Lucifer Lucifer or Morningstar: name Lucifer before the fall


History of the Fall of Adam and Eve originated from fallen angels. The leader of the fallen angels, Lucifer Lucifer became God. But what is the significance of these words, names? Who are Lucifer and Lucifer? Let us consider in detail in the article.

lucifer lucifer

What is the name of Lucifer

Translated from the Latin word Lucifer means "light bringer." It was a radiant luminous Angel, one of the closest to the Throne of God. He was the most beautiful and clean, enjoyed the full confidence of God. In the Bible, there is no direct reference to the revolt of the angels, but you can read about elsewhere.

Thus, according to legend, the luminous angel refused to bow down to Adam, considering it a humiliation of their dignity. The same version is shared by the Muslim branch of the Abrahamic religions. Lucifer said that it was created from the finest material, and Adam - from the dust.

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In connection with this, Lucifer refused to bow down to Adam, giving impetus to the transformation of the spirit of the angel in the demoniacal.

What is interesting, the identification of Lucifer with Satan did not happen immediately. For example, in Sardinia was a priest named Lucifer Kalarissky, he served in the 4th century BC. NS. in the church. This is the official data. After the death of his built a saint. Since when Lucifer became identified with the name of universal evil? Theologians believe that in the early Middle Ages.

So, the name of Lucifer in the Bible is not. But there is a word of Lucifer. It can be found in the book of Isaiah (Chapter 14). Isaiah compares the Babylonian king with the fallen Lucifer.

Lucifer Lucifer or Morningstar: name Lucifer before the fall 1940_2

Lucifer, our ancestors called the dawn. That is, the word "Lucifer" means "the dawn." It turns out that the Latin name "Lucifer" and the Slavic "Lucifer" - equivalent.

Satan, Lucifer first calls the prophet Zechariah in his book, in Chapter Three. Lucifer shown as prosecutor (devil) God's purposes, invalidates their significance.

Lucifer meaning

The Fall of Lucifer

As the beloved son of God (the firstborn) became his fierce enemy and hater? Why Lucifer became a fallen angel? Creator in the beginning of time created the angels to serve him and praise his name.

Lucifer radiated love, goodness, beauty. He was the most beautiful creature of the Lord, the most talented student. He gladly helped to God, giving to all an example to follow.

At its level of development, Lucifer was almost like God, but still remained his creation. He took an active part in the process of creation, was endowed with the great strength - and freedom of will.

He could not postpone the elevation of Adam, whom he considered as a competitor. The pride seeds gave their fruits, and now, the father's favorite son becomes a monster. Together with him a third of the angels disappeared from God.

When Dennie expressed his disobedience to God, a pride appeared in him. And that's what is written in the book of Isaiah:

Lucifer Lucifer or Morningstar: name Lucifer before the fall 1940_4

One sin entails the second, the second - the third. And so indefinitely. Sins can only stop the sincere repentance, but Dennica did not have his confessor. So he finally turned into a demon, and with him the following angels. The spiritual transformation occurred instantly, as soon as the sprouts of sinful thought came into consciousness.

Dennie thought that he could also become God, because he trusts so many angels. They admire them and bowed to his wisdom.

Also, under the oppression of Gordini, he decided that he knew better what people need, and went to seduce Adam and Eve to the paradise garden. There he was offered for the Forbidden Knowledge, for which God deprived them of his favor.

From this point on, the devil is in proven war between the Creator and his opponent. Lucifer frankly hates all people, in every way it harms them and ruins the soul. The roots of this hatred - in the envy of the first German Adam. Dennica was used to the best and beloved, he could not come to compete with competition.

Lucifer Dennica Wikipedia


Where did the Angel of Light take a pride? Sin instantly enters into force, as soon as the commandments of love are violated. So happened with Lucifer, when he raised over Adam and did not want to admit it. Angels were also created by free creatures, and they had the right to choose.

I seduced by honoring and admiration for your person, Lucifer did not notice how I began to fall into the charm. The recognition of angels and their love convinced Lucifer in their perfection and superiority.

One day, Dennie saw the throne of God empty, he sat on him and forced the angels to bow to him. It was the beginning of a split in an angel environment. Some of them were so sincerely admired Dennica, which did not even suspect his spiritual rebirth.

The pride from heaven from heaven turned into a terrible monster, his revenge for humiliation began to pour out in no obey people. He became human-bias, a slander, a seducer, a default. His whole hatred of God fell into full in God's creatures - people.

Thus, the light-sound angel went away from the pet's favorite to the terrible monster, the focus of all the existing vices on the ground. However, the dream to rule came true: he became the ruler of hell.

Dennie did not notice his deformity at all, because he enjoyed out permanently. Now it is not necessary to obey anyone, you do not need to glorify anyone - he is his own owner and Mr.

What is the true name of Lucifer Dennica, what does Wikipedia say? According to the Jewish tradition, all the angels have names with the end of El ": Rafael, Michael. Samael is the name of Lucifer to fall, the Jewish name.

Dennica is the word denotes its quality - morning star. Dennica and Lucifer designate the same thing - the morning star. So the original angelic name of Dennitsni is the name of Samael.

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