Layout of the house on Feng Shui - Features and Rules


Unlike the owners of apartments, owners of private houses can afford to design and build a house at their own desire. Having done this for all the rules of the teachings of Feng Shui, you can help yourself in gaining a happy and decent life:

  • Create harmonious family relationships.
  • Come down strong health.
  • Care of career and business.
  • Increase financial wealth.


Anyone who plans to acquire a land plot and build a house, can choose the right area, calculate the good location of the house, correctly arrange it and create an internal layout. The correct layout of the house on the teaching of the Feng Shui will help to increase and maintain the energy of qi (positive energy that gives harmony and consent) and avoid the accumulation of Energy Sha (negative energy, bringing into the house of misfortune and sadness).

Choose a plot

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If you want peace and harmony in the house, you need to arrange it in place with the right energy. You need to choose a plot for construction with special care, given all the nuances.

  • The location of the private house next door to high-altitude houses will be unfavorable. In such blocks, the energy of Qi circulates badly, but the energy of Sha will constantly fall into the house.
  • A good option for the location of the house is a separate cottage settlement or a special village with similar buildings. In places where the houses are built in a similar style, positive energy accumulates.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the surrounding nature. Perfectly suitable picturesque place. The energy of Qi loves beautiful natural zones, parks, forest arrays. However, trees should not be much. Many shadows and many sun can harm.
  • A good addition to the site will be natural reservoir, such as a pond.
  • The location in the nizin will not be the most successful option.

The main condition for the selection of the area is the harmony of nature. The naked field is not suitable, like solid hills. Trees must be, but not much. Surrounded by natural harmony and the house will be filled with spiritual harmony.

Feng Shui Plot

How to locate the house

After selecting the site, it is worthwhile to do the right position of the house. In addition to the correct location in parts of the world, you need to take into account some other characteristics.
  • If you chose the corner area, then the house is located at the outer corner at the intersection of two roads is not worth it. In such a place there is no concentration of the energy of qi, but the energy of Sha is abuse. In such a plot, the house is best placed inside the site.
  • The presence of a reservoir on the site is a good tool for attracting energy, but only in the case of the right house. The house should stand to the water reservoir of the central facade. If so it does not work, then the house is to burn from the reservoir fence.
  • The location in the center of the plot can badly affect the energy industry at home. It is believed that he has no support and protection that he stands in the middle of emptiness. Build a family in such a house will be problematic.
  • The house is better to shift from the center, but not straight to the fence. There should be free space between them.
  • The fence on the plot should be low, especially if the house is one-storey. Because of the high fence of the energy of qi, it will be hard to get to the site and to the house.

How to issue a local territory

When the house is built, it is necessary to landscap the courtyard. The launched plot will attract the energy of Sha. There should be flower beds and flower beds on a well-kept plot, but the central door to the house should not be fallen. It is necessary to open the maximum to access the Energy of Qi.

The path to the house should not be straight, but winding with smooth bends. If there is no possibility to make it such, then you need to do at least to make it straightened to the central gate or fence.


Shape of the house

For the construction of the house for all the rules of Feng Shui, it is important to determine the form of the future at home. Teaching recommends building a house in the form of a correct square or rectangle. In the house of such a form it will be easier to make a layout and divide the premises on the Zone of Bagua. Houses of bizarre and improper forms, for example, in the form of letters P or g, it is better not to choose. In the house of such a form it will be difficult to zonate space.
  • The entrance door should be wide to access the house of proper energy.
  • The more windows, the better.
  • The shape of the house should be symmetric and correct.
  • The roof is also the correct symmetrical shape - the correct duplex, four-tight, pyramidal, oval, round, pagoda.

How to properly relate a house with the sides of the world

There are no unambiguous interpretations and the right layouts at home on the sides of the light. It must be selected individually, given the needs and features of tenants.

The main entrance for energy are windows and doors, so the central entrance needs to be determined on the side of the light, the energy of which is important.

  • North - a self-knowledge zone. Will help you know yourself. It will contribute to the establishment of a calm closed life, supporting philosophical moods. Suitable for those who prefer loneliness and calm.
  • South is the energy of activity, the opposite of the North. Forces residents to live more active, filling the house by movement and life. There will always be many guests and events here. The tenants of this house will bring things to the end.
  • West - the energy of the conclusions and results. It helps to understand in complex matters, contributes to the success in his career and business, avoid complex negative situations.
  • East - energy of updates. Brings fresh ideas, gives new forces in difficult situations, helps in conceived endeavors.

There are also mixed streams of the energy of the lights of the light, which can also be oriented the location of the house.

Planning at home on the grid Bagua

If you are just going to build a house, it is better to take into account all the features according to the teaching of Feng Shui. It is better to do everything immediately according to the rules than to eliminate the consequences. Mesh Bagua will help help in the layout.

What is Bagua

Bagua grid is an octagon with a functional center. This is a peculiar scheme of the location of the streams of different energies in the rooms. All sectors of the scheme are responsible for any sphere of human life:

  • Career.
  • Trips.
  • Children, creativity.
  • Marriage and love.
  • Glory.
  • Wealth.
  • A family.
  • Knowledge, wisdom.
  • Health.

Each sector has its own direction and its tools for amplifying or neutralizing the incoming energy.

The grid of Bagua in the classical presentation will be difficult for non-professional. The correct placement can make a professional consultant on Feng Shui. For the rest, created the square Lo-Shu. In it, each cell corresponds to the octagon sector.


Bagua overlay

If there is a desire to make your home on all the canons of Feng Shui, Bagua can be correlated and imposed on the drawing or project. If the house is still only at the project development stage, then do everything according to the rules will not be difficult.

If the house has already erected the box, then the internal layout and partition can be made according to the Bagua grid. For this, it is also worth correlating with the drawing and adjust it according to plan.

When there is a drawing before your eyes, then directly on it you can draw a square or a rectangle according to its size, taking the base structure of the house for the base, the external walls. Having drawn the square of the square in accordance with the parties to light, divide it into 9 sectors in accordance with the Bagua grid. Non-residential and adjacent to the house buildings, such as a balcony, terrace, a veranda or porch, are not included in the card.

Having distributed the zones in the drawing, you can embody it all into life. Placing the room according to zones, you will create favorable conditions for the energy of Qi, which will reign in your home.

Map of energy will prompt, in which place is best located the kitchen, children's, bedroom and living room. The correctly composed scheme will help to use zones that need to be activated to achieve positive results. This can help various tools Feng Shui. The most "working" tools affecting a specific zone are specified in the Bagua grid:

  • interior colors;
  • decor items;
  • Decoration Materials.

The doctrine of Feng Shui was formed by millennia, so it will be problematic from the first time itself and make the right layout. Competently equip your home so that it is full of harmony in all spheres of life, can consultant on Feng Shui. If such a specialist will still work together with the designer and designer, then the house will be full of energy necessary to its owners.

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