Symbolism of the holiday of the Trinity, which is possible, and what can not be done


Holiday Holy Trinity Day - refers to the two-month (that is, the most important) holidays from Christians. In a different way, it is called Pentecost and the Descent of the Holy Spirit. What a symbolism of this religious event, which is possible, and what can not be done on the trinity, as well as what magical rituals are related to this day? Consider the listed questions in this material.

In 2021, Trinity is celebrated on June 7.

What holiday is it?

Why did the Trinity attributed to the greatest Christian celebrations, the same as Easter, Christmas and the Baptism of Christ? Here you need to go deep into history, resurrecting events that had more than 2,000 years ago - with the earthly life of the Savior. In particular, the latest life of Jesus on Earth is considered. On the eve of his death, Christ gives a promise that after 50 days from the moment of his death, God will send people a comforter who will invisible assistance to all truly believers.

Trinity Temple Decoration

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And indeed, 40 days after the execution of the Savior and his students discovered an empty coffin, which confirmed the wonderful Ascension of Christ to heaven. And after another 10 days, all followers of the teacher are collected together in Jerusalem in one of the houses. Then they hear the strongest noise similar to the hurricane wind, which swears over the streets of the city.

The students immediately did not understand anything, but soon an amazing event was solely: a flame tongue appeared above the head of each apostle. They also got the opportunity to express in any language and adverbs used in those times. After the followers of Jesus Christ are sent around the world to bring to the masses faith about the sacket, teach them to salvation and open the love of the Lord.

So what does the Holy Trinity still mean? He symbolizes the three hypostasis of the Most High in the Christian religion: God Father, the God of the Son and the Holy Spirit and the unity between them.

And after more than 2000 years, the holiday did not lose its relevance. After all, the descent on the Earth of the Holy Spirit on this day is directly connected with all people living on the planet at different times. It symbolizes the onset of bright times when a person has the opportunity to communicate with the highest forces.

What date is the Trinity celebrate?

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Celebrate the Trinity in Kievan Rus has become only 300 years after approval on the lands of Russian Christian faith. In Ukrainians, this celebration has a close connection with the onset of summer and spring wires.

The week before the holiday is known as "green", "RUSSIAL" or "CLEAR". And 3 days directly until the day of the Trinity and 3 days after it is called "Green Week".

Since ancient times, Ovez bloomed on the green week, people decorated their homes, using greens and flowers, young girls whipped wreaths. And, as the antique beliefs say, then mermaids went out of lakes and rivers, luring in their networks of imprudent men, the dead were wanted in the graves.

Trinity is a holiday that does not have an accurate date, annually it is celebrated in different days and different months. But it is always 50 days from the day of Easter. In the future, 2021, the bright Sunday of Christ falls on May 2 +50 days = June 20. Then we will celebrate the Trinity. This is about the Orthodox laity.

Interesting moment. The feast of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit is celebrated for as many as 3 days: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Monday is called the Brass Day or Day of the Holy Spirit.

What can I, and what can not be done on the trinity?

First of all, believers pay attention to pre-holiday preparation a couple of days before the celebration: notice in the house, the floor washed, garbage and any things that are no longer used. The hostesses are engaged in the preparation of delicious dishes, a special emphasis is on home pastries.

Caparage on Trinity

Also on the eve of a festive day - on Saturday, called Parental, you need to go to the cemetery to spend the dead.

Further consider what usually It is customary to do on the day of the Holy Trinity:

