What color wallet attracts money


It is important to keep your funds not only in which wallet, but in a special, because it is precisely it affects financial success. It is unlikely that someone dreams of losing their blood earned money, it is one of the reasons why when buying a wallet is studying the rules of bioenergy and art of Feng Shui.

If you, like me, it is interesting to know which color wallet attracts money, then I propose to do it right now.

In which wallet will always drive money

On what shade of the wallet stop their choice

The color of night

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Although part of people and considers black shade negative, such a statement is incorrect. On the contrary, the purchase of a black purse will be able to eliminate financial difficulties from life.

And in addition, it should be noted that the black color symbolized fertility from our distant letters. Opening your choice on such a colors of the wallet, you will ensure success and prosperity in finance.

Fiery red

Red inherent strongest energy. She can attract human and material benefits in life, and good luck. In addition, thanks to the bright red shade wallet you will become more confident.

Planning to buy a product just such a shade? Then do not save on it by choosing a pummy of genuine leather.


Snow shade protrudes the comfort symbol, which helps to keep the money in the wallet of the specified color. But, on the other hand, such a wallet is very impractical: you will have to constantly wipe it from pollution. Finance is not attracted to dirty and unsembly wallets.

Golden and silver

Tone expensive metals by default symbolize wealth. For this reason, the purchased wallet of one of the listed shades will protect you from cash.

And to enhance the energy of the silver product, it is recommended to put a silver coin, whereas in gold - from gold. It is unacceptable to be calculated by these coins under any circumstances, since otherwise you will strongly weaken the power of the wallet.

Tint of young grass

This color is very popular in monetary magic, as it is believed that he personifies financial success. If you put the bills in the "house" of such a tone, it activates the harmonious flow of cash flows and will not allow money to quickly leave their home.

There is a simple method that allows you to make a biopol of this purse even stronger. To do this, it is necessary to put a paper dollar into it, but so that the money is stored separately with other money used in everyday life.

Wallets of different colors

Color selection Wallet using numerology

Help in choosing the right wallet will be able to date for your appearance.

How? You should calculate your personal number.

For example, you were born 05/25/1994.

It is necessary to fold all the numbers until one of the unambiguous numbers get (from one to nine).

This is done as follows:

2 + 5 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8. In this example, the eight will become your number of fate.

Numerologists and bioenergy all over 3 basic shades are allocated, suitable for wallets: red, blue and black.

  1. Red shade. It should be given those personality that have figures 3, 5 and 7. You need a living red, as it personifies your temper. You are inspired by your own ambitions, and you also need a constant energy feeding.

In this case, the fiery shade is just perfect: it is perfect for your aspirations, dreams and desires. If you rely on the knowledge of numerology, then your numbers of fate are considered the most greedy to inspiration.

  1. Black tone. Symbolizes wisdom, and not power and perseverance, like red. In the black wallet, all those who have numbers 1, 2 and 8 are needed. In life, you mostly use your life experience, in the first place for you are common sense, and not the sixth sense.

With the help of a black shade, you can perfectly tune in to the desired wave, eliminating extra vibrations. At the same time, it is not about the fact that you do not have intuition, it is simply not in the first place. You have a very strong character, high resistance. Dark wallet will enter the resonance with your inner world.

  1. Blue tone . It can be replaced with purple color, but not blue. The sky is capable of developing intuition in man. The strength of such personalities is the luck and foresight. The blue shade suits you, if the numbers of fate for you are the following: 4, 6 and 9.

You have a highly developed spiritual component. With ease, find the yield even from a very difficult position. And with the help of the purse of the specified color, add more faith to your own forces.

Beautiful blue wallet

Color Wallet to attract money by zodiac sign

Astrologers are recommended when choosing a wallet to consider their zodiacal constellation.

And it works according to the following principle:

  • Aries are worth choosing products of golden, green and all colors of brown.
  • Taurus - Sensual representatives of the zodiac should dwell on the palette, varying from gentle-salad to dark reed shades.
  • Gemini - Mysterious Pets of Mercury will appreciate the entire purple gamut, as well as shades of gray, green and yellow.
  • Cancer - Astrologers advise highly intelligent moon pets to choose a wallet of white, silver, platinum and blue tones.
  • Bright, unrestrained lions give their preference to all shades of red, as well as black and variations of yellow.
  • Virgo - representatives of this constellation adore purity and very restrained. For them, a white, blue, purple and green tones are suitable for them.
  • Scales - rational, but the dual sign of the zodiac is recommended to look at the wallets of white, green, beige and all shades of blue.
  • Scorpio is the most fair constellation that stops on the red and yellow tones of Purse.
  • Sagittarius - Fire Persons will appreciate the wallets of blue and purple color palette.
  • Capricorn - the plump sign of the Earth must buy a gray, black, green and blue shades wallet.
  • Aquarius - representatives of the water element need to look at the wallets of white, silver, azure and blue tones.
  • Fish - the last constellation in the zodiacal circle is inherent well developed sixth sense. Fish should choose for themselves gray, blue, white and silver wallets.

Please note that people who disassemble in esoteric are not recommended to have several wallets at once. Therefore, do not be lazy and pay enough time to search for precisely such a product that is perfect for you from the position of bioenergy.

The wallet is a very important accessory of our image, it is tied to the human energy membrane. So, if you wish to always have enough financial resources, take care of the choice of a new purse!

Finally, I recommend you to view an interesting video on the topic:

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