Christmas Prophet John Forerunner - Lord Baptist: Traditions


The christmas of the Prophet John the Forerunner, the Baptist of the Lord - the Christian celebration, established in memory of the appearance of the Son in the family of the elderly Righteousness of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. He was prepared fate to become John the Baptist - that is, to paint the most Jesus Christ.

When will the holiday be in 2021?

The birthday of John the Forerunner was established, focusing on the difference marked in the Gospel between him and Jesus Christ. And since the date of the Nativity of Christ is very close to the winter solstice, the holiday in honor of the Baptist turned out to be approximate to the summer solstice.

Interesting! John the Foreruncheu had to relatives to the Savior on the mother.

For Orthodox Christians using the Gregorian calendar, the holiday every year accounts for July 7. , in 2021 it will be Tuesday. But Catholics continue to stick to the old style (Julian calendar), so for them the Christmas of John the Baptist comes a little earlier - June 24 every year.

The holiday in question is unique for Orthodox, because only three celebrations, established in honor of the birth of birth, and not the death of an outstanding biblical personality: Christmas of Jesus Christ, the Christmas of the Virgin Mary and the Christmas of John the Forerunner. Thus, we find another confirmation of a very reverent attitude to the prophet in Christianity.

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Christmas Prophet John Forerunner

Biblical information

Only one of the evangelists named Luka in the first chapter of his gospel tells about the emergence of John the Baptist. From there we learn that the parents of the Prophet called Zharya and Elisvet, they lived during when the ruler of Judea was a cruel king Herod. Zechariah by the nature of the activity was the servant in the temple.

Both spouses were distinguished by great religiosity, but although they were already a lot of years, Elizaveta could not become pregnant. In those days, the Jews found infertility for the punishment of over and believed that such people had aware of the Almighty, for which they were punished. These were negtegradable.

In spite of everything, Zechariah and Elizaveta continued to pray to the Lord daily to give them a child. And God heard their hot requests. Zechariah During his stay in the church, Archangel Gabriel is, who predicts that a son will appear soon, he says how to call him, what he will play in the fate of all Israelis, that he is destined to become a forerunner before the coming of the Savior himself.

Zechariah, because of his age, was a big skeptic, he did not believe the Angel said. For the abominations of Archangel Gabriel deprives him of speaking. Elizabeth really became pregnant, and the baby John appeared on the last time the light. Zechariah was healed from the little, but not at the birth of the Son, but only on the eighth day when the baby was going to give a name.

Interestingly, John the Baptist is born only 6 months earlier than Jesus Christ. When the Savior was born, the king Herod gives the order to destroy all the kids from Bethlehem. Elizabeth learns terrible news and hides with little John in the desert. When she dies a prophet remains independently living in the wilderness, there he prepares himself for preaching, the coming of Christ and waits, when will be called by the Lord to fulfill his debt.

From the thirty-year-old, John becomes a Baptist: he baptizes people through their immersion in the water, reads sermons about repentance. Forerunner calls on the people of Israel to moral cleansing, which is more important than the external.

He tells people: "I am baptized by water, but it goes for me the strongest me, from which I do not worthy to unleash the shoe belt; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire. " And the day comes when the Savior himself comes to the river Jordan, asking John to paint him in front of the Israelis present.

Interesting! John the Baptist - acts as the most revered holy in Christianity after the Holy Virgin Mary.

John Captition Jesus

What are you praying for John the Baptist?

The Biblical Prophet Forerunner assists with everyone who turns to him for help. As a rule, his icons are asked such prayers:
  • To eliminate grave diseases (especially heads);
  • For approval in the correctness of the decision when a person is afraid to go wrong in his personal life, work, the choice of profession, and so on;
  • To harmonize relations with his spouse / spouse;
  • For easy solutions of everyday affairs.

Interesting! All four evangelists left written evidence of John the Baptist, also mentioned about him in the historical work of Joseph Flavia.

Traditions that you can and can not do

On July 7, Orthodox believers in the morning are departed to the church, where they listen to the solemn Morning service. The priests are then sanctified water, and then everything brought by parishioners - flowers and herbs. According to believe, they gain healing abilities, can get rid of many ailments.

According to the rules of the Church, on the birthday of John the Baptist, it is unacceptable to serve as a clock or memorial service. This day is considered to be intended for prayers for joy and repentance. The first place should be the spiritual questions, it is necessary to pray to God, arguing for religious topics.

Many Christian holidays coincide with pagan, not an exception and the birthday of the forerunner. He falls on the ancient holiday of Slavic-pagans - Ivan Kupala. Therefore, on July 7, some people perform pagan rites, try to find out the future with ghosts, despite church prohibitions. There is an interesting sign for girls who dream to always be beautiful and young - they need to wash dew in the morning in the holiday.

Interesting! John is also known as the Baptist and Forerunner: the Baptist - for the fact that he dubbed the Savior in the River Jordan, and the Forerunner was due to the fact that he was before Jesus began to spend sermons, paying people to Christianity.

John Baptist Picture Leonardo da Vinci

What actions fall under the ban July 7?

  1. It is impossible to perform hard work, however, as in any other church celebration. But, of course, we are not talking about such everyday affairs as cooking or cleaning dishes. It is forbidden to wash the floors, perform repairs, work in the garden or garden. But since July 7 is not considered an official weekend, many people are forced to be in their workplaces, regardless of the profession, to which the priests relate to understanding.
  2. It is unacceptable to focus on worldly affairs, the whole focus of attention believers must be transferred to the spiritual.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to sin: to squander, offend the words or affairs of other people, deceive, slander. It is not even easy to experience negative emotions on someone.
  4. Since the Christmas of John the Baptist falls at the time of Petrov's post, then the ban hits the use of meat, eggs and milk dishes. In honor of the holiday, there is a fish and red wine, but only in small quantities.
  5. It is impossible to solve the relationship, quarrel.
  6. It is not necessary to turn a religious holiday in a feast, collect guests, it is better to spend it together with the relatively close family circle.
  7. It is forbidden to give any things from the house - to sell or give use, as it is believed that the financial difficulties will begin.
  8. You can not beat pets, because then they will not carry good to the house.
  9. Another popular ban on the holiday of St. John the Baptist is connected with the use of a knife. As the folk beliefs say, such actions can be taken over the sins of those who killed the forerunner, because he was beheaded. In connection with this prohibition, some believe that it is better not to eat bright red products causing an association with blood: for example, beets. And therefore do not prepare borsch and similar dishes.

Folk signs

Depending on weather conditions, on July 7, our ancestors did predictions:

  • If a shower pour into the Christmas of the Baptist - a good harvest will grow.
  • A lot of stars can be seen in the sky - the mushrooms are preparing baskets for mushrooms in autumn.
  • Who saw the snake on the feast of the forerunner - he will soon be disappointed, he is waiting for trouble.
  • And if you heard, the cricket dug out loudly - get nice news.

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