The meaning of the real Russian name Ivan is character, fate and health.


Ivan - So an ancient name that historians cannot determine where it happened from. The first argue that it happened from the ancient Eugene John, in the translation of God's grace, others are confident that the roots of this name go from ancient times when Slavs were called vans, then they added the letter "and", the name Ivan was added.

Until 1922, Ivan's name was one of the most common names in Russia, they were called both kings and simple peasants from the airless points. With the emergence of the USSR, it went into oblivion, lifting a place in the top ten other popular names, in 2008 they remembered him, since then the name Ivan is gaining popularity in Russia.

The history of the ancient name Ivan

  • Ivan is one of the few names having in almost every country analogue: England - John, Serbia - Yovko, Spain - Nito, Portugal - Evan, Georgia - Vano, Italy - Giovanni, France - Slad, Finland - Yuhan, Czech Republic - Yang, Germany - Hans, in Muslim countries - Yahya.
  • Reductive form name: Vanya, Vanechka, Ivanushka, Vanya, Vanyka, Ivanyusha, Ivasha, Vanyt, Ivasik, Vanyatka.
  • In the women's name there is an analogue - Ivanna.
  • In the Orthodox calendar there are more than 220 saints named Ivan, so the owners of this name can choose any convenient Angel Day.


  • Born in winter - the soul of any company, merry, is always surrounded by fans.
  • Born in spring - knows how to leave any grill dry from water, unlockamyen, hidden.
  • Born in the summer - tolerates life with a smile, everything perceives with humor, but not confident.
  • Born in the fall - is unpredictable in its own actions, sociable and valued female.



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The name Ivan completely reflects the Russian soul, connecting the power of the will, generosity. Little Vanya very needs love and parental care, although it does not apply. Ivan schoolchild learns a little worse than their classmates because of the slow uptake, but exercising it has no equal.

An adult Ivan is distinguished by excellent health, impassableness in character, the ability to be a soul of any company. Thanks to its endurance, it easily overcomes all the difficulties in life. The target goes firmly and confidently.



Talented Ivan is able to fulfill any work, but the profession chooses a big income that brings. Thanks to hard work and tranquility, it can achieve success in sports for the position of coach, as well as in the banking, accounting sphere. In trade, success can only be achieved if there is a partner who will never betray and fail.

A family

He chooses his wife once and forever, does not recognize treason. In everyday life, there is no capricane in food, the perfect husband and a caring father will come out of it, for which the family will always come first. Supports relations with almost all relatives, always comes to help.

Ivan's house is always open for friends, relatives, colleagues, who, in turn, love to take it at home. Very economic, almost everything in the house is made by his skillful hands. Of the shortcomings there is a risk of turning into a plush, littering the house with unnecessary things.

Family at sunset


As a child, Vanechka is subject to various diseases, in adulthood the body is growing and hardly ill. Ivan by nature is very wounded, the negative words abandoned in his address passes through itself, first of all, the stomach and heart suffer. There is a thrust to alcohol, which with age is only enhanced.

Horoscope for Ivan

  1. Aries - joker and tanta, walking in life with optimism, surrounding themselves with numerous friends. Enjoy mad popular with the opposite sex. But the husband is not perfect.
  2. Taurus - a durable and surrounded by a man with complexes. He tries to please everyone, everywhere to be necessary, otherwise flows into depression. Not created for family life.
  3. Gemini - a lot of things in order to be in the spotlight. Unreliable cavalier for a girl seeking a true and honest husband.
  4. Cancer - knows how to like people, has a subtle taste. In any company is in the center of attention, is always surrounded by fans. Between family and bright, stormy novel will choose the second.
  5. Lev - reasonable, honest, stubborn personality. Pride of your family. Unfortunately jealous and quick-tempered, his choices need to be careful not to provoke a quarrel through the slurre.
  6. Virgo is ambiguous, seeks to leadership in the company and in work. He marries once and forever, perfect and attentive father.
  7. Scales - selfish, loving loneliness. Perfectionist and idealist in work. It is disappointed in women due to the fact that the ideal of women is greatly overgrown.
  8. Scorpio - freedom, sincerely. Until late age, it is not married because of the fear of losing freedom.
  9. Sagittarius - Dobryak, optimist, pet friend. Guilty tries to justify until the last. With women conscious, gentle, since childhood is looking for a life companion.
  10. Capricorn - insecure in itself, dependent on its changeable mood. Decisions to take it is always difficult for him. In the family is often a rebel.
  11. Aquarius is a judicial one, which is posted by people. Does not get along with those who have its own opinion. Usually can't make a personal life.
  12. Fish is an incorrigible romantic, in relationship adores passion. The nerves of close and loved ones do not gently, experiencing their strength fully.

