Name of Alexey - Features of Fate and Character


The harmonious male name Alexey, like most of the modern Russian names, has ancient Greek origin. It comes from the word "Alex", which, in turn, is translated as "to protect" or "protect". The name was popular for Russia after his owner was the second king in the Romanov dynasty - Alexey Mikhailovich. Alexy is a canonical church form name.

It was especially common in the times of the Soviet Union. In the 70s, very many boys left the maternity hospitals under the name Alexey. At the moment the name loses its former popularity. Among the carriers of this name, there are many historical personalities - astronauts, poets and writers, and other outstanding and revered personalities.

Various forms of name

The name Alexei has various abbreviated and conversational forms. Also for him there are a number of synonyms.

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Brief forms: Leka, Alekseyka, Aleuha, Lesha, Lex, Leka, Aleka, Aleosha, Lyok, Alik, Ali, Lenya, Alyona, Aleok, Alya, Lelya, Lyuna, Alumin.

Synonyms names: Alesia, Aleksas, Alexy, Alexis, Alexius, Alejo, Aleksios, Alesio.

In other countries: In English, this name is translated as Alexis, similarly to French, AlexIO - Translated to Esperanto, Alejo - in Spanish and Alessio - in Italian. Ukrainian version of the name - Oleksi, Belorussky - Alaxi.

Character Alexey

Among the different features of the character defining a man named Alexei, several main positive qualities can be distinguished: the ability to sympathize, the spiritualness of the spirit, primeness and sensuality. Due to the fact that Lyosha's stopped and knows how to make concessions, he feels comfortable both in the team, and in marriage and family life, and people will be comfortable with him.

It can also conclude from this that the man named Alexey is ideal for everyday peaceful and measured life, but dangerous adventures, adventures, great accomplishments and feats are not for him.

Alyosha possesses such features as scattered and tape. He is not peculiar to excessive emotionality, impulsive actions and decisions, passion and unexpected turns of fate. If Alexey did not develop enough ambition, his own laziness can destroy it, preventing the results in the planned plans. With the extremely developed ambition of Lesha, the stubborn and constantly pulls the blanket.


Alexey can be called a real peacemaker, adherent of justice and honesty. One of its main functions is to bring harmony and peace to your own environment. Violence and enmity does not accept, but without delay will go to the conflict, if we are talking about the restoration of justice. Despite the external softness, firmly opposes attempts to subordinate it.

Other features of Alexey Character

Lesha since childhood is strongly tied to his parents, especially the mother. And it will save this attachment until the end of his days. He also honors and observes family traditions. Moldoval, Alexey becomes for his mother and future choices a real defender and reliable support.

There is in the nature of Lesha and such a feature as the inability of soberly look at the surrounding reality and objectively assess the established circumstances. The victims of failure or do not in the best way, Alexey instantly builds the wall of self-elections in his consciousness. Located to go into yourself, to turn in the clouds, dream and fantasize.

Poor tolerate criticism is not active. Sometimes it can face the impression that during the fulfillment of any work, a man thinks only about how to quickly return home and engage in loved ones (among which there may be simple idleness).

All the features of the character of Löhchi are expressed in Neurko, they seem to be rounded. His mindset, rather female than male, also distinguishes its care to detail and good memory ability, wide range and curiosity. It is in trust easily and quickly, causes sincere sympathy surrounding people.


What fate awaits loss

Alexey awaits the fate of a successful person. However, he should be as cautious and in no way hurry with the choice of the future spouse. The fact is that he, being wounded and touchy, and not too skillful in the ability to build relationships, can easily assume a mistake. And the loyalty to his spouse will save to the coffin. Lesha will be a kids, spend free time with them, enthusiastically and teach them.

In order to ensure that his family is fully secured and has no need, it is able to minimize the mountains. On this principle, he chooses his profession. His final choice will fall on an exciting and interesting thing. It does not attract influence, power and senior posts, the main thing for it is the material component, with the help of which he can provide himself and loved ones.

Over the years, Alesh has become becoming increasingly wisdom and the deep understanding of the events taking place, thanks to which it becomes an excellent adviser for relatives and friends on any issue.

His nature is creative, an excellent actor, a musician or a writer will come out of it. His calm, thoughtfulness and perseverance will be useful in business and medicine. Thanks to its intelligence comes to high income.

Esoteric characteristics of the name

For a complete understanding of the picture should be familiar with other characteristics of this name:

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • Stone-Talisman - Lazurit, Yashma, Alexandrit.
  • The name of the name is green, red.
  • Talisman animal; Elk, crab.
  • Talisman tree - fir.
  • Plant-talisman - mistletoe.
  • Favorable season - Winter.
  • Happy day - Thursday.

