Sector and the compass for feng shui: the north-east, south west and the other


Practical philosophy of Feng Shui involves the creation around us harmony in everything. Activate your life energy qi perhaps using points of the compass (north, south, east, west), a compass and an array of Ba Gua.

general information

Scientific evidence on the effectiveness of this practice does not exist, and in academic circles it is considered to be pseudoscience. But many remember about these oriental principles when it comes to important life aspects: foundation of the future house, organization and promotion of business, wedding and birth of children.

The popularity of Taoist philosophy to improve your own space led to the fact that the basic principles and rules of Feng Shui have become more adapted and comprehensible to ordinary Russian citizen.

The strength of the matrix Ba Gua

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The basic idea is to strengthen the good flow of creative energy around us. For it is proposed to divide the basic values ​​of human life into nine zones: love, career, wealth, family, children, health, travel, fame, knowledge.

Each of these aspects of life corresponds to a compass direction (side beam). To achieve success in any area of ​​life helps the knowledge of how to activate the desired sector.


Basic Definitions of sectors

  • North - life purpose of man, his peculiar way of self-actualization.

This party is responsible for everything related to career and personal growth. Dominating element - water. Favorable light range of sectors: black, color of wet asphalt, light blue, dark blue.

  • South - to maintain personal self-esteem, self-confidence and recognition of the success and influence in society.

The south side is particularly interested in ambitious and rather selfish people who have high standards and long-term plans to achieve their goals. Pylayusche red color will help make the universe to think about your intentions. The elements of the south - Fire.

  • East - family values ​​can be displayed on a higher level, activating this direction. Build relationships between different generations of children and parents, make friends hostile and resentful relatives, create an atmosphere of kindness, love and dedication in the family helps correct design of the eastern part of the space.

This sector is subject to the natural element of the forest, taiga. The main element of the zone is a tree. The most benevolent color is green and all its shades. In this zone, freshness of the winter garden or juice of spring young grass can be felt. Everything will ban the creative process.

  • The West is responsible for the creative potential of the personality, and also applies to everything that is associated with children (real, future, other people's or adoptive). Natural element of the west side - metal.

Features of the happy color scheme are associated with a saturated white, silver, metallic tint, as well as golden tones. The activation of the western part of the world gives the personality hope to continue the kind, to gain the heir.

And those who are associated with a creative profession that requires colossal emotional loads, this equipped sector promises a sea of ​​positive moments from its own revealed talent.

Some sectors (wealth, love, wisdom, travel) occupy a place between the main parties of the world.

  • Southeast - responsible for financial stability, prosperity and monetary abundance. Those who seek to take a leading position, to strengthen in their dominance in the social environment, should also be carefully engaged in this direction. After all, it is with a high income that comes power and influence in society.

This direction also supports the element - wood, and the appearance of green shades in this side will affect the growth of human well-being. But since the tree loves a lot of moisture, the concomitant element of this sector will be water in the form of a beautiful and pure vessel with decorative fish, aquarium. But in no case in this zone should not be the current crane, which, on the contrary, foreshadows losses and losses.

  • Southwest - promotes love and creating a marriage union. This is the earthly sector, since its natural element is the Earth. Color range, which opens the corridor for the energy of Qi, may be earthy shades, but not necessarily. This zone is supported and flourishes in pink, scarlet and tomato spectra of paints.

Pay special attention to this side of the matrix people lonely or loose, those who are looking for their love or want to strengthen the relationship. Girls, languishing in anticipation of the sentence from the beloved, it is worth a particularly seriously examining the detailed topics of this zone and to pay the time for the purity of space.

Must with any symbolism of love, things should exclude a reminder of past love failures. It is worth keeping pair items that exclude a hint of false independence, feminism, love for gratefulness. Male and female energy in this sector should be an equal amount.

  • Northeast - this direction helps to store and multiply the luggage of knowledge and wisdom. Someone this sector will help to come to enlightenment, insight, deep prudige.

Having worked with this zone, you can be inspired by new ideas, search for other personal development paths, gaining skills to work in a new area of ​​activity. And for someone it can be the opportunity to convey its unique experience and knowledge to a promising student. Only a wise person can understand how free he is to get everything wishes.

  • North-West - the direction has a two-digit value, on the one hand, is responsible for assistants, and on the other, for successful trips and travel. Natural element - metal. Color that causes the positive activity of this direction, ash-white, metal, silver, as well as shades of gold and emerald white.

Competent work with this sector will help the owner to find support at the most unexpected moment, help can come from who you did not count at all. For this, it is important that this zone filled photos or portraits of the people respected, whose authority has long been uninterrupted for you.

Dreaming to go on vacation It is necessary to visualize the desire in the north-west of the space that you are constantly surrounded. The brighter and more real for you, this picture, the faster you bring the moment of departure to the distant country.

  • The center of the Matrix Ba Gua refers to health. Feng Shui's philosophy is paying great importance to personal well-being. After all, the presence of good health depends on the desire to change all other spectra of their own life for the better.

An important natural element of this direction is the Earth. Her presence can be expressed in the shades of terracotta (brown with a red element). But since the center is directly related to each sector, the variety of color gamma is not limited here.


Walking cheerfully and look good, change the figure, find motivation for sports is recommended in the center to put a fruit vase, a pure drinking water jug, hang a beautiful crystal chandelier, illuminating a large space.

This eastern philosophy is very fascinating, but it is necessary to comply with the principles: cleanliness, naturalness, harmony, measure and non-rotation of sectors. You should have fun and enjoy from our transformations, and not to accumulate all the time on an unnecessary subject, thinking when the magic will work out.

Practical advice to enhance aspects of life

First you need to decide on the space that you plan to improve. You can start with the smallest - with improving your workplace. If you dream about big changes, make the arrangement of the office or apartment.

Arrangement in the apartment

  1. The first stage is the compilation of the room scheme and the general cleaning of the rooms. Get rid of extra afflictions, dust and dirt - one of the most important conditions for the adoption of flow and positive energy flows.
  2. Split a schematic pattern on a matrix consisting of nine squares equal to sizes. Do not rush to sign the zones of squares, as you must first decide on the sides of the light, and this will require a compass.
  3. Stand up in the middle of your office or at home and define a compass North, South, East and West. Fix directions according to your plan. Align the compass values ​​with the scheme can be by drawing the cross vector (the same as on the device).
  4. Determine the exact directions (south-west, southeast, north-west, northeast) between the main parties of the world and also reflect on the plan. After that, you can safely sign the sectors, identifying them with the zones of real space.
  5. Deciding with zones, you can understand what is missing or that destroys the vitality of Qi in this room. In order to be clearly, sign the possible options for changes for each room in accordance with the definitions that were previously described.
  6. The space should not be overloaded with symbolic statuette, figures, pictures. It should be functionally convenient and pleasant to your contemplation.
  7. After making changes, you must carefully maintain an existing order. If you put a tree in the family or wealth zone, you need to carefully care and water. Dry leaves or dead roots will bring the destructive energy of Shi, preventing your welfare and family idyll.
  8. Wear information about those objects that activate one or another sector. For example, if you lack fame or recognition by colleagues of your talent and experience, it is not necessary to post all your awards and diplomas in the Slava sector. It is enough to arrange a cone-shaped pyramid on the desktop. After all, the triangular items personify the fire (zone symbol), the desire to strive up and do not stop there. A pendant ladder is a tree symbol that feeds your fire. And then you will be constantly focused by new ideas and goals leading to success.

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