Name name Jesus: names name, angel day and character


Biblical Hebrew name Jesus is known to every person in the world. In addition to directly Jesus Christ, some Old Testament Persons are inflated by this name.

The Jewish and Catholic name means "salvation", "God frees". This male name has a large number of other variations that can often be heard in Western European and Latin American countries.

The initial form of Jesus is absent in the modern world practice name. But the various variations are quite widely found in the above states.


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In the French-speaking and hispanic population, the synonyms named Jesus are commonplace. These are the following names: Jesus, Jizes and Jesus, as well as Joshua, Josue and others. There is a female name with these roots - Hesus.

The values ​​of these forms name will be correct.

Character and turns of fate

In childhood, Joshua is not distinguished by strong health and openness. The child is slightly closed, stronger and requires special attention. The approach to the boy will find those who will respect his pace of development, the inner world and personal space.

In the early years, his worldview, habits and future character, which undergoes significant changes in life. Joshua's schoolboy is a diligent student, science is not difficult. I am used to read a lot and self-talking. It should be noted a special love for animals, seeks to have dogs or other pets.

Begins to engage in physical culture from an early age, seeking to have attractive external data and strengthen health. Command sports help to raise the boys volitional qualities, find many friends, like-minded people. There are not many friends, the young man is elected in a relationship, few people trusts to be near.

Adult, this person can change internally. From a timid, closed guy grows a confident and open man.

It has an internal rod, quickly conquers authority in companies or colleagues. Since childhood, curious, he is interested in everything around. Joy shares intellectual luggage with his friends.

Josue is difficult to transfers a lie and betrayal, immediately dismantle with a man who offended him.

It becomes often an influential person, intervening in what is happening events. By nature, he is honest and straight, often caresses troubles and conflicts. But it is difficult for him to come with principles.

With friends open and affordable, man is friendly and generous. At the same time, endowed with the situation will use the authorities, becoming sharp. He loves a higher position, the material well-being is not alien to him. Having a sufficient financial resource is capable of being gallant and wasteful. He likes comfort and independence that money and position in society can give.

It has eloquence, excellent memory, is always in finding new sensations and knowledge.

In an effort to freedom, it can be captivated and staying alone. Not too caring towards loved ones, but soberly assesses what is happening and performs actions according to their life credo.

Day Angel

The name Jesus and its numerous variations celebrate the name day on the day of the memory of Jesus Nawin on September 14.

What profession chooses

Creative globility does not leave the hesus throughout the life path. He prefers to work without a higher authority, completely given to the process. The rhythm of work is also important for this person. A man with the same name will definitely master any craft.

Professions suitable in terms of skills and creativity: musician, designer, technologist, architect, jeweler.

To seek success in his career is quite easy. He is a maximalist, in many situations puts himself at the step above the colleagues and the whole environment. He loves and can be a teacher, mentor, coach, instructor.


On the shoulder to become not only the head of the department, but also the leader of the highest level.

Emotional bursts occur periodically, which is not entirely characteristic of a restrained hesus. This is due to conflicts, ravage, disagreement with colleagues.

An excellent choice for Hessus will be a sports career, it is guaranteed high achievements. As well as the work related to the Public Initiative: Social Services, Psychology.

It has a wide choice in a professional plan: from simple worker to quarry heights.

Love and family relationships

Josue is not looking for love at any cost. For him, reliable and mutual attachment is important. In the Union, he can be both meek and driven and dominant, inspiring. This man is sincere and waits in response to the same manifestations. It is difficult for him to forgive betrayal, but he will not do that.

In family life, he needs a personal space, so the wife must respect his choice, not be obsessive and aggressive.


Stop his choice on a woman with a calm, balanced character. The economic, reasonable and faithful spouse he will love and cherish it.

It is not for the wedding bonds to bind yourself, often creates a family in adulthood.

Health, habits

He adheres to a healthy way of nutrition, prefers sports measured tempo of life. Shears and for appearance, it is usually a pleasant appearance.

It is necessary to try to restrain emotions and anger. Sensitive nervous system.

Famous personalities

  1. Jesus Christ is a symbol of Christianity, a biblical character.
  2. R. Joshua Mans - Athlete, World Champion in Athletics.
  3. Ballester Hessus is a political scientist and philosopher.
  4. Joshua Carter Jackson - an actor.
  5. Chepteghei Joshua Cyprusi - Attilty.
  6. Joshua Reynolds is an artist.
  7. Joshua Francis Pim - tennis player, doctor.
  8. Joshua Muravchik - politician.
  9. Joshua's stones - navigator traveler.
  10. Bell Joshua is a musician, violinist.
  11. Kennedy Joshua Blake - a football player.
  12. Jesus Monastery-and-Agueros - composer.
  13. Arabary-and-garate Hesus is a musician, conductor and composer.
  14. Jesus Rojas is a boxer.
  15. Jesus Fernandez Collado - football goalkeeper.

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