Prayer for health and loved ones


I always appeal to God when I have health problems. Prayer for health itself and their loved ones immediately gives the strength that are so necessary in the fight against the disease. Today I will tell you who needs to pray for health and what prayers will help the most.

Prayer power

Health for a person is the most important thing. When it is, everyone perceives it as proper, and only encountered with a poor, it becomes clear how much it turns out to be healthy. It is especially difficult to endure situations when a child or a native man is sick.

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Prayer is the first thing that the person faces, crossing the threshold of the Church. At the same time, the text of the prayer itself is not just a set of random words. This is the embodiment of energy, light and love for the Lord. Many wonder: why help prayers, how is it possible?

Everything is explained simply enough - this is the power of the word. The same word, just uttered in different ways, can be how to raise and kill. The word is what the entire palette of emotions, experiences are expressed. Getting in the morning, a person hears the words, says them and finishes his day he is the same. The word accompanies it throughout life. Sometimes it gives joy, hope, faith, and sometimes destroys, cripples and wounds. People who do not know, feel the power of the word, but not always tremble to it, allowing themselves rudeness and tactlessness.

Deep believing people always follow their own words, understanding their great power. They read prayers and call them communications with God.

How to strengthen prayer

If we consider the word from a material point of view, it is a combination of characters of different forms. Different forms create special energy fields around them. Every word around us carries information, and if it is laid in it, the energy of this word will not bear the negative.

The faith can be called a special kind of energy that is invested in the words of prayer. With their help, it seems to be translated through space. If prayers are pronounced in places, for this purpose (churches, monasteries, places of burial), then they are intensifying many times.

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This is due to the presence of a special life-giving energy there, which is not visible, but it is invisibly present and felt very well. Praying, a person sends special light streams into the surrounding space. If people do not get grace, it means that they do not exude light, and why do anyone have to do what has extended long ago? In order to receive energy and help, you need to become the source of light itself.

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Prayers near the burning candle are at times strengthening vibrations of voices, which is why the Earth biopol is actively transforming them, transforming them into the waves leaving God. Due to the opposite effect, a person in return receives energy healing soul and body.

It is believed that by plunging into prayers, a person falls into a special state when his brain can only perceive waves of a certain frequency, such that perceive only breast babies. Prayers are carried away by a person, tear it from earthly reality, slow down the processes of thinking, and thanks to this, there is a spiritual perception of the world.

The benefits of prayer is a scientifically proven fact. People who regularly visit the church have a faster health, their thoughts are always in order, they possess a pacification.

Why do you need to pray

The need to pray in detail is described in the Bible. Orthodox prayers and their reading carry the following meaning:
  1. Jesus Christ was always in prayer. A man like his student and follower should strive to do the same.
  2. Prayer is a way to serve God, strengthening in faith.
  3. Prayer is the most effective way to communicate with the Lord.
  4. Prayer is a way to prepare for any important events, tests.
  5. Prayer allows God's help when he helps a person to cope with the miscarions of the devil, ailments. During the prayer, answers to many of the painful questions come, the heart is filled with mercy and forgiveness. The easiest way to cope with difficulties is to consult prayer.
  6. Prayer helps overcome temptations.

Not every prayer can be heard by God, only the Most High knows who and when to give the desired answer.

When you need to pray

To speak from how often and how long it is necessary to pray, the answer is one - the believer should lead a life completely permeated prayer. When a person prays, there is no evil intent, hatred, non-resident intentions in his heart. If people had prayed more often, there would be less murders, theft, every other evil. Therefore, it is necessary to create a prayer every time the risk arises to make something bad, even just to say about someone's bad word.

  1. It is very important to pronounce prayer in the morning when you just awakened from sleep. It is enough to allocate for this just a few minutes. In the morning prayer you need to ask the Most High that it helps to spend this day without sin and vice, retained and removed from evil.
  2. During the day, thankful prayers for God are very useful, and you can thank you for anything - it will never be superfluous. You can also complain to God.
  3. At the end of the day, in the evening, after all day care and troubles, it is necessary to analyze everything that happened and be sure to find, for which you can thank God, it was probably something good. Also, it will be useful to repent if, in your opinion, you made something not quite correct. You can and need to thank God for yourself and loved ones, for children.

