Samael and Lucifer: This is the same, name


Samael's name is known to many. This is an analogue of Satan - the Spirit of the Universal Evil and the Hummifier. His Yarm Eagle is Archangel Mikhail, who dropped Satan from heaven to Earth. What does the biblical and Jewish tradition talk about this spirit, from which sides the Kabbalah considers him - an ancient Jewish mystical teaching? I will tell you about it in the article.


Meaning of the name

Samael (Samail) is the main name under which from 500 years. NS. The devil is mentioned. In the third book of Varuha, it is described as an embodiment of the universal evil:

  • Without the knowledge of God, he planted in Eden Tree of knowledge of good and evil;
  • Eva and Adam tempts.

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In Talmuda (Jewish interpretation on Torah), Samael is referred to as Guardian Eden. He was the main seraphist, had 12 wings instead of six. Therefore, he could freely approach Eve and Adam, who were in the Paradise Garden.

In the book "The Martyrdom of Isaiah" it is called:

  • king of wicked;
  • Angel lawlessness;
  • Herald evil;
  • chosen one;
  • It is identified with the grandeur.

From the Hebrew word "Samael" translates as "poison" and "God," which defines it as a stem-tempter. This is a snake who seduced Eve to disrupt the fruit from the Forbidden Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was Samael who held the hand of Abraham, when he was ready to bring him sacrificing to God.

The word "self" is translated as "poison", but in the biblical context, this word often denotes the "substance", and in a positive sense. Therefore, the name of Samael can be translated as "incense God," if you follow Jewish interpretation. The dual nature of Samael is hidden in this: it can be poison, and may become an elixir of life.

In a negative interpretation, this word "SimE" is translated as "blind": it turns out that "the god of the blind" or "blind God".

In the modern interpretation of Jews, Samael is determined by an angel of black, which comes beyond the souls of sinners with a stupid served knife. According to legend, he separates the soul from the body with the help of this knife, which delivers unbearable suffering sinners.

Who comes over the souls of the righteous, according to the Jewish teaching? They are accompanied to the paradise of Archangel Gabriel, and he separates the soul from the body perfectly sharp knife: it does not cause any sufferings in the dying.

From the very beginning of its existence, Samael was approaching God, he was his loyal servant. One of his names is Lucifer, a carrier of light, a morning star.

Why did this angel have many different names? Because Samael is not a name, but the position. Rather, this is a position (step) on which any other angel may be.

Samael and Lucifer


How was the servant of God able to become his opponent, the lord of hell? Because he wasveling to become independent, manage his destiny and have independent thinking. So interprets the fall of the once faithful servant of God the Jewish tradition.

On a note! No need to confuse Samael with the Angel Camael, his name is in translation denotes "The one who tries the creator."

After the seduction of Eve, Samael was cursed by God, who broke off his 6 out of 12 wings and lowered to Earth. Since then, the mission has been determined by this Archangel:

  • personify an evil start in a person who seduces him in sin;
  • blame a man for his sins;
  • Take the soul of sinners during death.

According to the Jewish ideas, Samael is in the image of a terrible black figure with a multitude of eyes. In his hand, he holds a terrible knife from which a drop of poison flows.

Also, Samael is defined as an incitement of the murder of Kain's his brother Abel, as according to legend is his true father. Eva seduction was not only an apple: Samael mastered her, and Eva gave birth to Cain.

In the Jewish sources, he is called the spouse of Lilith, after she left Adam. In Kabbalistic books, he is referred to as the husband of Slutric women - Agrat, IS Sennoy and Cheeky, Mother of all witches.

However, it is unknown to be unknown who configure Eve to sin and Cain to murder, because in some sources therefore Angel Azazel is mentioned in connection with these events.

What else is known about this Archangel from Jewish sources:

  • He manages all nations, except Israel;
  • He acquires power over the people of Israel only once a year on Yom-Kipur, but the scapegoat goat off from him;
  • With the seduction of Eve, he recresented the riding on the snake;
  • He seduced the Jews to cast the Golden Taurus and worship him.

