Ella's name: the value, which ability gives the owner


Ella's name is beautiful and rather unusual for domestic countries: not many girls received it at birth. But it is popular in English-speaking states, such as England, Ireland, America, Canada and others.

What value and origin is the name of Ella, which features of character gives his own owner, with which names of men are best combined - about it you will learn from the next material.

The meaning of Ella

Origin and meaning of Ella

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The name of Ella has at the same time several theories of occurrence. The first of them speaks about the Greek roots and translates the name of the words "light", "Zarya".

Turning to the second theory, the name of Ella has Norman roots and is a reduction from the German name alia (translated as "other").

And the third of the versions argues that this name has ancient European roots, translating it from Hebrew as a "goddess". In connection with such a value, his religious Jews did not apply. True, there is another version of the translation from Hebrew "Pistachio Tree", which to one or another allows you to apply this name in Jewish families.

Ella - is a brief form of the name of the Eleanor, which also has 2 versions of the value:

  1. The first, Hebrew - translates him as "God is light."
  2. The second, Greek - makes a translation from the Greek word "Eleos" - "Grace".

Also, the names of Ellen (Elena), Elian, Elina, Isabella and Elvira serve derivatives for Education. Reductantly, the girl is called Ela, Elo, Ellechka or Elusushka.

Interesting! Residents of Western states called Ella Princess Russian Elizabeth Fedorovna.

It is noteworthy that Ella can also affectionately call Gabriella, Michaella, Eleonora and Elfried.

Ella - what character does it have?

As you know, the name postpones the imprint on the temper and behavior of its owner. Ella, what is she in character? In childhood, the little Ellochka is a rather restless child, followed by "eye and eye". It is prone to hysterics and diseases.

The girl gets a lot of parental attention and love that inevitably affects her character: it becomes a capricious, selfish. As a re-education, it is possible to recommend social life: visiting kindergarten or various circles.

Sociable elochka will enjoy interaction with other children. She will like to participate in children's matinees and other events. And she often gets the main roles.

In the future, under the condition of competent education, the character of Ella is improving, it gets rid of the large number of its flaws. Great, the girl becomes more judicious, adheres to the principles of justice.

From the children's age Elle, it is likes to be in the company of adults, she loves to ask them questions. At times, it can even be overly obsessive. Friendly relationships predominantly also turns out of those children who older her.

Adult Ella is actively engaged in self-development: reading smart books, watching interesting films, all sort of expansion of your horizons. Due to which it becomes an interesting interlocutor, who is happy in any society. In school, she has high performance, she studies diligently, and additionally usually goes to some kind of circle.

Pendant name

The carrier named after Ella is distinguished by great society, in connection with which it is not difficult for it to establish connections with other people. Often, she itself becomes the initiator of communication and tying friendly relationships.

Interesting! Ella full name for her is Eleanor.

Talents and disadvantages

The advantages of Ella:
  • good;
  • responsive;
  • loving;
  • Cardiac, compassionate to others;
  • It has a developed aesthetic taste: it is well versed in the concepts of beauty, harmony, refinement.

Disadvantages of Ella:

  • Proposed to "Vitania in the clouds", often lives in the world of illusions;
  • mentally unstable, unbalanced;
  • infantile;
  • Nepunctual and optional - for this reason, it is often afraid to entrust the responsible task, as it can fail it.

Interesting! According to statists in the Russian Federation, only 1 girl from 1000 receives the name of Eleanor.

Love and family life

Ella meaning name, what does the girl say about the personal life of the girl? If she decides to go early to the crown, then it is likely to do myself to divorce. In the life of unmarried, the girl usually takes place several novels, which are completed by parting.

The problem lies in the fact that Elochka is inclined to behave like a child. And she is not too much interested in a sexual life, which invariably disappoints his chosen one. Often it gets married several times (although, of course, there are more successful exceptions to the rules).

It is impossible to call Ella and an ideal hostess: it is difficult for her to cope with their homework, they have to work a lot on this field, gain experience and improve their skills.

Talk about children. It has already been noted that a woman who has Ella name, remains inside the infantile girl for a long time. Therefore, it is not very hurry to get married and give birth to children: it feels his immaturity and moral unaware of this.

No need to be upset, because the time will come when Eleanor realizes that it is ready to fulfill the main female destination - to be a mother and wife. Then she will be able to show their best quality characteristics: surrounding the baby with care, tenderness and love.

Ella will be a good motion that will not apply violence against the child. Her strategy is to act on the principle of the gingerbread, and not a whip, but it behaves wisely, knows how to motivate his offspring, without forcing him to anything.

As a result, the kid from childhood learns purposefulness, independence and hard work. And if the grandmothers offer their care for the baby, then the new mother will not reject her - Ella will be glad to rest a little and pay attention to himself.


Male name compatibility

It is believed that the most successful Eleanor to connect fate with Arnold, Vitaly, Isaac, Lvom and Leonid.

Not very successful will be compatible with Archka, Gennady, Elizar, Pavlin, Merkul, Sazon, Solomon and Eldar.

Day Angel

The owner of Ella is celebrated Angel's Day every year in the fall - October 2.


Eleanor will well be able to independently earn money - for this she has enough talents and abilities. But it is unlikely that it will save them or uses with the benefit for itself - it is too inclined to waste.

Numerologically, the name of Ella is associated with a number 4, which speaks of success in scientific activity or in creativity, the technical warehouse of the mind. Often, Eli show talents in painting, sculpture, design (for example, it can simulate clothing) music and so on.

She likes to walk on museums, theaters, various exhibitions. She is also often attracted by philosophy: it reads the relevant books. But the love of reading does not make it any domical and even on the contrary - the girl will not miss the opportunity to meet with friends, spend time with them.

It is also very careful, stable and reliable. It is recommended to put global goals in front of them and go slowly, but confidently. Then success will not be around the corner.

The main advice for the carrier of this name is to be consistent in its decisions and always begited to logically complete. After all, she can in a rustling of emotions to decide to pick up documents from the institute, which will later regret much.

On the other hand, the advantage of Ella is that it is not afraid of risk and ready to change the usual life (even very sharp and unpredictable). When the girl combines himself with a marriage, work is departed for her to the background, she completely gives up himself to her husband and children.

Famous personalities with the same name

Who from celebrities is rare overseas name?

  • Ella Pamfilova is a Russian politician, the Minister of Social Protection of the Population.
  • Ella Gmainer is known to the world as an opera singer from Germany (performed by mezzo-soprano).
  • Ella Lemhagen - performs Swedish film director.
  • Yomle Berg - Norwegian athlete (skier).
  • Ella Jane Fitzgerald is an American jazz performer. She is called "Lady Ella" or "First Lady Songs".
  • Ella Adaevskaya - is a domestic pianist, composer.
  • Ella Binstock is an artist of the Soviet Union.
  • Ella Diel - is a Russian badmintonist, 14 times received the title of champion in Russia, a master of sports.
  • Ella Wieler Wilcox - poetess from the United States.
  • Ella Maylart - is a popular Swiss writer and traveler.

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