The meaning of the name Eugene is the character and fate of the fiction


The name of Eugene not only sounds perfectly - this is the female form of the male name Eugene (EVGENES), which translated from Greek means "noble", and therefore innocent nobility distinguishes the carrier of this name. Eugene will never drop their dignity, will not lie, hypocrite and humiliate, will be firmly standing for his beliefs. It is possible to come together with Evgenia because of its uncompromising nature will be not easy, but if it succeeds, it will become the most faithful girlfriend, which will never substitute and will always be honest with you.

Evgeny's girlfriends have little, but friendship with them continues all his life. Thanks to the male component of the name, with men it converges easier than with women. This girl is able to destroy the stereotype that friendship between a man and a woman is impossible, but in this and the difficulty for the one who wants not to be friends with Evgenia, but to tie their lives with her.

Young girl

Despite the solid nature and the desire to speak the whole truth in the eyes, this girl is not distinguished by conflict behavior, the nobility does not allow her to break down on a cry, she knows how to solve problems diplomatic and not to go on a compromise.

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Negative features Evgenia - increased anxiety, constancy, suspicion. Because of this, she often attributes to other people's thoughts, which they did not have in the mere, and their actions invent hidden motives. But if you don't like it, tell this truthfulness as it is, and if you are honest to the end, she will believe you.

Other options name for Eugene

At a frantic name from four syllables there are less long options: Zhenya, Zheka, Geni, Yeya, Yeniah. They are suitable for the male name of the name, but there is another less common, but a purely female version - Eve.

Speed-ladies: Zhenya, Zhenysha, Zhenushka, Eugery, Evgesh, Evgena, Yenyusha, Junute, Yenyasha.

All over the world, girls are called this name. This is how it is written and sounds in different languages:

  • Belorussky - Yaўgeniya;
  • Ukrainian - єVgenіya;
  • Polish - EUGENIA (sounds like eugulation);
  • Serbian - Evgenija;
  • English - Eugenia (sounds like ejinia);
  • German - Eugenia (sounds like Oghenia);
  • French - Eugénie (sounds like Eugene);
  • Italian - EUGENIA (sounds like an EUDGITY);
  • Spanish - Eugenia (sounds like a fruit).

Character Evgenia

The main features of the character of a woman with the name of Eugene - Trial and perseverance.

She will not lie for the sake of benefit, does not forgive lies to others. Therefore, there are few friends and friends, but if they are, it means that this friendship has withstood a lot of tests. For his friends, Zhenya will always come to the rescue, even if you have to donate something for their good. Because of a sharp and direct nature, Eugene may have ill-wishers, but even they cannot do not respect it.

On the one hand, Zhenya is open, people stretch to her, because they see in it a person who can rely on, but, on the other hand, it does not tolerate panibrates and familiarity and immediately delineates the borders, to go for which one can only close friends that Eugene has little.


She has a logical thinking, but intuition is weak. Wanting to please Evgenia, you can not hope for your charm and attractiveness, you can earn a good attitude with honest actions and promises fulfilled. Because of the weakness of intuition, Eugene can build unreasonable guesses about other people, so it needs to speak with it, and it will not be against it.

She does not like surprises, very conservative and strict. Easy and sociable people who love to try something new will be hard with her, it does not like big, funny and noisy companies. But, despite its old-fashionedness, people seek to be with her in good relationships, because she will always come to the rescue, keep the word, will help.

Thanks to hard work and persistence, it can achieve greater than people with outstanding talents, but lazy and windy.

Fate Evgenia

The nobility of Eugene carrier is manifested from an early age. The parents have no trouble with a child, because little Zhenya will not arrange hysterics, she is well in society itself, behind a book or drawing, although she also gets his peers. But this does not mean that she is a good and submissive - the hardness of the spirit is visible even at the most gentle age. If she doesn't like something, it will not be whims and not whims of princesses, but fair discontent.

In school years, she can not shine mental abilities, but at the same time it is unlikely to come with a homework or postpius instead of writing, but in the fact that it is not clear to her, she seeks to figure out, asking the teacher a lot of questions and not lynching reading additional literature. Zhenya is committed to leadership in the classroom and reaches it, but forced to enter conflicts.


Entering the University, Zhenya puts education in priority, and not charms a student life, but at the same time she is not a clogged botanist, but an authority, even if she cannot become a universal favorite. She chooses the profession consciously.

In the chosen case, Eugene becomes a professional, there are always plans, and colleagues appreciate her for ever. If she becomes the boss, it is very demanding, but at the same time will not be offended by his subordinates.

Evgeny Story men, she is unlikely to fall in love without looking back, the love of this woman begins with friendship and respect. To conquer her heart, you do not need to invent surprises, you need to be honest and strong. On the one hand, Eugene will not tolerate a weak man, on the other hand, next to a strong man, it will not be weak and will fight for leadership.

She is a good mistress, but does not make the meaning of his life out of service. She loves children, but without Sysyukanya, respects them, so he brings up in rigor, but thanks to this, the children of Eugene grow independent, as she herself.

Various characteristics of the name Eugene

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn;
  • the planet Mars;
  • Totem animal - Mountain goat;
  • Color - Dark green;
  • tree - fir;
  • Plant - thistle;
  • Stone-talisman - jade, emerald.

Different aspects of life

Eugene has medium health - she is rarely sick, but the diseases are hard, especially colds in winter. Due to school situations, scoliosis may arise. But if the girl will harden from the small years and exercise exercise, it is unlikely to have to complain about health.

In the profession, Eugene seeks leadership. It can become a teacher who will obey the wards. Because of the pedanticity and attentiveness, even in the little things, the professions of the doctor, lawyer and other professions in which the little things do not happen.

Eugene spends money with the mind, it will not be wasteful, but will not be a stingy. She knows how to get the best, without suffering damages.

The appearance of Evgenia is not striking, it is conservative, but it cannot be seen dressed in something tasteless, it is always elegant.

Name Day Eugene

Eugene celebrates the name day before Christmas, January 6 (December 24, on the old style), and on January 18, August 1, September 12, November 17.

Compatibility with other names

For Eugene, there will be strong and happy marriage with Arseny, Valentin, Vitaly, Naum.

Heavyly will be alliance with Abram, Artur, Konda.

Famous Evgenia

Evgenia Smolyaninova - Vocalist, Evgenia Simonova - Actress, Evgenia Estes - Volleyball player, Evgenia Taratuta - Literary critic. In such a variety of areas, women with this name reached heights, as well as in books and films there will be a lot of heroines, which the authors endowed with this beautiful name, male and at the same time soft.

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