Baptism of the Lord (or Holy Epiphany) - when will be in 2021


The Baptism of the Lord (in a different Holy Epiphany) - stands by the shuttle day among the Christmas holidays of January. Baptism completes a batch week. The history of this celebration, his religious symbolism, which is possible, and what cannot be done and when will be baptized in 2021 - you will learn about this from this material.

Date of baptism in 2021

The Epiphany is an uncompromising two-month (that is, a particularly significant) holiday in Christianity, his date is unchanged annually.

Orthodox baptism is celebrated January 19.

As for adherents of Catholicism, they continue to use the Julian calendar, according to which, the date of the holiday falls on January 6.

Biblical Baptism Information

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Holy Epiphany is closely associated with biblical events that 13 head of the Gospel of Matthew says. This refers to the baptism of Jesus Christ in the river Jordan John the Baptist. The latter told people in advance that the Messiah would come, and all who expressed the desire, baptized in the waters of Jordan. Symbolically, this rite marked the transition from the old faith to the new, to those knowledge that the Savior will bring with them. John the Baptist taught people that they should be repented in sins performed, washing their body in the sacred river.

The baptism of Jesus Christ

At the age of thirty years, Jesus comes to Jordan, in order to fulfill the words of the prophet, openly declare that he begins his great ministry. He refers to John with a request to discrete it. He is very surprised and says that he is not worthy to shoot shoes with the legs of Christ, not what to perform such a sacred effect. But the teacher tells him not to be afraid, but to do everything as follows the law, otherwise the surrounding people will not understand anything.

When the Savior is immersed in Jordan's water, he suddenly open the heavens and white dove descends on him. At this time, all people hear the voice from heaven, uttering: "Be there is a son my beloved." Here we are talking about the phenomenon to the people of Holy Trinity, represented by Jesus Christ, the Lord God by the Father and the Holy Spirit (in the image of a pigeon). Then the first of the students of Christ follows his example, and he himself goes to the wilderness to make a forty-day post and fight with his passions.

Why do the baptism dive into the hole?

The tradition will dip in the holiday into ice water, you need to see, much more young than the baptism itself. It can not be considered an authentic part of the Epiphany, it was invented by the people themselves. And, of course, it would be very naive to believe that only the fact of bathing in the corruption will be able to save you from all sins. To do this, we need a regular work on yourself, which does not cease to the moment spiritual development.

On the other hand, Epiphany water, believing, becomes a miraculous, it symbolizes an update and a new life. But it represents only an additional external tool, while the main work should be carried out at the level of the soul.

In the process of solemn service on the day of the Epiphany, the priests commit the rite of great sanctification of water. From the time immemorial, such a driver was known as Great Aguiam - a special shrine. In the 4th century, the following words were written by the Holy John Zlatoust: "Christ was baptized and sanctified the nature of the waters, and therefore, in the holiday of baptism, everything, having drawn the water at midnight, bring her home and stored in the whole year."

Epiphany water - special

In our age of development of modern technologies, scientists were able to explore the properties that the Epiphany water possesses. It was proved that its structure differs from the structure of that water, which flows from under the tap. Experts confirm that the eating on an empty stomach of a small spoon of this water can be eliminated from different ailments.

At the same time, scientists suggest that water recruited from the same source during another period of time, surprising properties no longer has. Although actually differs among the same physical indicators. This study was officially confirmed, but the genius of science could not explain it.

But Epiphany Water, endowed with an amazing force, is not all. We must not forget about another amazing event, explaining the logically which is unable to any skeptic.

As is known from the Bible, after the baptism of the Son of God in the River Jordan, she changed its course in the opposite way. It can be said that this is just an old legend, but since that time annually on January 19, Jordan continues to change his course! Everything is happening on very very crowds of believers, Jordan's water stops, numerous waves, waterways appear in them, and then the river changes the direction of its current. And even its taste qualities change - the water acquires a salty taste, because Jordan does not fall anymore, but follows from the dead sea.

