Bedroom on Feng Shui: What should be ideally


The bedroom is an important room in the house, because it is in it that we will move away from everyday problems, restore our energy after heavy labor everyday life. To the question of its design it is worth a sufficient responsibility. I suggest you find out what should be the bedroom on Feng Shui - the ancient Chinese art of harmony of man and the surrounding world.

Bedroom rules on Feng Shui

What energies are present in the bedroom?

Fenzui determines in bedrooms 3 types of energy:
  1. Yin - The source of a female start, in the interior is reflected with light shades and soft textures.
  2. Jan. - personifies the male energy that the dark colors express.
  3. Q. - Specifies the source of human vitality. Qi is the main energy of life, to live without which it is impossible to any living being in the world. It is extremely important to maintain the correct circulation of the energy of qi. Otherwise, everything in life will begin to go awry, joy and harmony will disappear.

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Further you will get acquainted with the main techniques that allow harmonize space in the bedroom.

Correct location

If you live in a large apartment, in which there is an opportunity to choose a bedroom from several rooms of rooms, it is important for the first thing to understand for yourself, what is your main goal in this matter. We are talking about that located in different parts of the light room for recreation and sleep will have a different atmosphere.

  • South - Make your life more romantic and passionate, finding the bedroom in this zone greatly stimulates sexual relationships. Accordingly, if you wish to add a light into your intimate, place the exhaust in the south.
  • Southeast - And this direction positively affects finances, attracts good luck in business issues.
  • Southwest - If possible, it is worth abandoning the placement of the bedroom in this direction. It is extremely unsuccessful: here is a restless energy, depriving healthy sleep, as well as leading to increased anxiety, nervous voltage.
  • North - An ideal place where Fenshui advises to place a bedroom. In this case, the owners of the apartment will be able to enjoy a calm deep sleep, completely relax and restore their strength. True, if you and so by nature a very calm person, the north hypertrophies this quality.
  • Northeast - The too actively stimulates the energy stream of qi, and therefore it is not suitable for people who have sleep disorders, as well as strongly susceptible to stress factors.
  • Northwest - A favorable direction for adult couples, which have long been married, who have no special health problems, in a pair of which harmony reigns. Then the bedroom in the northwestern part of the dwelling will help maintain and without this excellent relationship.
  • East - It has very active energy. It will be useful for newlyweds or just young people - will give a charge of vitality than contributing to the conquest of new vertices, stimulates personal and social growth.
  • West - acceptable for those who want to raise romance in their pair. The west direction of the bedroom helps to improve personal relationships, but does not affect the money and material benefits positively.

If you suffer from problems with sleep, nervous system disorders, manifest increased attentiveness, choosing a place for your bedroom. Listen to Fenshui Recommendations.

Bedroom on Fenshui: Rules

The art of Feng Shui in the design of his overtaking advises also the following rules:

  • make sure that the bedroom does not move opposite the bathroom;
  • Place it as far as possible from the entrance to the house;
  • The bed must be hidden from outsiders.

A very big problem is an incorrectly located door to the bedroom. The final decision becomes the transfer of the latter, however, this option is not always real. How do you need to correctly place the door?

  • It is impossible that the door to the bedroom is opposite the bathroom is fraught with failures in life. To neutralize this location, you must install the screen;
  • It is also forbidden that the door is located opposite the stairs: Feng Shui claims that the energy of qi ceases to be controlled and begins to negatively influence a person;
  • The open door - leads to fatigue, a sense of discomfort, so if you left the bedroom, be sure to cover it.

No less important is the location of windows, because they are on Feng Shui - "Eyes" at home. On which of the directions of the world are addressed, the total atmosphere of the room depends largely. For the bedroom, the optimal location of the windows in the eastern or southern parts of the house.

Bedroom in yellow color scheme

Fenshui believes the windows "children doors". Therefore, they must be in the house in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3, but no more.

No less attention should be given to the correct lighting of the overtake. If during the daytime the lighting is insufficient, then it is permissible to use lamps. But then choose the most simple options. And carefully follow their cleanliness: the accumulation in the dust luminaires and dead insects will use the negative energy of Sha, from which it should be released.

When choosing a lamp, give your preference to yellow shades. Fengusui considers an inappropriate presence in the bedroom of cold halogen light.

What other prohibitions and recommendations exist in Chinese teaching?

  • Purchase semicircular furniture on which there are no sharp corners;
  • Parently watch the cleanliness of the room: do not allow that things are scattered in the bedroom, since they violate the harmonious energy flow;
  • Provide a calm atmosphere in this room: refuse to locate here various mobile devices, TV;
  • If your goal is to attract your soul mate, then place a double bed in the room, put two bedside tables;
  • According to the philosophy of the East, the fireplace is a symbol of fire elements, it has a positive effect on the dwelling, but the most successful location for it is a living room. The fireplace supplised in the bedroom will affect the quality of sleep.

Color palette bedrooms

The art of Fengsui recommends the design of the walls opened in a light, pastel color scheme that attracts the energy of Yin. And that, in turn, will make sleep calm, but an emotional state is balanced. There is a huge amount of pastel colors: dairy, beige, peach, light green, lilac, gentle pink, lilac, soft blue.

Bedroom in the Color Gama Yin

With the male energy Yang is associated dark color scheme. She, unlike calm in, does not pacify, but, on the contrary, burst. Therefore, be careful with these shades. And if they decided to take advantage of them in their bedroom, apply in minor quantity.

Recommendation. We come to the logical conclusion that, wishing to add activity, cheer up, you should add dark paint to the interior. Accordingly, and vice versa - cause harmony, peaceful shades.

Now let's figure out with the meaning of each of the shades on Fenzui.

The Yin palette is represented by the following colors:

  • White - symbol of calm, cleanliness, balance. This shade will help eliminate aggression, ensure a peace.
  • Blue - It is an ideal tone for meditation. Dark versions of blue reveal the internal channels of human wisdom. And the blue is associated with the sea and the sky, he will tell about communication with nature.
  • Violet - Tint of violet got the last place in the color spectrum. It is associated with the awareness of the true meaning of what is happening, spiritual harmony, the healing of the physical body.
  • Black - In Feng Shui symbolizes finances. Take advantage of them, wanting to achieve power or improve your career.

The tones of the Yin palette provide motivation, stimulate a person to action. They will charge enthusiasm, will give energy to implement the goals set.

From the flowers of Yang allocate:

  • Yellow - The color of the Sun, fills the vital energy, enhances its course on the human body. Also causes association with life, friendliness, positive emotions. But with its excess - fraught with unrest, elevated concern.
  • Orange - Provides the proper wording and expression of thoughts, activates mental activity. If you arrange a room in an orange shade, increase your creativity, improve the concentration of attention.

Speaking about other shades of Gamma Yang, it is impossible to forget about red, golden and burgundy colors. They contribute to the involvement of good luck, finance and romantic mood.

Make your overtaking according to the rules given, and you will be perfectly hurt, and also perfectly feel in life.

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