Compatibility with other names

In selecting a chosen one can be guided by compatibility principles:
  • Not the most favorable alliance expects Alexey and Olga. Soft and vaphern Loya is difficult to confront Ola, which has a domineering and hard character.
  • Favorable relationships are waiting for Lösh with Anya, because the diplomatic Alexey sends the reign by Anna Brazda than she skillfully enjoys the benefit of their union.
  • The union in which Alexey fully realizes its defender's potential - a pair of Leshi and Lena. Elena, being a gusty and touchy, will constantly give reasons for the manifestation of care, guardianship and love.
  • Alexey and Julia - a great couple, where partners can enjoy each other. But there is a risk that both will want to most fully realize their potential and begin to compete. This union requires wisdom.
  • Alexey and Anastasia - a favorable alliance, which will often be incomprehensible to others, as both partners tend to go into their own, only the world's understandable world.
  • Lesha perfectly combines with Masha, separating his inclinations, interests and hobbies. They are both touched by self-development.
  • An unfavorable alliance expects Alexey and Victoria, as these people differ from each other temperaments and habits. Alexey Rational, and Vika may be too wasteful and frivolous.

Famous personalities

There are many famous personalities wearing the name is the name. Among them are the hero of fairy tales - Alyosha Popovich, and the famous physicist - Alexey Apricos, as well as Alexey Yermolov - the famous military leader. It is worth mentioning the famous writer - Alexei Tolstoy, as well as Alexey Mikhailovich - the famous king, who became the author of the saying "case - time, fun - hour."


Name Day Alexei.

Church name: Alexy

Meaning of the name: Husband defender (Read the full meaning of Alexey)

Nearest names of Alexei: November 2

Name day

strong>Alexey. in 2021 for the church calendar
  • March 28.

    Alexy Vinogradov, Archpriest, Sacred

  • March 30

    Alexy man God

  • April 5

    Alexices Skins, Martyr

  • April 18th

    Alexy Krotenkov, Ierie, Sacred

  • May 4th

    Alexy (Gneuvezhev), Bratsurmansky, Righteous, Presbyter; Alexy Protopopov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria;

  • May 7.

    Alexy Pechersky, Reasancer

  • 2 June

    Alexy, Metropolitan, Moscow and All Russia (acquisition of relics)

  • June 23.

    Alexy, Bishop, Vhyphic

  • 4th of July

    Alexy Skvortsov, Ieria, Sacred

  • July 6.

    Alexy Vvedensky, Ieria, Sacred

  • the 14 th of July

    Alexy Drozdov, Protodoacon, Sacred

  • July 17th

    Alexy Romanov, Tsarevich, Passion

  • August 2

    Alexy Znamensky, Archpriest, Sacred

  • August 4

    Alexy Ilinsky, Ieria, Sacred

  • 11th August

    Alexy Krasnovsky, Ieria, Sacred

  • August 17

    Alexy (Gneuvezhev), Bratsurmansky, Righteous, Presbyter (acquiring relics)

  • August 20

    Alexy Vorobyev, Archpriest, Sacred

  • August 22

    Alexy Konstantinople, Martyr

  • 25-th of August

    Alexy, novice of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery, Rev.

  • August, 26th

    Alexy Vvedensky, Deacon, Sacred

  • August 27

    Alexy Zverev, Martyr

  • August 30

    Alexy Great Seller, Ieria, Sacred

  • 4 September

    Alexy Naumov, Ieria, Sacred

  • 12-th of September

    Alexy (in the world Alexander) Nevsky, Grand Prince (transfer of the relics)

  • 16 of September

    Alexy Zinoviev, Ieria, Sacred

  • September 18

    Alexy Belkovsky, Archbishop, Sacred

  • September 22nd

    Alexy Assumption, Archpriest, Sacred

  • September 25

    Alexy Voroshin, Martyr

  • September 29th

    Alexy Moshare Moscow, Archpriest, righteous (transfer of the relics)

  • October 1

    Alexy Kuznetsov, Ieria, Sacred

  • 2 October

    Alexy Zosimovsky (Solovyov), Rev., Jeroshimona, Zosidy Desert

  • October 13.

    Alexy Serekventovnikov, Martyr

  • October 14

    Alexy Stavrovsky, Archpriest, Sacred

  • 29th of October

    Alexy Nikonov, Ieria, Sacred

  • the 3rd of November

    Alexy Moskvin, Ieria, Sacred

  • November 6.

    Alexy Naidgardt, Martyr; Alexy Porphyriev, Archpriests, a priest;

  • 11th of November

    Alexy, Martyr

  • the 13th of November

    Alexy Siberian, Ieria, Sacred

  • 20 November

    Alexy Molchanov, Ieria, Sacred

  • November 22

    Alexy Zadvornov, Hieromona, Rev.

  • November 23

    Alexy Gorbachev, Martyr

  • November 27.

    Alexy Nikologorsky, Archpriest, Sacred

  • December 3

    Alexy Naicat, Archpriest, Sacred

  • 5th of December

    Alexy Benemansky, Archpriest, Sacred

  • December 6

    Alexy (in the world Alexander) Nevsky, Grand Duke

  • December 7.

    Alexy Tyutyunov, Ieria, Sacred

  • December 10th

    Alexy Gavrin, Presovka

  • December 11th

    Alexy Veselovsky, Ieria, Sacred

  • December 15.

    Alexy Belkovsky, Archbishop, Sacred

  • December 17th

    Alexy Saburov, Archpriest, Sacred

  • December 23

    Alexy Vvedensky, Archpriest, Sacred

  • December 26.

    Alexy Christmas, Archpriest, Sacred

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