Compatibility with female names

Good: Alla, Antonina, Daria, Ekaterina, Irina, Maria, Olga, Stella, Julia.

Bad: Anna, Elena, Inga, Larisa, Maya, Hope, Svetlana.


  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Element - water.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Mineral Talisman - Diamond.
  • Metal - silver.
  • Totem animal - horse.
  • Plant - chamomile.
  • Tree - birch.
  • The color of the name is white.
  • Time of year - autumn.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • Happy number - 2.

Famous people named Ivan

  • Ivan Grozny - the first Russian king.
  • Ivan Krylov - Russian writer.
  • Ivan Turgenev is a Russian writer.
  • Ivan Kruzenshtern - Russian navigator.
  • Ivan Okhlobystin - Russian actor.
  • Ivan Aivazovsky - Russian painter.
  • Ivan Shishkin - Russian artist and schedule.

Days of Angel

Church name: John

Meaning of the name: Yahweh (God) Missed, Yahwe (God) pardoned, God God, grace of God (Read the full meaning of Ivan)

Nearest name of Ivana: November 2

Name day

strong>Ivana in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 2

    John, Martyr, Patterns, Shvets

  • 5 January

    John Smirnov, Sacred, Hieromonachona

  • January 11.

    John Pechersky

  • January 14.

    John Smirnov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • January 19

    John Lyubimov, Martyr

  • January 20th

    John Malyshev, Martyr

  • January 27.

    John Kevroletin, Confessor, Hierooshimona

  • 28 January

    John Bush, Rev.

  • January 29

    John Pettay, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • January 30

    John, Bishop, Rostov

  • February 3rd


  • February 4

    John of Dobrochotov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • February 6

    John Kazan, Martyr

  • February 8.

    John Constantinople, Palestinian, Rev.

  • February 9th

    John Zlatoust, Patriarch, Constantinople

  • February 11

    John Granitov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • 12th of February

    John Zlatoust, Patriarch, Constantinople, Saint

  • February 13

    John Alexandria, Martyr

  • February 16

    John Tomilov, Sacred, Ieria

  • February 17

    John Shuvalov, Martyr

  • February 19.

    John Prophet, Rev.

  • February 22

    John Fryazinov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • February 23


  • February 26.

    John Calabukhov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • 28th of February

    John Kuminov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • 5th of March

    John Valaamsky, Rev.

  • March, 6

    John Scholastik, Patriarch, Constantinople

  • March 7.

    John Castor, Sacred, Deacon

  • March 8

    John Syrian, wilderness

  • 9th of March

    John Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist Lord, Martyr

  • 11th of March

    John Calfas, Martyr, architect

  • March 14th

    John Streltsov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • 18th of March

    John Bulgarian, Martyr

  • 21 March

    John Znamensky, Sacred, Ieria

  • March 22.

    John Sevastia, Martyr

  • March 23.

    John Haahulsky, Rev.

  • March 24

    John Mosch, Rev.

  • March, 25

    John Plekhanov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • March 29

    John Rufian, Rev.

  • April 1

    John Blinov, Confessor, Psalmor

  • April 2

    John Savvit, Rev.

  • April 9.

    John's turning, Egyptian, Rev.

  • April 10th

    John, Bishop, Mangliss

  • April 11th

    John Egyptian, Dressman

  • 12th of April

    John Dissair, Sinai, Igumen

  • April 13.

