Asmodein - Demon Demon and Sweet Demonstrate


Asmodeus is defined as the Supreme Demon of the Herarchy, its entity is described in detail in a small veneer of Solomon. As you know, Tsar Solomon received knowledge from the angels and was able to tame and subordinate to his will of all demons.

Asmtere Demon is mentioned in some medieval grimuars and treatises, too, as a supreme hellish essence, and not just a supreme - approximate to the lucyffer. What else is noteworthy asmode?

It is believed that he can fulfill the most intimate desire and only once in life. But the fee for this desire will be very specific. I will tell you about it in the article.

Asmtere demon

The image of asmodaa

It is called - lust in the flesh. Asmodelo is not a handsome man with seductive appearance, he is ugly and terrible. The image is described as:

  • Three heads - goat, bull and man;
  • The torso resembles a person;
  • Ears pointed, large;
  • Snake Tail;
  • paws paws;
  • teeth sharpened;
  • Wings of the Dragon;
  • Flame breaks out of the mouth;
  • Moves on the dragon.

In later times, the demon began to appear in the image of an attractive young man, but with one roasting foot. During walking, Asmodem is laughing, because it is inconvenient to walk on different legs.

Asmodeus's personality deserves attention. First, this is a powerful demon, bloodthirsty and merciless. He is responsible for the death sin of the harboring and lust, which leads the soul to death. Therefore, in the nature of this creature - cunning, deception, exemption.

He chooses the victims who quickly succumb to desire, and ruin their immortal souls.

Secondly, in addition to inciting bodily lust, the Asmodener specializes in gambling. He incites interest in winning, leaving gullible people without a penny in his pocket. He also encounters people, incites Returns and enmity, helps to develop a sophisticated revenge plan.

Scientists believe that the image of Asmodeus was borrowed from Persian Zoroastrianism and copies the Ashma Deva. Ashma DEV was one of the three powerful creatures, answered violence and robbery. The word "Ashma" is translated as "riotiness, differentity."

Asmodener was tamed by the king of Solomon and was attracted to the construction of the temple. It was he who gave the worm on the nicknamed Shamir, who processed the stones to build. The fact is that on the Jewish rules of the stones for the construction of the temple could not be sharpened with iron instruments. Therefore, Solomon reached asmodeus, having lured his wonderful worm.

As Shamir worked, it is not known for certain. Some Bible researchers believe that he produced laser rays.

Asmodener also managed to deceive Solomon when he saw his beautiful wives. Calling his magic persvers, he threw the king far to the desert, and he mimicated under his image. The king managed to return taken away when he was freed from the captivity of the desert in a few years of wandering.

Some experts believe that it was during the lack of this Solomon that Altari Demonice Astarthte was built in Jerusalem, which made sacrifices of Jews.

Also, Solomon's breath in old years is explained by the influence of the demon, because in a sense, the king would never have worshiped idols.

Demon Asmtere Wikipedia

Than dangerous

What does Wikipedia say about the Ambodia demon? The main task is to destroy families. It is especially interested in young spouses, recently married. He also loves to steal the beauty of virgins, so that they are not attractive to men and remained unmarried to the end of their days.

In his jurisdiction:

  • quarrels between spouses;
  • divorces;
  • fights between spouses;
  • Seduction to treason.

He pushes his spouses to betray each other, burns lust and jealousy, makes not trust.

He also bursts the mind to players, forcing them to leave everything to a penny in the gambling house. The ruined gambling walked around the world, and many put their hands because of shame and dishonor.

The demon seduces people with power and power, which he can give to those who conquer it. As a result, people lose their mind and life, believing a false promise of Asmodeus. The ring of power that he promises the winning, so did not go to anyone.

Since the Magynevian Magi and sorcerers, they attempted to call the demon with the aim of his submission. It is believed that the demon can:

  • give invulnerability;
  • teach magic handicrafts;
  • Point to hidden treas.

Medieval magicians were used to call the magic seal of Asmodeus, the activation of which forces the demon to appear to the MAG. This seal was found in the small veneer of Solomon, where all 72 demon are described in detail.

To cause a demonic entity, you need to carefully prepare. First, create the semblance of the temple and the altar. The following items should be on the altar:

  • Lamen (Seal of the Demon);
  • 6 black wax candles;
  • Red grape wine;
  • 2 glasses for wine;
  • Cadylinant (smoking) for Fimiam;
  • Tobacco leaves.

Clothing on the Mage must be special: the mantle is put on the naked body, the head should not be covered. Long hair should be dissolved, lightning and belt are missing or not fastened / not tied.

The presence of lamen (magic seal asmodeus) is a prerequisite when calling. Printing can be made independently from any durable material. If it is not, the demon will wrap the whole hellish anger on the unlucky magician.

It is necessary to cause essence on the day and hour of Mars (the time will be recognized in advance, in turning with the astrological calendar).

When a demon appears, do not forget to clarify his name, as any entities from the lower world can come to the call. If the demon will answer in the affirmative, then he can only ask for something one thing: or invulnerability, or training craft. Since it is possible to call the demonic essence of the highest hellish hierarchy once every time in life, then the request must be thought out in advance: repeated call may end the death of the magician.

Payback for the fulfillment of desire will be standard for this demon: breaking relationships with a loved one.

If your favorite person is not, the demon is differently messed over the magician. He will create a disgusting union in which lovers will suffer from each other, and it will not work out. Such a ridiculous union will last for years and is tragic.

Demon Asmtere

Stroke Ritual

When everything is ready, you need to start the call itself. To do this, the magician holds thin wax candles in his hands so that they become soft. Then begins to twist them with each other, reading the spell on Latin 6 times in a row:

Asmodein - Demon Demon and Sweet Demonstrate 1943_4

When the candles are twisted into one, they are ignited. From the fire of candles, the tobacco in the smoke is aligned and they say:

Asmodein - Demon Demon and Sweet Demonstrate 1943_5

After this call, the daemon should appear. His presence can be felt by changing the atmosphere in the room: either the wind fits, or some sounds will appear, or in some way he will give himself felt. Some magicians can see it, but it does not all turn out.

Note! Before calling a demon, you need to outline the magic circle and be in it.

When the demon comes, you need to clarify his name, and then express your request. Then you should send the daemon daemon - to hell. You need to thank him for the visit and say that the audience is over. After that, you need to pour wine into glasses and dry out one of them.

The second glass should remain on the altar until the candles bargain. Only after that, the ritual can be considered completed and exit the circle (the circle is destroyed).

It will not be superfluous to illuminate the room with fire with candles and to ventilate good. Some are filled with a smoke of wormwood or a hunter. Sleeping in this room is impossible.

The challenge of the demon is a responsible deed in life. It is impossible to make it for the sake of interest or entertainment: it can end for curious tragically. It is impossible to say anyone in advance that you are going to cause a demon.

You can not share the impressions of the past call. It is impossible to brag what an asymtel gives - it will immediately disappear. Challenge and communication with the hellish essence is a purely intimate matter, so the publicity is unacceptable.

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