When and how to celebrate the Assumption post in 2021


At the end of the summer of 2021, in the Orthodox calendar there is an important date - a feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 2 weeks before him, the Assumption post begins, which is also called sustation. What is the essence of this post, and how to comply with it - I will tell you in this article.

The duration of the Assumption post is 2 weeks. Every year, its beginning falls on August 14, and he is completed on the 27th.

Assumption post

Meaning and History

During this period, 2 Orthodox holidays are celebrated:
  • August 14 - the origin of the honest trees of the life-giving cross, which people are called honey spas.
  • August 19 - the Transfiguration of the Lord, or Apple Savior.

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For the first time about the Assumption post in church chronicles, it was mentioned in the V century. In those days, each season has already been established in one post. Despite the fact that Saucean was accounted for for a summer period, she was considered autumn post.

Initially, the Assumption post was intended for those who for some reason could not fast in the spring before Easter. For them, the abstinence period began a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity, and ended on August 27, i.e. Before the success of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Over time, this period has been reduced, and from 1166 other framework of the Assumption post, which Christians follow to this day.

The main essence of the Assumption post is to prepare for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For 2 weeks you need to limit yourself in pleasure, entertainment and food. It is also necessary to pray and repent of sins to become like God's Mother of God, and to get the opportunity to ask her about intercession. Due to the observance of the post, you can clean your body and mind, filling them with spiritual enlightenment.

Flight compliance rules

The church incessantly suggests that the post is primarily aimed at gaining spirituality, and becoming closer to the Almighty. To achieve these goals, a person must pass the same path that was passed by holy. Only limiting the bodily pleasures and entertainment, in the soul of man there will be an understanding that there is something more important in the world - this spirituality.

Most of the time for rescue, believers should be carried out in prayer to cleanse from sins and bad thoughts. In return, they find calm and peace in the family, get rid of pride and bad influence. During this period, it is also important to forgive all your offenders, and to reconcile with the enemies. After leaving this heavy cargo in the past, you can find happiness and grace.

During the Assumption post, you can not be angry, envy, fade, condemn others, shout, to offend close, and even mentally evil evil. The Most Holy Mother of God and Jesus forgave their atrocities to all their offenders, for which he found eternal life in heaven. Also during this period is prohibited to have fun, attend entertainment events, celebrate holidays, dance and sing. The TV pastime has a computer and the use of any gadget should be strictly limited.

Assumption Post 2020.

Permitted and prohibited products

The rules of food on the suctionism in their rigor are not inferior to the Great Post. Be sure to eliminate meat, dairy and fish products, eggs, animal fats, sweets, alcohol, fast food and smoked food from the diet. The basis of nutrition for the period of the Assumption post is vegetable:
  • cereals, legumes and grain crops;
  • fruits, vegetables, mushrooms;
  • honey, nuts, dried fruits, berries;
  • Sunflower, linen or olive oil.

In the days when hot food is allowed, you can prepare boiled, stewed or baked dishes - to fry is strictly forbidden. Bread and other lean pastries are also allowed. From sugar for the period of post it is better to refuse, or reduce the amount of its consumption to a minimum. As for having, you can drink water, berry and fruit fruit, but tea and coffee are prohibited.

On holidays, namely, on July 14 and 19, it is allowed to prepare fish and seafood. In addition, these days, as well as on weekends, you can drink church red wine, but its number should not exceed 150 ml.

Food rules by day

Mondays, Wednesday and Friday are the most difficult days, because Failing it is allowed to eat only that food that does not require cooking by heat treatment. Usually in the menu includes 1-2 pieces of bread, vegetables, fruits, nuts, dried fruits and honey. You can prepare salads without oil refueling.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can eat hot food, but if it is prepared, it is impossible to use oil. As a rule, these days are preparing soups without roasted, cereal, mushrooms, boiled or baked potatoes and salads. The list of allowed products is wide enough, so the skillful mistresses will be quite enough to feed their seven delicious and satisfying dishes.

On Saturday and Sunday, it is allowed to prepare hot dishes with the addition of oil. In addition, these days you can drink one bed of red wine, as well as eat fish. Despite the fact that some relaxation are allowed on weekends, still need to be restrained and not to go. Get up from the table with a feeling of light hunger.

Everyone who decided to fast on the rescue should remember that it is necessary to follow the stringent rules. In addition, the laity should remember that the observance of the post should not be damage to health, so before the abstinence period, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Assumption posts can not adhere to pregnant women, children, elderly people, servicemen and those who have serious illnesses.


Preparation for post.

Any changes in nutrition are reflected in the work of the body. Due to the low calorieness, the lack of proteins of animal origin and the insufficient number of fats may occur with digestion. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to begin preparations for the post of 1-2 weeks. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:
  • gradually remove meat products from the diet;
  • reduce portions daily;
  • introduce into the diet fiber;
  • Prepare the gastrointestinal tract by daily consumption of ferocular products;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water;
  • Reduce sugar intake to an absolute minimum, replacing it with honey.

In the first days of post with unaccustomed, a feeling of hunger can often occur. Fighting with it will help frequent consumption of small portions of food, as well as snacks.

Traditions and signs

With the Assumption post, many traditions are associated, customs and will accept, many of which are still following:

  • The first day of the post is called wet saves or saved water, because It was the 14th of August for a long time to illuminate water. This rite is similar to those conducted on baptism. Everyone who bots on the illuminated reservoir, to be cleaned of sins.
  • On the 14th of August not only the beginning of the post, but also honey saved, which is also called Makov. On this day, the honey will be illuminated in churches, and get a blessing to take it into food. Also in this date it is customary to prepare dishes with poppy.
  • On August 19, apple saved comes - from this day you can start to eat apples of the new crop.
  • During the susso, they pray not only about the health and well-being of family, protection and forgiveness, but also about a good crop. In the church, you can consecrate the charm or talisman on fertility. For example, the collected reserves would be enough until next year, you need to sanctify the ears of rye, and store in the house.
  • In the old days it was believed that the one who violates the rules of the suckers will experience the whole of the next year. In addition, such disobedience could accommodate trouble for the whole family.

Some signs can tell about the nearest events, and will also tell when a person will suggest good luck or trouble.

  • If, when harvesting, the nut falls on the head - this is to good luck, and if the apple is to financial profit.
  • Wealth and good health expects that on the first day of the post accidentally falls into the river, or he will share it with water.
  • The hare who has overdowed the road of August 19, foreshadows the receipt of good news.
  • The imminent approximation of autumn and rainy weather they say flourishing cranes on August 20th.
  • Autumn will be warm if the 23rd of the water in the lake or the quiet river.
  • One who will see a ghost on August 24, is considered a "unclean" man who has many sins. To be cleaned, he needs to stay in the church on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin.


  • Assumption post is the shortest, because It lasts only 2 weeks.
  • For the period of susso, there are 2 important Orthodox holidays.
  • When complying with the post, it is necessary not only to limit yourself in nutrition, but also refuse entertainment and bodily pleasure.
  • Strict compliance with the post for the laity is not necessary, so it's not scary if a person violated his rules.

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