    John Blumovich, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • 14th of April

    John Shawner, Rev.

  • April 17.

    John Evening, Sacred, Ieria

  • April 19.

    John Boykov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • The 21st of April

    John Nablir, Martyr

  • April 24th

    John Solunsky (Fesalonian), Rev.

  • 25th of April

    John Palestinian, Rev.

  • April 27.

    John Vilensky (Lithuanian), Martyr

  • April 30

    John Prigorovsky, Sacred, Ieria

  • The 1 of May

    John Solunsky (Fesalonian), Rev.

  • May 2

    John Paleolavrit, Larches, Hieromonachons

  • May 4th

    John Prigorovsky, Ieria, Sacred

  • the 6th of May

    John Ansersov, Sacred House, Ieria

  • 9th May

    John Pankov, Sacred House, Ieria

  • May 10

    John, Rev., Igumen, Cafarov

  • May 17.

    John Vasilyev, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • May 19

    John New

  • May 20

    John Zedazniy, Rev.

  • May 21st

    John theologian, evangelist

  • May 25.

    John Vlakh (Valah), Romanian, Martyr

  • 26 of May

    John Athos, Rev.

  • May 27.

    John Bulgarian, Martyr

  • June 1st

    John Gotfsky, Bishop

  • 2 June

    John Chios, Rev.

  • June 6.

    John Galatesky, Martyr

  • June 7.

    John the Prophet, the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord, Martyrs (the third acquisition of the chapter)

  • June 8

    John Psychait, confessor

  • the 9th of June

    John Russian, confessor

  • June 11

    John (Nann) Solunsky

  • June 15.

    John New, Sochivsky, Great Martyr

  • June 17

    John, Rev. Nauchnik, Igumen, Monagrian

  • June 20.

    John, Martyr

  • June, 22

    John Shawner, Rev.

  • June 23.

    John Maksimovich, Metropolitan, Tobolsky and All Siberia

  • June 25.

    John Fivaid, Rev.

  • June 26.

    John Vifsky, Rev.

  • July 2

    John Maximovich Wonderworker, Archbishop Shanghai and San Francisky, Saint

  • 3 July

    John theologian, evangelist

  • 4th of July

    John Budrin, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • July 7.

    John Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, martyr

  • July 9.

    John, Martyr

  • July 10.

    John, Rev.

  • July 11.

    John Alexandria, Martyr (transfer of the relics)

  • July 13

    John theologian, evangelist 12 apostles

  • the 14 th of July

    John Rylsky, Rev. (Return of the Power)

  • July 16

    John Moscow, big cap, Christ for the funny

  • July 22.

    John, Martyr

  • July 25.

    John Svyatogorets, Iversky (Afonovsky), Rev.

  • July 27.

    John Mervsky, Martyr

  • July 29

    John Protopopov, Martyr

  • July 31

    John Pechersky, long-suffering

  • August 2

    John Steblin-Kamensky, Sacred, Ieria

  • August 3rd

    John Palestinian, Rev.

  • August 6.

    John Kalinin (Olenevsky), Confessor, Ieria

  • August 9.

    John Solovyov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • August 10

    John Selmananov, Martyr

  • 12th of August

    John Carmented, Sacred, Deacon

  • August 13

    John, Exarch, Bulgarian

  • August 15

    John, Martyr

  • August 16

    John, Rev., Igumen, Patalareysky

  • August 17

    John New, Archbishop, Ephesian

  • August 18

    John Smirnov, Sacred, Deacon

  • August 20

    John Voronets, Sacred, Archpriest

  • August 22

    John Constantinople, Martyr

  • 25-th of August

    John Nikolsky, Sacred House, Ieria

  • August, 26th

    John Schishev, Sacred, Ieria

  • August 31

    John V Constantinople, Patriarch

  • September 2

    John Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, bishop (transfer of relics)

  • 4 September

    John Boyarschinov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • September 5

    John deltogov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • September 7

    John Cappadokiec, Patriarch, Constantinople

  • 9th of September

    John Smirnov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • 10 September

    John Sretensky, Rev., Non

  • 11 September

    John Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist Lord, Martyr

  • 12-th of September

    John Postnoy, Constantinople, Patriarch

  • September 13

    John, Metropolitan, Kiev and All Russia

  • September 15th

    John Smolichev, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • 16 of September

    John Vlashaty, gracious, Rostov, Christ for the sake of Yurozhny

  • 16 of September

    John Vlashaty, gracious, Rostov, Christ for the sake of Yurozhny

  • September 17

    John Vasilevsky, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • September 19.

