The meaning of the nameman: what will it bring to its owner


The name Amir (Amir) is Muslim, has Arab roots. In the literal translation, its values ​​are as follows: "Lord", "Prince", "Prince", "Mr." or "Head". There are other options for the pronunciation of this name: for example, Emir or Emre (in Turkey).

In the Arab world "Emir" is the title of ruler. The descendants of the Turks use the name of Amir in the preparation of twisted names: Amirhamza, Amirkhan. The names of Amire and Emirs are also known. Pair version of the feminine name - Amir.

Name Amir.

Mystery named Amir.

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Let's find out which riddles hides this oriental name.

Strong sides of the name

Amir stands out on a universal background due to the fact that it is very:

  • active;
  • practical;
  • creative;
  • optimistic;
  • clever;
  • emotional;
  • independent.

Weaknesses names

On the other hand, despite all its obvious advantages, Amir may be:
  • pessimistic;
  • conflict;
  • insecure;
  • secretive;
  • ambiguous;
  • often argue and defends their opinion to a victorious end;
  • Excessive aggressiveness prevents Amir to establish friendly relations with people.

The meaning of the name Amir.

First of all, let's find out what the name Amir is named. So we, of course, do not get the full psychological characteristics of the owner of the name, but we will be able to figure out a little in its main features of the person.

  • Letter A - speaks of leadership, egocentrism, but also initiative;
  • M - will tell about korestolubia, but attention to other people's needs;
  • And - the letter of souiffs, communicability, unity with others;
  • P is a sharp letter, which manifests itself with aggressiveness, overestimated self-esteem.

Amir in childhood

Not all Amirchiki appear on the light of khan, but they are all absolutely sure that early either late, but they have achieved a high social situation. From infant age, they are well aware of their inner strength, which leads them in life.

At the same time, Amir since childhood is very secretive: he does not reveal all the secrets of his soul even his mother, although he loves her very much and respectfully to her until the very end of life.

Even at school, Amir demonstrates complete seriousness, high concentration of attention and responsibility in the performance of duties. Used from the side to watch adults, listening, what they say, seeks to imitate the most authoritative of them.

From children's age, such a boy is aware of the value of money, he learns to earn them independently and accumulate. But many things he does not from sincere desire, but because it is necessary - for example, to learn.

The Amir digesters learns

Despite this, the Amir refers to the process of obtaining knowledge is very serious, as it is eager to achieve the location of teachers and please the parents. In addition, he always remembers that with the help of knowledge you can achieve a high position in society in the future, and this is exactly what is his main goal.

Amir in adult life

As a rule, the carrier of this name meets maturity, being perfectly prepared for it. So, he is not inclined to doubts, fluctuations or contradictions.

In most cases, amirs have a good social situation to age 30 years. That is, they work on prestigious work, live in a luxurious house, move on the personal car of the luxury, conquered a beauty-wife.

All that is not included in the list of the main life values ​​of this man is quickly cut off. And his entire adult life passes through a rigorous schedule, where a certain amount of time is given to work, and definite on entertainment.

Amir in his personal life

A man with a royal name has a very strong energy, to withstand the task is not simple. Not every woman is given to find a power balance with him, just as every business partner will not be able to work with him.

Amires never hide their true feelings and experiences. Therefore, if they didn't like something in you - they will tell about it straight.

A girl who wants to attract the attention of men with the specified name will have to be not easy, because it will have to squeeze through the crowd of his numerous fans. And, in addition, it should be beautiful, elegant, be able to support a conversation and behave correctly in society.

Amirov attracts such types of fair sex representatives:

  • strong;
  • beautiful;
  • notable;
  • domineering;
  • able to be in the spotlight;
  • Holders of hot sexual temperament;
  • who are watching their appearance, always dress in the last fashion.

Amir values ​​women's beauty

At the same time, such MCH will not demonstrate the chief of all its passion. On the contrary, it will prefer to act slowly, but confident. A sewering of this persistent cavalier is practically not possible.

Men amirs often act depending on the circumstances, do not always think about possible consequences. But it is not about the marital responsibility at all - on the contrary, they are faithful to the second half, under no circumstances will not go to betray. The spouse will regularly delight, making her generous gifts, pleasant compliments, in every way taking care of her.

On the other hand, in response, they also expect to get the same care and occasion. Therefore, they choose a woman in wives who can create a real comfort in the house, which will be comfortable and nice to spend time.

Compatibility with female names

  1. The highest wedding compatibility Amirov with such female variants of names: Karinov, Milena, Kirirami, Maliki, Arina, Alesami, Barbars, Julia, Ealina and Irina.
  2. Unions are unsuccessful With Natalia, Olesiam, Svetlana, Elizabeth, Dariami, Margaritami, Elena, Diana, Victoria, Marina, Christina, Eugene and Hope.

Amir in profession

In a professional plan, such a person prefers to work mentally than physically. He is well suited to such professions: a merchant, an employee in power structures, engineer. And he does not seek to certainly take the chair of the head - the main thing is that his work is quite well paid.

And if you contact numerology - ancient science of numbers, then we will find that the name Amir corresponds to the number 7. It in turn characterizes scientists and artists, as well as outstanding religious figures. A great influence on whether the Amir will be successful, will give his ability to competently plan the future.

Sumy to cope with the main disadvantages of his personality, such a man may well be established by the position of the head. If he gives preference to the creative profession, it can sometimes encounter the attacks of despondency and pessimism because of the too developed imagination.

Amires should be concentrated on a specific task, training their perishability if they wish to achieve career successes.

Health Amirov

In most cases, carriers of the royal name have good health. They don't like to hurt and do not know how, therefore, they are usually in a state of vigor and activity.

The only thing that could worsen their well-being is consumed in exorbitant alcohol, too fat, fried food. Then they may suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, liver.

Famous people named Amir

  • Emir Kusturica (born in 1954) - is a famous Serbian and Yugoslav filmmaker, who 2 times received the Golden Palm Branch award for his works.
  • Emir Damar Kokka (born in 1979) - found the glory of a football player from Sudan.
  • Amir Kashiev (born in 1989) is an athlete from the Russian Federation.
  • Amir Rashid Mohammed (born in 1939) acts as a famous Iraqi politician.

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