Conspiracy to the growing moon for money - read at home


The growth of the moon is a special time. In this phase, the night shine accumulates powerful energy and shares it with all alive on Earth. This feature of the moon enjoys magic, extracting a lot of opportunities from it. In the period of the growing moon, magical rituals are held, special conspiracies are pronounced, aimed at attraction, growth and multiplication of something. For example, for money and good luck.


With the help of lunar energy, for example, it is possible to attract financial well-being, because it is one of the criteria for the life well-being of every person. To do this, take advantage of any strong conspiracy for money in a growing moon.

Recommendations for use

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Cash conspiracies held during the growth of the Moon have a large number. They can differ much from each other, but there is one combining feature - their implementation is carried out according to certain rules.

  1. Strong rituals are obtained if Pronounce them on Wednesday - A day characterized by powerful monetary energy.
  2. The correct work of the cash rite and its effectiveness is provided to strict and accurate following the instructions of the ritual . In this case, the amateur in this case is better not to do if you do not want a negative effect and unwanted negative consequences. Especially this rule concerns newbies that have no magical experience.
  3. The sacrament of the conspiracy should be held in a quiet and secluded place all alone.
  4. It is not enough just to pronounce the text and wait for wealth on a saucer with a blue car. Due to the chosen ritual It is necessary to believe , as well as confident to both their own forces. To work, it is necessary to make efforts. Looking magic does not help.
  5. Conducting any money ritual must be saved secret . The surrounding and even closest people do not necessarily know how you managed to achieve financial success.

After reviewing the recommendations by choosing a conspiracy and conducting it for all the rules, you can solve all your problems related to finance. Cash rituals will help to acquire wealth, will attract good luck and make your home always have a complete bowl. Difficulties with the implementation of magical rituals on material well-being should not occur, as they differ relative simplicity and are usually accompanied by detailed instructions.

3 ways

On honey and crumbs from the table

The rite needs to be read in one of the days of the growing moon after the family finishes dinner. You need to prepare a small cup with honey in advance.

Conspiracy on honey

Restraining from the table, the hostess should lubricate his palms with honey and collect all the crumbs from food, bread, shahar grains, and so on, which remains after lunch on the table surface. This process must be accompanied by a plot:

"Sous is removed, I add good luck. How to lipnet Sorrow to honey, so let me stick to my hands. How sorry holds on my hands, so let me keep money in their hands. My strong word, the young month is consecrated. Amen!"

Having done these actions, the hands need to rinse well under running water, saying:

"I wash your palms - I enhance money into the house. Dirt leaves, richness comes. Water decreases, and the moon arrives and the money calls me. Amen!"

At the end of the ritual you need to wash the table from honey, but in the pronunciation of some conspiracy, there is no need for the need.

It is undesirable that someone from homemade all these magical manipulations. If this happens, the performer should not explain anything. It is better to simply say that it is necessary.

On the first bill

You can use the ritual when the payroll or other profits will coincide with the Phase of the Moon's Growth. When the entire amount of money is in hand, you need to take the first (top) bill and put separately from the rest. At night with a deferred money, you must go to the window or go out. Substitting her lunar light, you should read a plot:

"You are the first money, you are the main money. Let the money be sailing for you with a loyalty and settle in my hands. Amen!"

Conspirational money must be tagged and postponed so as not to confuse it with the rest of the bills. It is impossible to spend it. As soon as any income will appear, the first billing from the pack must be put into conspired. If the profit receives one major banknotes, it will have to exchange and part of the money to conspire.

So to do as long as the decent amount is accumulated. On all the accumulated money, besides the main conspiracy, you need to buy something to the house - so that there stands and have not worn anywhere. The conspiracy of the bill is not spent: after the first large purchase, it is necessary to start laying the money from each income again.

A few more ways of the ritual on a growing moon can be seen in this video:

On pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds

On the growing moon, buy a ripe pumpkin or take in your garden. On the day, when you read a plot, collect all pumpkin seeds, and make some kind of dish from the vegetable itself. Pull seeds on the table and read 3 times the text:

"How the money was locked in prison without light. And I revealed pumpkin and opened the path to the money. And for this, the money began to go to me and wake around me and multiply. Let the money goes into my house, and none passes by. Amen!"

Coclary seeds need to be delolding in a skillet. Then call all family members to dinner and submit a previously cooked pumpkin dish. As a dessert, under any pretext, suggest pumpkin seeds. It is necessary that everyone in the family. The effect of magic will begin to manifest itself in about a month. Over time, the influx of money will grow.

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