  1. We are talking about religious celebration, so Christians are mandatory sent to the church to survive a festive worship, supplemented in the Trinity of the Divine Liturgy and the Great Evening.
  2. In the first time, temples are decorated with greens: Paul of the Church will rush with freshly curved grass, the spring flowers and young sprigs of trees hang on the image.
  3. On holiday, the Trinity showed prayers to God, to ask him to forgive any sins committed for life.
  4. It is supposed to sanctify the birch sprigs in this holiday, which are subsequently put in their home near the icons. Their function is to protect all residents of the house from the power of evil. And, in addition, Birch (or rather her twigs) is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
  5. According to tradition, a magnificent feast is organized, all relatives, close and friends of the family gather at the festive table. Moreover, you can cook not lean dishes, but surprise guests with your culinary talents. Traditional festival dish - loaf.
  6. Also on the celebration of the descent of the Spirit of the Holy Exprove, they always called the matchmaker to the bride. After all, the people believed that Walking the girl on Pentecost, and playing the wedding on the cover (the day of the meeting and autumn) - the newlyweds will live a long life in peace and harmony.
  7. Another interesting tradition is connected with weaving beautiful wreaths with young girls from wild flower, herbs, birch branches and allowing them on a river to remove their future (more detail this is considered further).
  8. Successfully on Pentecost to do good things - to put up with those who are in a state of hostility, help the needy. It is very favorable to show monetary charity for its loved ones or other people, give gifts, distribute things that are unnecessary to themselves and objects, but are in good condition.
  9. The trinity of the priests pray for the souls of those people who were not destined to return home, about missing and suicides. For the latter this day, a great exception is made, because they are traditionally considered to be rejected from the church.

The following actions, on the contrary, are under the ban:

  1. Cleaning at home, cooking and baking food, sewing.
  2. In Trinity and Spirits, Monday after Pentecost, it is impossible to do physical labor in the garden, but you can go to search for treasures.
  3. You can not go to the forest alone, or swim in natural reservoirs - then you can get caught in the hands of Mavels and mermaids, which lure to themselves and destroy. Almost very experienced fishermen and swimmers died on Pentecost's stories.
  4. It is forbidden on the day of the Trinity to ride the cemetery.
  5. Girls should not cut or paint their curls and perform other cosmetic manipulations.
  6. In a bright Christian holiday, it is impossible to quarrel, find out the relationship, show aggression towards other people, envy or gloating - such actions can be angry with God.
  7. Moreover, it is unacceptable to engage in anyhary-magic rituals, especially damage. Otherwise, you will cause great harm and personally to yourself, and everything in your own family.
  8. It is impossible to make depraved actions. Those who will oppose the commandments of Jesus Christ will subsequently be punished.
  9. Under the ban on the divorce, which the church is like a great sin. True, fairness should be noted that people usually ignore this ban.

Ritals and rituals on this day

During our great-grandmothers on the day of Pentecost, the morning service was mandatory, after which they went to celebrate. People's walking with songs, dances and dances arranged to the Holy Trinity. In rural areas, sometimes such events can be met now.

In the evening of the same day rounds were opened by unmarried girls, and idle guys were to carefully look closely, looking for their bride. The girls made a wreath of flowers and herbs, could present them to that guy who liked to demonstrate their sympathy.

Also in a bright Christian holiday, herbs were gathered, which were arid and used in the future as medicinal tools for the treatment of various ailments. It was still believed that the greenery assembled on the Trinity will save the dwelling from thunder and zipper.

From the festive punishment, pieces were laid out, they were dried and kept to marriage. Then put them in a wedding cake so that the young people do not know any grief in life.

Fortune telling with a wreath

Other customs and signs associated with fortune-making on the narrowed are also known. After all, the descent of the Holy Spirit was surprisingly coincided with another event, known since the times of paganism - the Rumal Week. And although the mermaids were very afraid, but sometimes they were treated for help - for example, to get an answer about the future spouse.

Girl in a wreath of flowers

It is not surprising that the Tropic fortune telling in the wreath was enormous popular. It is done like this: a wreath of wild flowers is rushing on Pentecost and starts on river water - as a gift for the mermaid, for which she will answer about the future gadgetting:

  • If the wreath is sinking - there are serious tests, troubles;
  • Schalled - a shortness of the girl will meet his fate, happily get married;
  • It remains next to the shore - while it is too early to think about marriage, you can repeat the fortune telling next year or in the salty days in winter;
  • Wreath floats against the current - soon life will make a steep turn, divided by "before" and after. "

Ritual for wealth

Perform it if you are experiencing financial difficulties and wish to get the support of the highest strength so that next year has passed in the state of wealth and abundance.

To do this, gossip the wreath, sanctify it in the temple and bring home, also necessarily taking the Holy Water. It should be sprinkled into each of the housing corners (along the clockwise arrow), as well as put there on one or more coins. During the rite, read the following text:

"Holy Trinity, to help us this, I will not be lazy, I will work. For this, let me be sick to my house. "

Then the wreath need to put in the house and hide into a secluded place where no one can get. There he is stored all the next year.

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