What to give my husband to the 10th anniversary of the wedding


The tenth anniversary of the wedding is the first round date, which is of great importance for a couple. Unfortunately, live so many years together, and in this case, love is far from every pair.

As the anniversary approaches, the wives begin to search for the perfect gift, which would please the spouse, and remained in his memory for many years. For those who do not know that to give her husband for 10 years of wedding, in this article I will talk about traditional presents, and also prompt non-standard options that will delight any man.

gift husband for 10 years wedding

10 years old - what kind of wedding and what to give my husband?

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The tenth anniversary is called a pink or tin wedding. Tin is a low-melting metal, and symbolizes flexibility, compliance. After all, if the first years of the spouses are torn to each other, then by the 10th anniversary, they have already learned how to find compromises, and are ready to give in one way or another.

The name "Pink Wedding" Anniversary received due to the fact that after so many years they retain love and tenderness in relation to each other. In some pairs who survived the crisis of 7 years, after 10 years of marriage begins a new period filled with romance. This is especially manifested in those pairs that at the initial stage of living together have children. The child becomes more independent to the first anniversary, and parents appear more time for themselves.

Celebrate a tin wedding or not - the case of everyone. Nevertheless, psychologists recommend organizing a small celebration, and share this joyful event with relatives and friends. This remind spouses that their love is real and incredibly strong. Thanks to her, they were able to create a strong family, and overcome the obstacles with whom they had to face the life path.

gift husband for 10 years marriage

Traditional gifts for 10 years of wedding are tin products or pink things. It can be various accessories, household and interior items, clothing and so on.

  • For a fan of military topics, a good gift will be decorative weapons, collectible figurines or miniature analogues of technology, such as airplanes, tanks, ships, etc.
  • If a man is fond of cars or motorcycles, then for him you can choose the original model from tin.
  • A lover of accessories and jewelry will delight the "Script" ring, bracelet or keychain. If the man is close to esoteric, for him an excellent version of the gift will be the chalcon.
  • If her husband is fond of hunting, fishing or just likes to often be in nature, he should give a flask, perrange knife and a set of stacks with engraving.
  • A businessman or a careerist will be happy to receive an accessory as a gift that will take an honorable place on his desktop. It may be a handle, and not only the ball, and the feathers, the pendulum-anti-stress, cigaretal, etc.

No less original and symbolic will be pink things, of course, if a man likes this color. The recommended gifts include a T-shirt, shirt, tie. If a man does not accept such tones, then you can choose the piece of clothing of any other color and wrap it into pink paper.

Delicious dinner can also be an excellent gift for his beloved husband at the 10th anniversary. To adhere to the subject of the celebration, it is necessary to choose products of pink and red shades: meat, fish, caviar, wine or champagne, a cake made by special order. Tin and pink accessories should be present as decorations on the table.

gift to her husband on the 10th anniversary

Romantic gifts

If you move away from traditions 10 years weddings, what to give her husband? The answer is one thing that reminds of romantic feelings. Since this holiday for both spouses, the perfect gift will be a joint journey. Of course, this is an expensive option, but such an event should be noted so as to remember it for many years, like marriage day.

A more fiscal, but no less romantic presentation can be a joint campaign in the cinema or theater, and then to the restaurant. A pair massage or day in the SPA-salon can also please those men who love to care for themselves. In addition, a good gift will be privacy all day in a chic hotel room.

To remember the 10th anniversary of the wedding, you can organize a romantic photo session, and the photos are placed in a personally made album or custom-made framework.

gift husband for 10 years

Non-standard presents

An individual, unusual gift for the wedding anniversary will show how carefully for his spouse, and support his hobbies.
  • If a man loves extreme, then for him you can organize a parachute jump. The bright impressions of this event will forever leave him a pleasant imprint in memory.
  • Gamer will appreciate the subscription payment to his favorite online game, or making Donata to the expense. Even if the woman seems to be a meaningless spending money, perhaps for him holding time after a computer after a heavy working day is the only way to relax.
  • Many men dream of a tattoo, but they know that good work is not seeing, so it is not in a hurry to do it. The record to Tattoo Master will be a good gift, and will show the true attitude of a woman to the dreams of his beloved.
  • If the husband is an athlete, then you should buy a subscription to a gym or sports equipment. In addition, having a sufficient amount of money and free space in the apartment, you can buy a home simulator at all.

When choosing a gift on the anniversary of the wedding, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of your spouse. Do not save, arrange a real holiday so that this day has become special for both of both of you, and you with warm heart remembered for many years.


  • The tenth anniversary of the marriage is called a pink or tin wedding.
  • On this day, it is made of tin objects or pink things.
  • An ideal gift for a man will be what is associated with his hobbies.

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