therefore, if you have a bath or a toilet next to the entrance door, then the entire positive energies, brought with me, will instantly disappear into the toilet or wash off in the bathroom.

In such a situation, it is not without a large mirror. They must be no less than the entrance door itself. In this case, such a mirror is located on the doors from the outer or inside of the bathroom or bathroom.

When placed outside the mirror will reflect the energy of Qi and will not allow its output through the sewage system, and in the case of internal placement, the mirrors will delete negative energy.

But in modern dwellings, these premises are often located opposite the entrance to the house. Then the large mirrors to place on the doors in no case cannot. After all, with such a situation, all the positive energy will be displayed and leave your dwelling.

Mirror in the bedroom

You have already probably managed to understand that the main mystical ability of the mirror is the reflection and multiplication of the power of what it reflects.

For example, if the kitchen mirror will reflect the table, followed by family members, it will contribute to an increase in the family budget.

And if the mirror hangs in the bathroom, it will contribute to the restoration of harmony between the physical body and the mental condition. At first glance, it may seem that such a rule is valid for the bedroom. But here you will find a little disappointment.

The thing is that the bedroom is mainly designed for sleep. And during this restorative process, according to Chinese science Feng Shui, a person can get rid of negative energy. But if the mirror will stand in your bedroom, this stream of energy will double, which is fraught with unfavorable consequences. In the case of an oversupply of the energy of the Qi, the person becomes conflict, the squabbles arise between people living in the house. At first, it will be small inconsideration and misunderstanding, and in the future everything can go to the most real hatred.

It is for this reason that the mirror in the married bedrooms is a kind of catalyst for family conflicts and divorces.

The mirror in the bedroom can cause quarrels

If the mirror will stand in the bedroom of a person living alone, then the negative energy of qi will eventually affect the mental state of such a person. In addition, the negative energy that enhances the mirror reflection will make a person with increasedly susceptible to various pathologies.

You can call another reason why you can not place mirrors in the bedrooms. After all, when the couple is reflected in the mirror, it ceases to be a pair. As a result, there is a violation of the tandem, and the risk of possible change is not excluded. People at the subconscious level seem to configure themselves that other participants in the love couple should arise in life.

But it is not necessary to be afraid, because the negative bans of Feng Shui may well be reduced by a compromise solution. That is, you can put the mirror in your bedroom, but at the same time save yourself from adverse consequences. On how to do it, you can learn further from the article.

How to place a mirror in the bedroom to be safe

It is not for nothing that it is believed that all rules have their exceptions. And if something very much wants, but it is unacceptable, then you can still. There is a similar principle here. If you do not imagine your life without a mirror in the bedroom, but Feng Shui prohibits, you can always find a reasonable solution.

As mentioned above, the mirror will display and multiply negative energy, which comes from sleeping people.

Pay attention to the fact that only sleeping people mean, which means that this placement of the mirror will be required, so that they simply do not affect it. For example, the mirror can be placed on the toilet table, hanged on the cabinet door or even placed on the wall, but only under one condition: in no case should there be a bed and a person or people who live in the room. If you explain differently when you are in bed, you should not see yourself in the mirror.

It is important that you have seen yourself in a mirror from the bed

For Yarya followers of Science Feng Shui there is a ban, first of all, on the mirror ceilings in the bedrooms. The second taboo will be the mirror doors of the cabinets. But in the case when the cabinet is in such a way that the bed is not reflected in it, mirror doors can be allowed. There is also a tricky way to neutralize the negative property of the mirror - just drove it or extinguish with something at night sleep.

It is important to consider not only the point of view of Feng Shui, but also the opinion of many scientists. For example, experts of psychotherapy are confident that, waking up in the middle of the night, a person can experience strong stress when seeing the reflective surface of the mirror. It is not necessary to say that at night a person may be making anything, and in a mirror reflection, such nightmares that will cause the real shock can be understood.

It is for this reason that it is not allowed to put the mirror in the bedroom of their babies. But, as we have already explained, the taboo will spread exclusively on those types of mirrors in which sleeping are displayed.

Therefore, if you have the possibility of such a placement of the mirror, that it will not be noticeable from the bed, it is not worth refusing from it. After all, the mirror has another valuable property - it visually makes the room wider. Please note that not only interior designers are actively used by this technique, but also experts from Feng Shui science in some cases.

Explanatory recommendations

To make a mirror in the bedroom caused harm, you just need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

1. Be sure to place a reflective subject in the frame. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from scattering the energy reflected in it and send it to the right direction.

2. Carefully follow the cleanliness of the mirrors. After all, in this case, they will allocate clean and beneficial energy.

3. Do not place mirrors in rooms in such a way that they are opposite from the entrance or opposite the window. Otherwise you will come across a constant leakage of positive energy from the house.

4. Always dispose of mirrors with cracks and chips. They become in the most direct sense of the word curves, and nothing positive in such a mirror will be displayed.

And the most important thing: you need to always think exclusively about good. After all, all thoughts are material, and thanks to them, we can create our reality as we want. And at the end, be sure to check the interesting themed video:

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