Week about Mytar and Farisay: When will be in 2021


On the eve of the great post, believers remember the parable of Pharisees and Mytar. This short instructive story configures to humility, makes you feel within my spirit of Christ. Week about Mytar and Pharisee ( in 2021 - February 21-27 ) Reminds the Orthodox that without humility does not achieve the kingdom of God, and that the pride leads to death. It is the spirit of humility that distinguishes the Christian religion from other religions, and there is no salvation without the spirit of meekness. Since the Great Post refers to the transit dates, then the week about Mytar and the Pharisee begins at different times. To know exactly the beginning of the post, you need to check the dates for the church calendar. In the article, I will tell you about what sense is in the parable of Mytar.

Week about Mytar and Pharisees

The essence of the parables about Mytar and Pharisee

One of the features of the sermons of Jesus Christ was a narrative in parables. Proverbs are called short instructive stories with a deep meaning, which suggest the thinking about the eternal. Surprisingly, the instructive stories told more than 2,000 years ago are relevant and nowadays. The world has changed, and the essence of man remained the same. Therefore, this parable was included in the worship service of the liturgical year.

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The words of parables and its meaning are deeply in the soul to each person, make you think: Do I live correctly, is it worthy of the kingdom of God? Is there any silence in my thoughts and actions like Pharisei? Who is closer to the kingdom of God - Mytar or Pharisee? On the one hand, Mytar enjoys his position and assigns money, and sometimes takes the latter. On the other hand, Mytar sincerely realizes its sinful nature and begs for forgiveness.

On a note! Mytar is a tax collector, Pharisee - Jewish official.

Pharisee same proud of his self-grade. He lives at the bottom: prays to see him and heard him. He fulfills the law of God only in order to get glory from people. For Farisay, it is very important that people appreciate his "zeal", because it provides him with a "warm" place at the temple. At first glance, Pharisee comes correctly. But if you appreciate his thoughts, he is full of pride and arrogance. And these are mortal sins.

Week about Mytar and Pharisees in 2021: February 21 - 27.

Sin of Pride entails the rest of the sins: he breeds them. Because of the pride, the angel of the world Lucifer fell, because of the pride of the souls losing eternity. Despite the course of centuries, the sin of pride is still relevant. Still, it is still a person tend to devoid the merits of others and elevate himself humiliation of the neighbor. Therefore, Jesus and drew the attention of believers to this parable so that they would get rid of death sin and overestimated their words and actions.

What is a week about Mytar and Farisae


This parable teaches believers that to gain the kingdom of God's fulfillment of religious rules and laws is not enough. It is important to find and keep inner humility: before the Will of God, before the greatness of God, before his brother for his faith. Without inner humility, Christian life is impossible, because the essence of Christian life is humility. When Jesus prayed in the Gethsemane Garden on the eve of his crucifix, he said: "Let your will be, not mine."

By this, he stressed his humility before the will of the Heavenly Father, packed his flesh and his ambitions. Therefore, for a believer Christian, you need to have the humility of the sooter to gain the kingdom of heaven. This thoughts sought to convey to the listeners Jesus Christ for sermons.

Many people think that the good deeds that they do in church holidays will open their doors to heaven. But this is a delusion. Good cases without humility of Mytar will not lead anywhere and the heavenly gates will not open. Some people come as Pharisees: do good deeds in order for them to praise others. But the god of hearts hearts, and he was led by all human thoughts. If the near you can deceive and mislead, then the creator of life will not work around the finger. The sooner the person is aware of, the more successful his spiritual life will be.

On a note! Having gratitude on Earth, she is deprived of her in heaven.

True Christian deed, as taught by believers, the fathers of the Church, consists of inner humility. "Let the left hand do not know what makes the right." It is not necessary to make good deeds, but from pure mentals. The apostles taught believers: do everything as for Christ. That is, you need to make actions as if you make them for God. Moreover, for your good deeds should not be required to be remuneration. Believers of past centuries tried to get away from praise and gratitude consciously: the one who receives gratitude on earth is deprived of her in heaven.

That is what Nicholas came the miracle, when he thrown money on the dowry of the poor daughter. Saint Nicholas did a blessing under the cover of the night so that only no one saw and did not thank it. Only for the third time the father of daughters saw Nikolai, because specially guard of benefactor.

Saint Nicholas possessed the wisdom granted to him the Holy Spirit, so he worked secretly. Parable about Mytar echoes the parable of the poor and Lazar. Jesus said directly about Lazar (who got into hell) that he had already received reward on earth. Since the poor did not see a single prosperous day in his life, he opened the doors of Eternal Bliss. This was remembered by Nikolai Wonderworker, when I did good deeds and avoided gratitude.

God merciful to me sinner

Preparation in the Great Post

On the eve of the Great Post to Easter, it is very important to realize that it is unacceptable to be proud of your affairs. It is unacceptable to demonstrate to all his religious zeal and try to humiliate those who are not religious or not showing religious zeal.

Important! Humility and repentance is the main condition of Christian virtue.

Summary and exceeding in front of others - the abostivities before the Lord, because the root of these states nests in pride. The enemy does not sleep and constantly inspires sinful thoughts. Sometimes sinful thoughts may appear to be virtuous: see how good you are, how hard you pray and hold the post. It inspires the believer of the enemy of man to plunge into the sin of pride. Not always to sins include something illegal: some sins look quite affordably, for example, a self-confidence of their religious zeal.

Fathers of the Church perfectly know the sinful nature of man and the cunning of the devil, so the morning prayer rule begins with the words of Mytar: "God, gracious Budy me, sinning" . In these words, the Code of Christian Moskness is concluded: without humility there will be no forgiveness. God will not give the forgiveness to those who do not need it. And only referring to grace will cry in his heart: "Forgive me, sinful!" The forgiveness of God and the mercy of him opens the heavens.

The Great Post prepares believers to the most significant event in the life of the Church - Crucifixes and the Resurrection of Christ. A churchable person already knows that the communion (the adoption of the holy body and blood of Christ) always precesses the post and repentance. Without repentance, it is impossible to eat the holy gifts, and they also do not accept them on the full stomach. Therefore, the post and repentance are the two main conditions for communion.

The Great Post prohibits you to eat the rapid (animal) food to subordinate the flesh of the spirit. When a person overcomes the desire to eat a meat dish, he subordinates his body with spiritual aspirations to fulfill the command of the fathers of the Church. For 40 days, believers lead a daily struggle against carnal distances, subordinating their spiritual. Therefore, the post precedes a week about Mytar and Pharisees to exalted in the believers of humility.

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This week refers to solid weeks. This means that all strict rules are canceled relative to lean days - environments and Fridays. This cancellation is a deep meaning: salvation is granted by the grace of God, and not our merit. Compliance with church rules without inner humility and repentance will not lead to anything. Pharisee Hubbee and Vera Points are disappeared to God, and the salvation man acquires only as a result of the realization of his indestructible sinfulness. When a person, like Mytar, will lower the eyes in front of God, then he will find forgiveness, salvation and eternal life.

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