Prayer "Virgin Deva, Rejoice" - Text in Russian


Christian prayer "Virgin Virgin, rejoice," with the text of which in Russian can be found below, is one of the oldest. It is under this title that many believers know him.


There is another name - "Angelic Greeting". It is connected with the fact that the basis of the prayer "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice" lay down the words of Archangel Gabriel, who descended from heaven to the Annunciation to inform Mary joyful news - about her pregnancy by a child who will become the Savior of all mankind (Luke's gospel, 1: 28). Part of prayer - "Blessed the fruit of your womb" - They are taken from the greeting who met Maria Righteous Eel Piece (her Virgin Mary has served after the Annunciation - the Gospel of Luke, 1:42). Another synonym is the "Song of the Most Holy Mother of God."

This prayer arose in the first centuries of the Christian religion. Currently it sounds in various languages ​​of the world. Probably everyone heard about the famous prayer "Ave, Maria". She is nothing more than the "Virgin Delo, rejoice" in the Latin version.

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In the Orthodox Christianity, the "Song of the Most Holy Virgin" is a mandatory part of the daily morning prayer rule, to be more accurate, a brief morning prayer rule introduced by the St. Sarov's Recent Seraphim. According to this rule, it first utters three times "Prayer of the Lord" ("Our Father"), then three times - "the Virgin Delo, rejoice," the prayer rite is completed with a single reading of the prayer "Symbol of Faith" ("believe").

The church stands out of God's special place, putting it above all the saints and angels. Therefore, the prayer "Angelic Greeting" is considered to be one of the strongest. It helps praying even in the most seemingly hopeless and desperate situations.

"The Mother of God Devo, Rejoice": Text of prayer in Russian and Old Slavonic languages

In Russian, two versions of the prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice" - Staroslavyansky (Church Slavic) and modern Russian coexist. Believers can pray using any of the modifications, depending only on personal preferences.

Text of prayer in Staroslavyansky

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Text of prayer on Old Russian

Text of prayer on modern Russian

Text of the Prayer of the Varnitudice of Devo in Russian, Modern Option

Structure and content of the text of the prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice"

The full analysis of the content of the prayer "The Mother of God Devo, Rejoice" helps to know the whole deep meaning laid down in it. So what do the individual words and individual phrases, of which are composed of prayer? If we consider on the example of the church Slavonic version of the prayer text, the following is obtained:
  • Virgin . Virgin Mary Virgin Mary is called, because she made Jesus Christ - God.
  • Rejoice - The expression of greetings with which Archangel Gabriel appealed to the Mother of God for the Annunciation.
  • Gracious - It means the graceful and mercy filled with the Lord.
  • Blessed you in the wives - It means that Virgo Maria, which the Lord honored the great honor to become the mother of Jesus Christ, chosen among many earthly women, respectively, and glorified more than they.
  • Fruit of peating "Under this phrase is a baby born from the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ.
  • Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. This phrase is an expression of the fact that the believers of Christians glorify the Mother of God: for the fact that she gave birth to Christ, who became the Savior of Human Souls.

Virgin Rule

In the edification of humanity, the Most Holy Mother of God left the Virgin Rule. At first, the believers strictly followed him, then it began to forget. Again, the Virgin Rule went to life thanks to Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky). He compiled a certain scheme of Mary's prayers, which covered the whole life path of Our Lady. With the help of the Virgin rule, Vladyka Seraphim prayed for all humanity, for the whole world.

Vladyka Serafim argued that people who follow the Virgin Rules every day will acquire a strong patronage of the Virgin. The prayer of the "Virgin Delo, Rejoice", according to this scheme, should be pronounced 150 times daily. These 150 times need to be divided into dozens, and after each decade, the prayers of our "OUR" and "Mercy doors" are pronounced one time. If the believer has never had a case with a Virgin rule, it is allowed to start not from 150 repetitions, but from 50.

Each dozen read must be accompanied by additional prayers associated with the important stages of the life of the Virgin Mary. They may be such:

  1. Merry Christmas memoirs Mary. Prayer for parents and children.
  2. Introduction to the Most Holy Theotokos in the temple. Prayer about people who have lost and those who disappeared from the Orthodox Church.
  3. Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God. Prayer about the consolation of mournful and thickening sorrow.
  4. Meeting of Vestodelle Mary with the righteous Elisteaute. Prayer for connecting separated, missing.
  5. Christ christmas. Prayer about a new life in Christ.
  6. Creation of Jesus Christ. Prayer that the Mother of God meets the soul at the time of death.
  7. The flight of the Major Mother of God with the infant Christ in Egypt. Prayer for the avoidance of temptations, about getting rid of misfortunes.
  8. The disappearance of young Christ in Jerusalem and the sorrow of Our Lady. Prayer for the gift of constant Jesus prayer.
  9. Memories of the miracle in Cana Galilee. Prayer for help in affairs and relief from needs.
  10. Most Holy Mother of the Cross. Prayer for reinforcement of spiritual forces, about expulsion of despondency.
  11. Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Prayer for the resurrection of the soul and constant readiness for the feat.
  12. Ascension of the Son of God. Prayer for deliverance from vanity.
  13. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin. Prayer for strengthening in the heart of grace of the Holy Spirit.
  14. The Assumption of the Blessed Our Lady. Prayer about peaceful and serene death.
  15. Sickness of the glory of God's Mother. Prayer for protection against any evil.

In order not to get confused, do not get down with the account, the prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice" is pronounced with the use of a rosary - an old monastic overag. According to reference, the rosary is able to protect against any evil, witchcraft, curses, demonic goats, in vain death, cure mental and bodily illness.

Prayer "The Mother of God know, rejoice" possesses an incredible force. Observing the daily prayer rule, a believer will acquire powerful protection in the face of the king of heaven. It is necessary to pronounce prayer in complete privacy and silence, in front of the Blessed Our Lady. The cherished words should be read with a strong and unshakable faith in the power of God, the Mother of God and all saints.

The mercy of the Blessed Virgin Mary to humanity is endless. She necessarily makes your prayer if the text will be pronounced with sincerity and openness, from the pure heart and soul.

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