Privory potion - how to cook and apply


Love is not only a beautiful feeling, but also unpredictable. We do not choose who we fall in love - often this choice make our hearts and souls. And how bitter and insulting to realize that the person we loved, does not respond to our feelings of reciprocity. Of course, unrequited love forced people to perform feats, create magnificent masterpieces of art, but she also brought a lot of suffering.

What am I talking about? Yes, that people from ancient times, especially the representative of the weak sex, tried to turn the love unrequited in love mutual, and helped them in this magic. Digitious potions are one of the oldest means to achieve response feelings from the desired person.

Duty potion - what is it?

Privory potion - how to cook and apply 2303_1

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What is a probitive elixir? This is a magic drink, the purpose of which is to strengthen the passion and affection, attract a cute and desirable person to themselves, return fading feelings. In practical magic, guidance potions were used since ancient times. They were manufactured on the basis of wine or tea, the required ingredient was fresh blood. Sometimes he had the most unimaginable components, from which a person far from magic would be horrified.

Modern love drinks have more measured and gentle composition, and find all the components can usually be without an apparatus app. Moreover, I do not recommend experiments on the preparation of a probitive elixir with dangerous and "wild" components on its magic kitchen. Not knowing the properties of the ingredients, to deal with which it was not possible before, you risks to apply to your beloved person and substantial damage. At best, the potion will not work or give the opposite result, at worst - will lead to serious health problems.

What to take into account when preparing a probitive elixir?

To avoid a number of unwanted consequences that can be caused by the use of a guide potion (and those, believe me, there are: stories are known when people from this drink even lose their minds), you need to adhere to certain rules and conditions when cooking it. Consider them for individual items:

  1. Most of the types of guidance potions are preparing cooking On the growing moon . At the same time, alone drugs can be prepared in just one day, while others require long exposure (sometimes it can delay the years). If you decide to make a love drink, it is better to take for this thing on 3, 8 and 9 Moon days , or can be devoted to ritual full moon.
  2. Days of the week, which I recommend to devote to the preparation of a witch drink, is Monday and Friday - their energy is most suitable for this ritual.
  3. Prepare a drink only in good location of the spirit - the negative energy of a bad mood can lead to the opposite effect.
  4. You can not cook a guideline potion from curiosity - the magic of a frivolous relationship does not tolerate (you do not want it to turn against you?)
  5. The dishes in which the potion will prepare must be new, but not from plastic.
  6. An important condition - you must believe the elixir and the desired result (the power of the malignational potion depends on this).
    Privory potion - how to cook and apply 2303_2
  7. I advise you to cook a love drink outside your home. Well, if it is a quiet and deserted place hidden from prying eyes (no wonder in the oldest times of sorcerers and the signs lived apart, in places devoid of human energy).

Recipes of probitive potion

Now that we looked with you the essence of the love drink and the conditions for its preparation, I want to introduce you to some recipes of a guide potion, which without much difficulty you can prepare yourself.

Method first - on blood

Components: A few drops of their blood (you can prick a finger or take advantage of menstrual), red rose petals (it is red - this is the flower of the Goddess of Love Aphrodite).

Cooking: From pink petals to squeeze the juice, mix it with his blood. The resulting potion in several techniques need to be mismassed to your favorite food or drink.

Value potions based on blood are considered one of the strongest. They are capable of almost forever to tie your favorite person to you.

Method of the second - hair

Components: Selected hair (you can link from my head, but better inguinal), absolutely new scissors, red rose petals, their pubic hair, a bottle of red wine.

Privory potion - how to cook and apply 2303_3

Cooking: Pink petals burn, Save Save. Hair (his own and chosen) is finely chopped with scissors, then mix with ashes of petals. The resulting mixture pour into a bottle with red wine, insist 2 weeks. The resulting potion gradually cut together with the chosen one.

The method is the third - on vodka, fruits and apples

The recipe that has come down to us from ancient Russia.

Components: Vodka - 5 tablespoons, apple -1 pieces, pear - half, walnut, juniper - 1 teaspoon, water - 1 cup.

Cooking: Finely peel all the solid ingredients, mix with water. Boil, remove from fire, after 15 minutes to strain, add vodka. Give a drink chosen one (best immediately after cooking). The results will appear pretty quickly.

Method Fourth - Potion on Water

Components: Ordinary water or any other drink.

Cooking: Press the drink (or water) using the following words:

"(1) You - with me, I - with you. I - with you, you - with me.

(2) How water does not break, so we are going together. ".

Half a potion to give a drink to his beloved person, to drink the second half itself. When the chosen will drink, you need to repeat the second part of the spell; When you drink yourself - the first.

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