When will Radonitsa in 2020: how to celebrate it


Massage of the departed is the direct responsibility of every Christian. Living prayers help the dead in the afterlife, facilitate their condition. What is Radonitsa in the Orthodox Tradition? This is Easter's deceased, and is formed by this name from the word "joy."

Live go to the graveyard to the dead to bring the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ, married with them. In this bright day, you can not only remember your deceased birth, but also ask them for help and assistance in gaining wealth, health, second half. I always use the help of my ancestors, they quickly fulfill requests. About these rites I will tell you in the article.


Traditions of Orthodox Radonitsa

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This is the main Orthodox Parent Saturday, which falls on the ninth day after Easter. Calculate the date Radonitsy is not difficult: it should be added to the date of Easter number 9.

In 2020, Radonitsa (Radunitsa) falls on April 28.

Despite the fact that Radonitsa refers to memorial days, at this time the fun reigns. Because the lives carry the dead joyful news - Christ is risen. According to the Orthodox Russian tradition, live relatives come to the graves of the dead and bring Easter cakes, painted eggs, candy, kissel. In the cemetery, believers are sent after visiting the church liturgy.

It must be remembered that the memorial day is tied to Easter, so the date from year to year changes, but always falls on Tuesday. The week after Easter is called a fomine week, and Radonitsa falls on Tuesday of Fomina. Easter refers to turning dates and depends on the position of the moon in the sky. Radonitsa, ascension, Trinity tied to Easter. You can invite clergy to Radonitz to spend the festive lithium on the grave.

This holiday is though Christian, but goes to its roots in deep antiquity: the pagans remembered their dead in this spring day. However, drinking alcoholic beverages on the graves, as was customary from the pagans, it is impossible. The church strictly prohibits drinking into church holidays.

Christians believe that the souls descend on the land to Radonitsa to celebrate Easter along with alive.

In advance before Easter holidays, the graves are put in order, paint the fence. Cleaning must be made after winter so that the place of restoring relatives and loved ones was clean and neat. After that, you can already arrange a memorial meal, inviting the priest to lithium.

In the evening, you should arrange a homemade memorial meal with the whole family, remember all your deceased close and relatives. However, at home it is not recommended to connect alcohol and behave in due.

Radonitsa in 2020

Customs and traditions of Radonitsy

For many believers Radonitsa is a day when you should remember your deceased relatives and distribute alms from the church or in need.

Christians believe that at this time the soul of the deceased attend their native places, so it is customary to leave the vessels open. The windowsill put a treat - candy, kissel, painted, baking. It is also customary to put a plate for all your departed, which commemorate.

In some areas, the died even slept the bathhouse so that they could wash. In the bath left clean things and went out of it, the doors were locked on the castle until the morning. What is the meaning of these traditions? Orthodox believe that the border between the world of the dead and alive is erased on Radonitsa, so the souls of the deceased rushed to the ground in their native places. It is important for them to see that they have not forgotten them. Therefore, it is customary to put a treat, trample a bathhouse, visit the cemetery.

You can not remember the departed on the red hill (the first Sunday after Easter).

If it was raining on the Radunitsa, our ancestors went outside and washped in heavenly water. It was believed that she brings happiness.

The peasants had a custom with Easter eggs: it was necessary to transfer three times to paint through the hundel. It was necessary to throw it very carefully so that the egg does not break: then the harvest is well saved.

The cemetery had to get before other people. It was believed that the first person who would cross the cemetery feature would acquire the mercy and the patronage of the dead.

What can and what can not be done

Since Orthodox traditions were committed to forcing for 70 years, many people do not know about prohibitions in remembered days. Also do not know how to properly spend these days and what to do.

What should be done:

  • In advance to take the grave after the winter.
  • Visit the memorial service in the church.
  • Submit alms at the church after the service.
  • Invite a priest to the memorial service on the grave (in advance).
  • Organize small commemorations in the cemetery.
  • Organize a memorial dinner at home, invite relatives.

Almighty on Radonitsa is not provided simple, but on the pompi of the soul of the deceased. On this day, it is impossible to sad and wander on the departed: you need to remember joyful and happy moments from life.

What can not be done on this day:

  • Perform a dirty work on the house, wash and sew.
  • Quarrel, squander, find out the relationships on elevated colors.
  • Drink alcohol, behave in an inappropriate way.
  • Choir food on grave hilly - you need to distribute the treat with the beggar.
  • Jump the earth and put something there.
  • Attend pregnant care cemetery.

In Belarus, there is a strict ban on the ground to pierce the land and plant something in the garden to the Raduznut. You must first honor the memory of the ancestors, and then engage in agricultural work.

Customs and traditions of Radonitsy

Magic Rituals on Radonitsa

Since the border between the world of living and the dead on Radonitsa is erased, you can ask the deceased help:
  • in healing from diseases;
  • in gaining well-being and wealth;
  • In a good marriage.

The rite of attracting grooms

This rite is an old, roots go to pagan Rus. But with his help you can attract the grooms and get married. You need to bake a loaf with which the rite is carried out. In the baked loaf, you need to stick 2 needles with threads (needles and threads buy in advance, they must be new).

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Then this needle with a straw picked up in a bun. Then they took the second needle.

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A second needle with a thread should be stuck in a bunch of tilt to the first to get a cross.

After that, the bunch must be put on the threshold until the morning. In the villages, they endured in Songi, in modern apartments you can take a balcony or put in the corridor or on the windowsill. At dawn, a bug with needles need to be placed at the highest place in the house so that it dries. During the year, the girl should marry or meet his narrowed.

To get rid of problems

For this rite you need to have a photo of a relative, to which you appeal for help. On the eve of Radonitsa (on Monday), you need to free up the table from all items and set to a clean tablecloth. Next, you should write on the A4 sheet with red ink the following text:

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When the text is recorded, you need to put a photo of the deceased next to this sheet and leave until the morning. In the morning, the sheet with the text you need to burn, and put the photo in your place. Ashes let the wind. Please will be executed soon. However, do not forget to go to the church to the service and in a graveyard with a lot.

Rite of healing

For this, the ritual will need a thing of the deceased (clock, decoration). In the evening, we free the table from unnecessary items and covered with a clean white tablecloth (you can slip without drawings). The table put the thing of the deceased and say three times:

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After that, you need to take a thing and touch it to the forehead, solar plexus and knees. The thing leaves for the night on the table, and in the morning you clean.

Rite of attraction

This is a complex rite, but its effectiveness is tested by time. On Monday they buy different sweets, but not for the house - for the rite. On Tuesday, go to church and put 12 candles for the rest of our deceased. And you need to know the 12 names of your deceased blood clins, otherwise the rite will work badly. It is allowed to remember the teles of her husband, but it is in extreme cases. When you put candles on the eve, say:

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When put all the candles, read the memorial prayer from Prayer (buy in the church shop or print from the computer). After reading, buy the biggest wax candle, burn it and listen to the liturgy with a burning candle. When the service is over, put off the candle with your fingers (do not be blown) and bring home.

Now get the photos of all 12 relatives, put them on the table or put them. Light a candle brought from service and read the following conspiracy:

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The table should be released from unnecessary items, it is covered with a white tablecloth. Photos can be leaving for anything to stand, but you can just put on the table. If the photos lie, stand on them with a candle and read the text.

What if there are no photos of 12 relatives? Mean so much shower as you know. But the more commemorable, the better. Do not forget to visit the graves to Radonitz and bring a sweet treat.

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