Prayer is especially important when you need to repent. In Orthodoxy, they say that sin is a wound, and repentance is a medicine healing it. Prayer cleans a person from dirt and bad, and a sinned man as never needs this cleansing. Especially effective tear prayer and repentance.

One thing should be remembered: no man who would not hear God. But he will fulfill the prayer only when she really needs a person.

Prayers for health and loved ones

Health Prayers are read for themselves for themselves, their children, loved ones and just about those who need such support at this moment. Prayers can be read in God's temple, in holy places and even at home.

The most powerful health prayer is the one that is pronounced by a man with a pure heart and thoughts, as well as with deep faith and sincerity. Before reading the prayer, you need to make sure that the one that will be a prayer, - baptized person. It is possible to pray for non-promoted, but this can suffer from the effectiveness of the prayer itself.

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By a sick person, you can not only pray yourself, but it is very useful to order in the temple of Prayer for health - he reads the priests in the church. Both prayer itself and prayer is the charge of the energy sent by the patient. It has a lot of power, gives faith in a cure, and most importantly, a positive attitude, so necessary by the suffering.

Often, in the course of severe illness, it happens that the state of a person is worsening without visible reasons. The cause of this may be a loss of mental equilibrium, which means that the person gets sick. It is here that the prayer is very useful: it returns peace, stabilizes the mental mood, doubt fears, anxiety and doubts.

Who pray for health and loved ones

If serious circumstances occur, the person appeals to God. But it happens that by virtue of ignorance simply does not know who should pray:
  1. Virgin. The appeal in prayer to Mother Jesus Christ parses the fears, disperses anxiety and doubt, smoothes heavy experiences. It is desirable that the prayer of the Virgin is read in front or icon. There are a lot of icons of the Virgin, and, according to priests, they all have various properties. At the example, the "chronic" icon can help with the most severe ailments, such as cancer. The Bogolyubskaya Icon of God's Mother of God was used long-standing for prayers at the cholera and plague epidemics. "The recovery of the dead" is an icon for all those who have problems with eyes. "All mournful joy" - heals with lung diseases, in particular, with tuberculosis. Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God is suitable for all deaf and hearing impaired people. Such an icon as the "healer", is very honored and is considered miraculous with various ailments and twirs.
  2. Nikolai Wonderworker. This saint can rightly be called the most revered in Orthodoxy. Believers believe that all prayers who are pronounced about health or help in any work, be sure to hear the Holy Nikolai. Moreover, it is believed that all the prayers spoken in the church under burning candles find an immediate response to Nicholas. It is noteworthy that Nicholas the Wonderworker is honored even Buryats and Kalmyks - the peoples who profess Buddhism. In order for the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker brought relief of the disease, you need to clear your head from the bad thoughts, ask to be absorbed by sins and pray for a speedy recovery. If this is a prayer for a child, you must definitely light 3 candles (lampada) and put nearby.
  3. Pantelemon healer. This holy in itself is considered a wonderworker and a strong healer. People went to him in the most hopeless cases, all those who have already lost all hope are flocked. His prayers have such a great strength that, according to legends, could even revive the dead children. Therefore, people always walked to him for help with various diseases. If a person feels strong malaise and, especially, before the upcoming operation, you need to refer to the facility of St. Panteleimon and read the prayer for health and healing. To do this, put the icon next to the bed and read the akathist - praise the Almighty. For the healing of babies and adolescents, the appeal "Holy Great Martyr ..."


  1. Prayer for health has great strength, but only when a person has pure thoughts.
  2. Prayers are communication with God, during which you can repent, so asking for mercy.
  3. The Mother of God, Saint Nicholas and Panteleimon Healer - Hope and Support of people suffering from diseases.

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