Secrets of harmonious hairdryer Shui houses for happy life


If you dream that your dwelling makes maximally to achieve their goals and successfully self-identifying in various spheres of your life, it is worth listening to art in Feng Shui. Experts of this ancient teaching collected and systematized knowledge about the relationship between the harmonious location of things in the house and success in life in order for the person to make it easier to achieve happiness and good luck in life. In this material we will reveal how the right Feng Shui should be at home.

Right Feng Shui House

What should be the view of the street

It should be noted that only the dwelling can be considered ideal, which was planned and built under your direct leadership. After all, when you live in an apartment or buy a ready-made home, it will definitely be negative factors that violate the harmonious cycling of Qi energy or block it at all. But this problem has its own solution.

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The main point that needs to pay attention is a street view. Extremely negatively on the energy state of your home will affect other at home, construction sites near your home, as well as passing power lines and the absence of trees and other plants.

In order to neutralize the negative energy (called Sha), it should be put on its windowsill plants that will absorb the entire negative. Geranium, basil and cacti are performed as such healing colors (the worse you have a window outside the window, the more like cakes with longer spoys need to choose).

Additionally, on each window, it is recommended to place the mirror of the Gods so that the reflecting side is directed outward. These items will not allow incoming negative energy into your home, and therefore improve the overall atmosphere of the room.

Excellent protective properties have wind music. It is recommended for the windows of the Chinese Paroda, which is represented in the form of five or seven tubes, as well as the bell, decorated feathers. At the same time, it is not very important from what these magical items are made is much more important that the sounds published by them caused pleasant emotions.

Sharp corners, mirrors and wall colors

Sharp corners poorly affect the overall energy condition of the dwelling. Of course, you will not be able to get rid of them completely, but it is quite realistic to reduce their negative effects. To do this, you should hang on the chandelier or flooring small balls from the crystal, and put vases of a rounded shape on the tables. Due to this, it will be balancing the streams of positive and negative energy, which means that the positive in your life will noticeably add.

To protect yourself from the negative, it is important to separate attention to the location of the mirrors. Do not place them in such a way that they have reflected items that have pointed angles. The ideal option is when the mirrors will double useful things, such as boxes with jewels, home plants, dishes or products. It will not only activate the stream of energy qi, but also will have a positive effect on your material condition, plus will help achieve mental harmony.

You can improve the energy of your home and with the help of a properly selected color of the walls. So, if some room home is too replete with sharp corners or if there are a lot of sharp objects in the kitchen (knives, forks, and so on), Feng Shui advises to paint the walls in yellow. In this case, they will, firstly, visually expand the room, plus they will attract sunlight into it. People in such a room will feel calmly, and also neutralized the stream of energy Sha.

Yellow wallpapers are very successful

Also harmonization of energy contributes to the green color. At the same time, do not forget that gentle-green and herbaceous shades increase the performance, fill in vigor, and dark-green, bottle or bright emerald, on the contrary, are inclined to relax. Based on this, it is worth choosing a suitable tone for a bedroom, a living room or a working office.

Right house plan

The teachings of Feng Shui provides for a number of principles according to which items should be located in housing:
  • So, in the northern part of the dwelling responsible for his career, as well as in the south in the field of fame and self-realization, the ideal placement of the working office.
  • In the Western region of the house, which is responsible for creativity and children, is best to have a children's room or art workshop.
  • The eastern sector, which is family and responsible for their health, is ideal for living room and kitchen.
  • The central part is also well suited for rooms in which all residents of the house are gather, for example, living room, but there is no need to make the kitchen.
  • The North-Western region is the area of ​​assistants and trips, it is best to store equipment, sports and tourist equipment. It does not suit the accommodation in this area of ​​the washing machine.
  • Northeast is the sector of wisdom and knowledge, it is ideal for arranging a library or a working office.
  • The southwestern part of the house is responsible for love and marriage, so it is best to do the bedroom.
  • Southeast area is the zone of money, it is ideal for arrangement of a working office, safes, but not at all suitable for creating a kitchen and a living room.

5 Useful recommendations for home from Feng Shui


It is necessary that your home is always clean. After all, Qi's energy suffers much more from deposits of unnecessary objects than even from sharp corners and unsuitable objects outside the window.

Clean - key success

Use talismans

To activate different sites, it is worth using special talismans Feng Shui, as well as affirmations and objects that are related to the elements to which at home or the other area of ​​the house are.

Activation of one or all zones

If you are a newcomer in the art of Feng Shui, do not activate all areas at home immediately. You should start with those in which areas you feel fail in life. And leave other sectors for the future, when you set the most patients to you themes.

Stick up measures

You should not load each talisman sector. After all, each of them has its meaning, performs various functions, and in the case of the brute force, the amulets can enter into an imbalance with each other. And in the end, get a completely unpredictable action.

Fight with dust

It is necessary to control that talismans, indoor plants, as well as plates with affirmations and other mystical attributes used to activate one or another site, were not buried under the dust layer. Dust provokes stagnation in affairs, as well as fraught with various obstacles.

Of course, it is absolutely naive to believe that by equipping your home according to all Feng Shui rules, you can relax and just wait until luck becomes a person. The energy of qi only contributes to the creation of favorable circumstances to improve your life, and the way you will use it, will depend on you.

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