What should be the right hairdryer shui desktop


Do you dream to always cope with your work, do not feel fatigue, get a good salary and feel confident with colleagues and boss? In this case, you will definitely need to seek help from the ancient art of Feng Shui. In this material we will reveal you the secrets of the right Feng Shui for your desktop.

What should be a workplace on Feng Shui

Magic workplace on Feng Shui

The providence inhabitants of China and Japan long ago notice that the ancient system of knowledge Feng Shui can be applied with the same success not only to arrange housing, but also its work room. Over the past twenty years in domestic states, the trend towards the arrangement of offices according to the principles of Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular. Further we will talk about the right choice of space for your desktop.

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Work is an active activity that symbolizes Yang energy. And this means that it is necessary to ensure the appropriate situation in its workplace. Take care of sufficient solar illumination of your office, while in the interior must prevail bright light colors.

In the event that you perform your work at home, you need to equip your workplace in the room, which is located as close as possible to the entrance to the house.

The place will not be very calm if you sit on the direct stream of the Qi's energy passing in the form of a straight line from the entrance to the dwelling to the window or another door (if available). Because of this, you will feel healthy stress, but conflict situations associated with work are not excluded. It does not always affect the workflow badly, but if you do not react to stress and want to secure a calmer place, then place your table of diagonally the entrance door.

That's right - this is when you sitting at your table, see the front door well. When the door is located behind you, the concentration of attention will worsen, since you will constantly turn your head. And the metaphorically it can manifest itself in the form that some important things with events will have "behind the back".

You shouldn't also sit back to the window, perfectly sit so that you constantly saw the window - it can be on the side or opposite from you. Rear from the working person should be placed the wall or something else that can give support, as well as ensure confidence with stability. To strengthen this action, you can place a picture behind yourself, on which the majestic mountain is drawn.

A very important point is the observance of perfect purity and order on your workplace. Perhaps you noticed that it was gradually in the workplace of paper dodes, it becomes more and more. How do they act on a working person? Of course, carrying negative energy. The most of all you have documented on the table, the more you will feel unfulfilled work, you will be buried by the routine, the inner severity - the bumps are the most real cemetery for human performance. Therefore, quickly eliminate all unnecessary items from your desktop!

After that, spend a thorough audit on the tables of the tables, in which it was probably a long time ago had enough different pieces of handles, as well as broken items of the office. All these items worsen the process of flowing positive energy, and the use of broken things according to Feng Shui, and is at all danger. Therefore, hurry to quickly get rid of all this garbage.

Bardak in the workplace

As for the table, you need to stay on large, roomy and sustainable versions. If a computer is also located on the table, make sure that there is enough free space. After all, it is associated with all your endeavors, as well as your scope in matters, so it is worth making space as suitable for efficient work.

At the same time, the trim of the table should be as simple as possible. You should not pull the energy that you need to perform work tasks, on a complex table decor or coupling thread. Also abandon sharp, asymmetric decorative elements, especially metallic - they are able to cause you significant harm. It is best to buy tables from a natural base, wooden products are the most favorable art feng shui.

Overview of the desktop sectors in Feng Shui

Similar to any other space, Feng Shui shares your table to eight equal sectors protruding the symbols of the main spheres of human life. By activating them on your table, you will add yourself comfort and confidence in work. At the same time, the octahedron of the Ba-Gua should be placed in relation to the desktop several devil. You need to divide your table into three areas - the central, right and left. As a result, the main sectors controlling the labor process are obtained.

central part

In the central part of the table there are three most important workspaces:

  • Directly in front of the sitting is located area responsible for career growth and prospects;
  • A little further from her, but also in the center, there is an area that controls the scale of projects, as well as providing space to implement them. It is very important that these areas are clean and free. Thanks to this, you can secure further prospects;
  • The next central region is the zone of glory, located in the distant edge of the table. This plot is associated with human achievements, his aspirations and expectations. If you work in a large organization, in this area it is worth posting the logo of your company, as well as personal awards.

If we are talking about a home office, in this area it is worth putting the symbols of your future exploits. For example, if you practice creative activity, you can accommodate some reward here for achievements in the specified area of ​​life.

In this sector, put your awards

Right part of the table

On the right side of the sitting, three other areas are located: the creative (at the top), the area of ​​assistants and patrons (the right lower part), as well as the area responsible for the relationship in the family.

The creative zone recommends the placement of documents relating to the completed projects, some successful works. Put here what has already ended. But we can wonder overdo it - you should not bother the area and put too much to put here. Just symbolically support zone.

The patrons and assistants are necessary for everyone, so you carefully furnish this zone. The location of its location is the right lower corner of the table. In this area, Feng Shui experts advise you to put the working phones.

The last sector is a family and marriage zone located in the area of ​​the right upper angle. Being at work, it is always nice to think about what you also have a family, so it is worth putting some kind of cute family photo in this site. Thanks to this, you fill the workbook with positive emotions, as well as additionally motivate yourself to active work.

Left part of the table

On the left side of the tables are extremely important for workers, responsible for wealth, material benefits, health and knowledge.

  • The left top of the table is the money zone. Therefore, it recommended placement of money. Also here can stand symbols of financial good luck on Feng Shui, for example, the famous three-wave zhabka. Or here can be placed a piggy bank, which can be supplied with a red ribbon on top or cover with a red napkin - it is this color that is very well suited for wealth;
  • Health area is located in the left side of the table. It is responsible for the physical forces of a person, as well as his business activity, so in this area it is recommended to put current materials in order for them to have enough strength. Therefore, all the projects that you are working on now, it is worth a stack in the area, and then you will definitely complete them soon;
  • In the lower left corner of the table is the area of ​​knowledge. It is suitable for the placement of traditional wisdom symbols or sources of knowledge, for example, directories or other books.

Now you know how to equip your workplace in the office in the office or at home. Thanks to this, you will make the workflow easier, pleasant and ensure high profits and a constant influx of new customers.

At the end it is worth viewing the thematic video. Footage:

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