Many scientists are engaged in learning Epiphany phenomena. On the Internet you can find the works of different specialists who tell in detail about their observations of water for baptism. Moreover, all changes in the water structure are fixed by the instruments, that is, are absolutely scientific. For more information, you will receive additional information after viewing the following video:

Rules of safe immersion in the hole

In recent years, you wanted to swim in the baptism in the healing, but Ice Water was noticeably added. And although it is believed that it is impossible to get sick in the feast of the Holy Epiphany, it is still not necessary to neglect the preventive measures if you also want to repeat the perennial ritual.
  1. It is necessary to undress immediately before immersion in the hole, in no case you can not have a long time before or after it is murous in the cold.
  2. First enter the water on your knees, wash away and only then begin to slowly dive.
  3. It is important to stay in ice water as little time as possible so that the bodies are preculpted.
  4. After entering the surface, squeeze yourself with a towel and get dressed quickly. Immediately go to the warm room, drink something warming (but not alcohol).

Bathing itself occurs in special drives (known as Jordan), when they are sanctified by priests. Before entering the water, believers read the prayer "Our Father" or one of the special bathing prayers. In the process of swimming in the hole, 3 times quickly dip with your head, then 3 times they cross themselves and say "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Important! A long shirt (even women) is put on baptism, since it is necessary to embarrass other people a view of their semi-bodied body.

Pay attention to what is and Contraindications for Epiphany Swimming Water Water , namely:

  • cold;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • chronic pathology;
  • Summary diseases.

Ideally, if you hardly want to swim in the hole, before the holiday, consult a doctor about whether such an act does harm for your body.

What can and what can not be done on the day of the Holy Epiphany?

Let's start S. permitted to this holiday action:

  1. On the eve, on January 18, believers will fast. The evening of this day is called the Epiphany Christmas or Hungry Bucket.
  2. The hostess prepare at least 12 dishes in advance, which January 19 treat their family, guests. Meat must be present on the table.
  3. In the morning, it is advisable to visit the Church to Baptism, where the solemn service and to gain holy water. Having come home, she sprinkles all the corners of their home - according to believing, such actions will be removed all home from diseases and problems for the next 12 months of the year.
  4. If you want strongly, in terms of health indicators, you will plunge into the hole, which symbolizes the cleansing from sins.
  5. Are you with someone in stretched relationships? Then in the bright day of the Epiphany, it's time to reconcile, ask for forgiveness or from the soul to forgive offenders.

Interesting! The belief says that the one who baptized on January 19 will live happily ever after.

Baptism of the Lord Holiday

What unacceptable to do baptism?

  1. To be sad, cry - otherwise all year has to be upset.
  2. To find out the relationship, participate in scandals, offended. Remember the teachings of Jesus Christ, who spoke about the need to forgive their neighbors, in his words the truth lies.
  3. Doing the work on the house - to clean, wash, because with similar actions you defile the healing water. In general, having time with the performance of any heavy work.
  4. Under the ban on life, peresya, slander, deception will also come.
  5. You can not try to find out the future with the help of gadas, so as not to guess your happiness.

Signs associated with baptism

  • As a rule, it comes to the holiday, there is a cooling, even there is such an expression as "Epiphany frost."
  • On the day of the Holy Epiphany, the bread is well humbled.
  • Clear weather - to a bad harvest.
  • If then, when the priests in baptism are holy by water, the snow begins - it means that the bees and a high crop of bread will be well sweeten.
  • Many stars in the sky on the night of the holiday - in the fall, collect a lot of berries and nuts.
  • Baptism coincides with the full moon - there will be a big water.
  • For 12 days after baptism and water and waters, workers were not erased before.

And finally, it is believed that the Holy Epiphany fee opens the sky. Therefore, you can safely utter the most intimate your dreams - a great chance that they will be performed. Just do not forget that the priority now needs to be done on the spiritual, and not on the material.

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