    John Pavlovsky, Sacred, Ieria

  • September 20

    John Novgorod, Archbishop

  • September 21st

    John Maisuradze, confessor, archimandrite

  • 23 September

    John Popov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • September 25

    John Prudenth, Sacred, Ieria

  • September 27

    John Zlatoust, Patriarch, Constantinople

  • September 28

    John Borozdin, Sacred, Archpriest

  • September 30th

    John short, martyr

  • October 1

    John Vasilyev, Sacred, Archpriest

  • October 3

    John Egyptian, Rev.

  • The 4th of October

    John Fleroov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • October 6.

    John Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist Lord, Martyr

  • October 9.

    John Zolotov, Martyr

  • October 11

    John Pechersky, Rev.

  • October 12.

    John Maksimovich Wonderworker, Archbishop Shanghai and San Francisky, Saint (acquisition of relics)

  • October 14

    John Artemov, Martyr

  • October 15

    John Kazan, Martyr

  • October 16

    John Hoziewit, Caesarian, Bishop

  • October 19.

    John Rybin, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • October 21

    John Rybin, Martyr

  • the 25th of October

    John Semids, Confessor

  • 28 of October

    John Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, Bishop

  • 29th of October

    John, Sacred, Sacred, Ieria

  • Nov. 1

    John Palestinian, warrior

  • November 2

    John Rodionov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • the 3rd of November

    John Peloponess, Martyr

  • November 4th

    John Ephesian

  • November 6.

    John Pskovsky, Rev.

  • 10th of November

    John Hoziewit, Caesarian, Bishop

  • 11th of November

    John, Martyr

  • the 13th of November

    John Tsarskoselsky, Petrogradsky (Kochukov), Sacred Martyr, Archpriest

  • November 14

    John Beth-Seleyevsky (Persian), Sacred

  • November 16.

    John Caesarian, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • November 17th

    John, Prince

  • 20 November

    John Moshkov, Sacred, Deacon

  • November 22

    John Coke, Junior, Skitsky, Hermit

  • November 23

    John Speransky, Sacred, Archpriest

  • November 25

    John Vlashaty, gracious, Rostov, Christ for the sake of Yurozhny

  • November 26.

    John Zlatoust, Patriarch, Constantinople

  • 29th of November

    John Flowers, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • November 30th

    John Olympic

  • December 2nd

    John Malinovsky, Sacred, Archpriest

  • December 3

    John Beth-Seleyevsky (Persian), Sacred

  • 5th of December

    John Smirnov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • December 6

    John Vasilyev, confessor

  • December 7.

    John Nikolsky, Sacred House, Ieria

  • December 8.

    John Yanushev, Sacred, Archpriest

  • 9th December

    John Vinogradov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • December 10th

    John of Pleaskov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • December 11th

    John Byzantine, Martyr

  • 12 December

    John, Sacred Martyr

  • December 13th

    John Honestov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • December 15.

    John Oksirinfsky (Egyptian), Rev.

  • December 16th

    John silent (silence), savvit, bishop

  • December 17th

    John Polivotsky, Bishop

  • December 20

    John Pechersky, Postnik

  • December 23

    John Serbian, King

  • December 24th

    John, Metropolitan, Zikhovsky

  • December 26.

    John Menkom, Martyr

  • December 30th

    John, Bishop, Sardy

  • 31th of December

    John Mironsky, Sacred, Ieria

  • 31th of December

    John Mironsky, Sacred, Ieria

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