Olderous names (men's and women): What do mean


Olderous names were used by the Slavs before introducing the Christian faith on the Russian lands. Then they left for a long time in oblivion, but today the fashion for the native faith of ancestors is returned - therefore, people are increasingly deciding to name their Chado by the Old Slavic name.

If you set yourself the same goal, I think you will be interested to deal with the features of the selection of the name in Slavic culture, as well as see a list of male and female names with their meaning.

Slavs and Eagle Photo

Historical information

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The name played a huge role for our great-grandparents: Slavs believed that giving a child or other name, they lay the foundation of his future fate, attract good luck to the baby, guard him from dark forces. Therefore, the names were often given in the amount of not one, but from 3 to 12 - based on the activity of the person and its age.

Interestingly, all the names that a person received from parents or from the gods was nicknames: they did the focus on the characteristic properties of the person, the character or behavior. Each name had a sacred value for the owner.

As a child gave older names

The very first name, the small Slavs received when he appears. He was given by the Father of the kind, and it symbolized the connection with his family, it was designed to protect and help the baby to the energy of the ancestors. It was it that was used in healing, cleansing or filling rituals.

In most cases, the first name was a brief description of the child or indicated the qualities of character, the advantages that parents would like to see in it. Dob Nost, Lubomir, Fun, Milostra - Here are examples of such names.

When the baby reached the age of 12, he was conducted by a rite name. The ritual symbolized the adoption of a girl or a boy from the reason as a full-fledged member, out of the absolute protection of the parents.

The rite had a sacred character, so he could conduct it exclusively the victim (so in the Slavic tradition called priests, wise people). The victim entered the meditative state, engaged in contact with the spirits and gods who opened him the most suitable name for the child.

It was the name obtained during the name of name, had the greatest value for a person all his earthly life. It should be kept in secret, not disclosed to anyone. It was possible to use this name only when communicating with deities or when performing magical rites. And for worldly life, the first name-nickname was still applied.

When Slav grew and chose a certain profession, he was given another name - it characterized the elected type of activity (for example, agriculture, handicraft, cattle breeding or other).

Separately, it is worth telling about the names of Slavic leaders. They received them when they started their way of serving the family and their native gods. The name in this case included the root name name of the Priest's Patron God.

But most often the victims were under the auspices of not one, but several gods, respectively, they had several names. The latter were needed, since three worlds were united at once - Javi (Material Mir), Navi (the world of the spirits of the dead) and the Rules (Divine World) and helped in the safe fulfillment of rituals.

Similarly, the Slavic Warriors received several names. The first was given to them when they decided to stand on the protection of native land, a kind. And the next - appointed on the eve of large battles, military campaigns.

The names of the warriors carried the powerful energy of their native gods, from which Rusichi hoped to receive help and support. They differed depending on what function was performed by the warrior in war, what qualities he was most needed: for example, shields - needed a solid will, imbiberance of the spirit and body; Scouts - in the ability to disguise, light gait and so on.

Slavic family

Varieties of Slavic names

What are the names of children our ancestors called? A total of several of their categories, namely:
  1. Associated with natural elements, animal or floral world: berry, yory, yar, wolf, wind and so on.
  2. Indicating emotions and quality of character: fun, suland, blessing, strength and the like.
  3. Names of their gods: Veles, Lada, Striboga, Yarilo and so on.
  4. Indicating positive values ​​(with roots: love-, good-, cute, rado-) Lubomir, Milostra, Dob Najost, Radomir.
  5. Associated with the meaning of cognition: Balman, Mystery, Gossevo.
  6. Associated with the public device: Vladimir, Derzikray, Gradislav.
  7. Pointing to hospitality: Radogost, Logosost, Dob Nost.
  8. Associated with military activities, struggle: Vislav, Svyatopolk, Ratibor, Borignev.
  9. Indicating fame, honor: Tomislav, Chatbor, Boleslav.
  10. Associated with family theme: sister, Bricomil.

Old Russian names of Slavs: examples, meaning

Now let's turn directly to the options for male and female names, and also learn what they designate.