The main rival of Samael is Archangel Mikhail, the patron of Israel. According to legend, the struggle between Mikhail and Samael will not cease until the end of times, until he is betrayed by the Jews of the chain chain.

Samael Angel

Kabbalistic traditions

How does Samael consider the ancient mystical teachings of Kabbala? Ancient Jewish mystics is determined by Samael an angel called "The Severeness of God", its location on the Sphyoto tree - the world of Brie.

Samael becomes the spouse of Lilith, from a marriage from which the beds of demons were born. The most famous of them is Asmodel (Sword of Samael). In the Kabbalistic tradition, Lilith and Samael are opposed to Eva and Adam.

In the Treatise "Ascension of Moses", Samael is mentioned in connection with the seventh heaven:

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According to the Kabbalistic interpretation, Samael is a manifestation of anger of the Creator and refers to the Sphir of Gebra (pillar of anger).

Why is Samael called the Yad of God? Because incorrectly interpreted truth (false) can destroy a person like poison.

Cabbalists also consider Samael due to Sphira - as a liar and a deceiver, a false prosecutor and slander. In this spin, Samael is opposed to the gods of wisdom. However, if the truth is perceived in the right key, then Samael becomes not poison, but the elixir of immortality for knowing.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, this angel is considered in connection with blindness. Only under it implies intellectual blindness: the inability to see the truth, the blindness of the mind. This is also mentioned in the Gospel of John:

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The principle of Samael is all that prevents from knowing a single Creator. If a person is able to defeat Samael, he becomes a similar guardian angel who leads along the path of the cognition of truth. Recognize illusions and puff, eliminate them with strong faith - this is the path of victory over the forces of evil in the soul of man.

The symbol of lies and delusion in the Jewish tradition becomes idols - what prevents a person and distracts him from serving God.

However, a lie in Kabbalah is called not only the distortion of truth, but also a claim for the knowledge of all the completeness of truth. According to Kabbalists, no religious direction has the reason to qualify for mastering the truth in the last instance, since unable to understand the meaning of the acts of the incomprehensible Creator.

If someone declares that he knew the absolute truth, he was influenced by the Father of Lie Samael.

Kabbalists argue that at the end of the time Samael will restore its original holiness, and death will disappear along with suffering.

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Place in the hierarchy of demons

In Kabbalah, Samael is identified with the Supreme Ruler of the World Clipot - the kingdom of darkness and suffering, and the spirit of evil. In the world of people, he manifests itself as the God of the Earth, the Devil, Satan. The Jewish tradition attributes to him the great power and sleep of service perfume. It is he who is the source of all evils, troubles and the people of Israel. He kills sinners poison and takes their souls to hell.

Samael poisoning the world of people poison in doubt, disbelief, suspicion.

In the apocryphaner book, Enoch tells that Samael was a patron of 200 angels, who descended to the ground for the sake of an intimate convergence with earthly women. The offspring born from them was demonic, so God decided to drown all the earth and arranged a flood.

In Kabbalistic sources, Samael is mentioned together with his spouse, but its name is not specified. By default, it is Lilith. In some sources, it is characterized as one-eyed and dark-skinned, in others - with horns. The image of a horned devil originates from the scapegoat, on which the sins of Israel were imposed once a year on the day.

In the Kabbalistic Book Zohar, it is indicated that all existing demons are Samael's personalization, its different images. Just like all the well-known demonitsa are Ipostasi Lilith. It turns out that Samael is a collective name.

In the Christian tradition, Samael is referred to as the devil, Satan. He is the father of a lie, hates all people and deliberately introduces everyone in sin. Despite the fact that Jesus Christ won the devil with his resurrection from the dead, he has the power over the souls of people. But not above everyone, but those who deliberately choose the path of sinful life. A righteous Christian can always drive Satan with a godmond and a hot prayer.

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