Astarta: how the fertility goddess became a demonice


People since ancient times worshiped various deities, they were looking for patronage and protection. Astarta is a goddess with many persons and names, a collective image of a female start and fertility. But with the arrival of monotheism, the ancient gods and goddess received the status of demons.

Interest in old deities and religions appeared in the Middle Ages, when many unique grimuars were written. The revival of interest is happening today.

What does Astarta goddess mean for modern people, for what questions do you turn to her? The daughter of my friend with his friends decided to cause the shadows of Astarta, but their ideas were not destined to come true: in time they found out the price for the fulfillment of desire.

It is no secret that human sacrifices brought the ancient gods. Is it not the reason for the massive abandon from the old gods? In the article, I will tell you who is such a goddess Astarta, and how to call her shadows.

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Astarta Goddess

Historical reference

Astarta is one of the oldest goddesses known since the appearance of civilization in Mesopotamia. In the found papyrus of those times, the facts of worshiping this goddess are mentioned. Consequently, the cult itself existed a lot before the appearance of writing.

The goddess of fertility, beauty, love and female began existed in all nations. Therefore, the features inherent in Astarta can be found in the goddesses with another name. It is safe to argue that Astarta appears in a single archetype of the female deity under various names from different nations.

In the cult of astraths, the patronage of power is seen, which is undoubtedly the echo of an old matriarchate. To eradicate this phenomenon was not even for the priests, so they gradually weakened the role of a woman in society and worship the female start. They managed to complete it with the arrival of Islam to the East.

Astarta was the wife of a Divine called Waal, who also became a demon with the light hand of the Jewish and Christian religion. At the Phoenicians, Waal worship was bloodless, in contrast to Carthaginian. Sacrifice only vegetables / fruit / cereals brought.

In the Carfhaginsky perception of the gods, Astarta turned into a bloodthirsty goddess Tanit, the patronage of wars and virgins - the prototype of Amazons and Valkyrie.

Sometimes tanit was portrayed with a lioness head, which subsequently became one of the reasons for the demonization of the goddess. But the cult of the beast was glorified, but the massive sacrifices of children. Waal and Tanit sacrificed babies and died natural death of children up to 7 years old.

When Carthage won the Romans, Astarta was transformed into Juno. She patronized soldiers and was a defender of a family hearth. However, in earlier legends, Juno was shown in cunning and cunning seductive, which was like Ishtar.

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The role in ancient cults

The name of Astarta was not initial. This Greek option appeared after a few millennia of the goddess worship. The peoples who lived in the rich lands of Mesopotamia, called the goddess in their own way.

Astarta in religion of different nations:

  • Lada;
  • Hecate;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Ishtar;
  • Ashtarot;
  • Ceres;
  • Freia.

But what is the most amazing, personifies the female principle and motherhood of the goddess Astarta over time turned into a patronage of prostitutes, became the goddess of lies and promiscuity. This transformation was due to the approval of the patriarchal system, which eliminated the female power and influence.

With the arrival of Judaism and Christianity, the image of the goddess began to demonize, and declared it with the Supreme Demonian.

The highest flourishing the cult of the goddess reached during the reign of the Phoenicians. This nomadic people who traded throughout the Mediterranean distributed the worship of female hypostasis throughout Europe, which served as an initiative to create their own version of Astarta in the ancient German and Scandinavian peoples.

Egypt and Babylon

The goddess Ishtar is the same Astarta, but her name sounds a little different. Ishtar is a more common and recognizable name than Astarta. So it was called in ancient Babylon. The goddess Ishtar patronized fertility, war and prostitution.

The Supreme Priestess Ishtar was obliged to copulate with the Babylonian king in front of the subjects: it was a rite of attracting fertility.

If we consider that the day of reverence Ishtar dropped out at the spring time, then concerted in the spring children appeared in the winter: the parents had the opportunity to care for the kids.

However, in more ancient Babylonian chronicles, the goddess Ishtar is mentioned as a patronage of chastity and marital loyalty. That is, the image of the female hypostasis has changed from the eyelids under the influence of political and economic transformations.

In ancient Egypt, the goddess was called ashtarot. She was the wife of God Sket, on this its significance for the Egyptian Pantheon ends. She was revered as a defender of the city of Memphis and the patronage of royal blood.

However, to this day, archaeologists, historians and religious scientists are being disputes about the identification of the goddesses of Astarta, Ishtar and Inana.

The subject of the dispute is that in the Christian and Jewish demonology, these goddesses are separated apart. That is, it is 3 different demonents, and not the same. Also, doubts also causes the fact that all 3 goddesses coexisted at the same time in the same city, but in different temples.

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Transformation into demonitsa

Before the formation of the monotheism, Astarta was rewiced as a goddess, and even the root of the word "Astar" denotes the deity in the Semitic languages. But with the arrival of monotheism, all former deities immediately acquired a demonic status, because they did not fit into the theory of monotheism.

With the statement of Judaism, a fierce struggle of the new pride with the Pantheon of the preceding gods began. Nevertheless, the echoes of the cult was still alive in the hearts of Jews. Even king Solomon at the end of his life ordered to build a satellite of the goddess.

Astarta's spouse made a demon of Astarota, who held one of the high steps in the hellish hierarchy. Many pages of medieval grimaars describing demonic forces were devoted to Astarot.

In the Middle Ages, there was a revival of interest in the ancient gods and forgotten demons, many occultists and even the Inquisitors were looking for sacred knowledge in ancient sources.

In the Middle Ages, Astarta turned into a patronage:

  • temptation;
  • Sukubs and incubations;
  • forbidden pleasures;
  • evil ideas;
  • focused cruelty;
  • Cunning and calculation.

With the approval of the Jewish religion, the worship of Astarta began severely to persecute, the death penalty was relying for him. The worship of the goddess equated to black magic and Satanism.

Astarta in Occult Practice

No matter how cruelly did not pursue the worship of the goddess, but in the occult society, it was not ceased.

In Europe, the appeal to Astarta in the occult medium is observed in the 15th and 6th century. It was the era of Renaissance, turning to antique and more ancient times. It was in the Middle Ages that the main grimuars were drawn up, describing the hellish hierarchy in detail and all other other creatures.

However, the small keys of Solomon Astarta known to all the occultists are not mentioned at all, although there are legends that Solomon in old age has erected a big altar to worship the goddess.

In magical practice, the image of Astarta is used in love spells, to revenge enemies and successful theft.

Despite the demonization, Astart continues to remain a goddess, therefore there are no challenges in the occult tradition. The only ritual reached the ritual is to call the shadow of the goddess.

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Ritual Call Shadow Astarta

Call is carried out on a former ash region or a burnt field. The day of the rite is Saturday, which is under the patronage of the planet of the destruction of Saturn. During the rite, it is impossible to have abrasion signs on the body - Crosses, David Star, Crescent.

In the ritual, Fimiam Astarta is used to be used independently. In the corresponding planetary hour, you need to draw an eight-pointed star, on the rays of which to install black candles. In the center of the star you need to burn firewood to coal.

When the firewood is ruined, prepared herbs are thrown on the corners and sacrificed a bird with black or white shelter.

After successfully calling the shadow, the Demonians will follow the magician until the completion of the intended case - ignition, spell, etc. But after receiving the result, Demonian will require a sacrifice - a human soul.

Satanists instead of their soul give the soul of a child. If you cannot find the replacements, you will have to part with your own soul. Therefore, there are no Astarta to call shadows.

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