Slavic male names

  • Agnia - is fiery, light, clean.
  • Bazhen - is God's God.
  • Belimir - is white, clean, light world.
  • Belogor - who came from the White Mountains.
  • Beloyar - manifesting rage.
  • Bogmyl - he Mil Lord.
  • Bogwir - will bear the world to the Lord.
  • Boleslav is the one who glorifies God.
  • Borislav - famous stormy glory.
  • Budimil - will be cute.
  • Bratimir is the one who seeks to the world.
  • Vedar - acts as a victim (wise) man.
  • Venislav - he grows his crown of fame.
  • Vladimir is the one who owns the world.
  • Vladislav is the one who owns glory.
  • Wistoislav is considered a glorious warrior.
  • Vsevolod is the one who owns everything.
  • Heavy-hearted for everyone.
  • Vyacheslav is the one who famute advice.
  • Gradbor - the one who creates strength.
  • Gradimir - is the creator of the world.
  • Daromir - the one who gives the world.
  • Dan - was given by the Lord.
  • Danislav - the one who gives fame.
  • Daredisle - He speaks by a man thinking thinking.
  • Daroslav - the one who gives the floor.
  • Actjan is distinguished by businesslikeness, activity.
  • Probula - he carries good.
  • Dobrolyub - a man who loves good.
  • Dobrynya - is a good man, the goodness.
  • Droboslav - owning expensive glory.
  • Zhdanimir - the world was waiting for him.
  • Welcome - desired baby.
  • Vesser - the one who famute life.
  • Zvenir - one who calls to the world.
  • Zvenislav - Rings glory.
  • Zeaislav - is a very nice man.
  • Zlatozar - has a clear, golden look.
  • Ivan is the one who was born.
  • Igor is an agriculture, militant.
  • Krasimir - owning the beauty of the world.
  • Dustbor - is elected from handsome.
  • Ladimimir - differs in peacefulness.
  • Ladislav - famous beauty, harmony.
  • Love - the one who loves.
  • Gobiotar - Love Love, is a gift of love.
  • Lubomir - He loves the world, and the world loves him.
  • Milawa is a nice, kind person.
  • Miloslav - cute, nice.
  • Mirodar - He gives the world.
  • Mirolyuba - He loves the world.
  • Young man.
  • Mightly - endowed with great power, power.
  • Found is the one who found.
  • Oleg - is lightweight, fast.
  • Ostrich is the one who thinks is acute.
  • HAISTED - endowed with a fellowship.
  • Peresvet is very bright.
  • Premislav - receiving glory.
  • Putyslaw - walking in glory.
  • Radimir is the one who is happy about the world.
  • Radislav is the one who is happy about the glory.
  • Radovale - owning joy.
  • Ratibor - stands in favorite warrior.
  • Rusimir - belongs to the Russian world.
  • Ruslav - is Rusch, a Russian man.
  • Light - light, glowing.
  • Svetosar - the one who illuminates the light.
  • The halby - performs by the Holy Fighter, the warrior.
  • Tikhoslav - endowed with quiet glory.
  • Umil is the one who causes a lunizing.
  • Umir - soothing, pacifying.
  • Prosta - gives pleasure.
  • Khvalimir is a famous world.
  • Herbra - characterized by courage, courage.
  • Stranmar is the one who keeps the world.
  • Tsvetimir - performs a flower in the world.
  • Cessemir - owns the honor of the world.
  • Chestislav - the one who honors glory.
  • Mi'el - is a cute miracle.
  • Shashchalav - lucky one.
  • Yanislav is a nice young man.
  • Mnobor - is elected from fierce guys.
  • Yaromil - acts as a real man, Mil.
  • Yaromir - strives for the world.
  • Yaropolk - acts fierce warrior.

Slavic girl

Older Slavonic women's names

  • Agnia - fiery, bright.
  • Berislava - was elected by glory.
  • Bajena - desired baby in the family.
  • Boguille - she is Mila Most High.
  • Blazhen - stands happy.
  • Branislava - Her crowds Glory.
  • Beloslav - has bright fame.
  • Bogdana - she was filed by the Lord.
  • Bogolyuba - loves his native gods, and they love her.
  • Irself - she has long curls.
  • Velin - loves to command, command.
  • Spring - born in spring.
  • Vladimir is the one who owns the world.
  • Winds - light, air.
  • Vlasta - distinguished by power.
  • Veda - owns knowledge, wise woman.
  • Vera is the one who seeks light, keeps loyalty.
  • Vizsylava - Life of Glory.
  • Veselina - a girl with a cheerful temper.
  • Gordan - has a predetermined character.
  • Guests - acting a peaceful guest.
  • Sushan - spiritual.
  • Draga is expensive.
  • Dobiye - the one who makes good deeds.
  • Druzhna - friendly.
  • Dana - she was given over.
  • Darina - Gift of the Lord.
  • Daromila - a cute gift.
  • Zhdana - her appearance was very much waited.
  • Zlatoslav - has gold glory.
  • Zlata - Golden.
  • Krasimir - has the beauty of the whole world.
  • Beauty - Beauty.
  • Lyuba is loved by love.
  • Lyudmila - She Mila People.
  • Ladoslava - she is loved by glory.
  • Ladomira is good and peaceful.
  • Lubomira - differs in peacefulness.
  • Lyuboyar - she loves God Yaril.
  • Lada - the name of the female goddess, indicates beauty, harmony.
  • Milan is very nice.
  • Miloslava - has a slender glory.
  • Milawa is nice.
  • Milorad is nice and rejoice.
  • Nezhdane - came to this world unexpectedly.
  • Neomila - is gentle and cute.
  • Otrada is a comforter.
  • Olesya - came from the forest.
  • Fireman - fire, burns, but does not burn.
  • Ozar - illuminated.
  • Relap - goes ahead of glory.
  • Rostislava - Glorious will grow.
  • Radmila is cute and joyful.
  • Rada is joyful.
  • Slav - Glory.
  • Svyatoy - light.
  • Snezhana - snowy.
  • Svetosar - her illuminates light.
  • Lesomir - gives light to the world.
  • Svethelika - She has a bright face.
  • Seislava - she is seven-light.
  • Svetlana - light.
  • Colorful - gentle, blooming.
  • Tomir - multi-line.
  • Rusya - Rusovolamaya.
  • Umila is a pretty one.
  • Ulada is the one who burst into English.
  • Stranging is the keeper of the world.
  • Yaromila is cute and young.
  • Yasina - Clear.
  • Yana - born, born.
  • Yaroslav - the one who shines glory.

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