Day of Archangel Gabriel: what is the number in 2021, which can not


Day of Archangel Gabriel is a holiday in honor of one of the main angels of God in Christianity. Who is the Archangel Gabriel, to whom it helps, and what date comes his day in 2021, traditions and prohibitions - about all this we will talk in the following material.

What is the number of the holiday of Archangel Gabriel in 2021?

Orthodox Christians annually celebrate the Day of Archangel Gabriel 26 July.

Who is the Archangel Gabriel?

In the Christian religion, God has a large number of assistants who keep absolute devotion to him. These include, for example, the archangels who are given an amazing force to work wonders, directing the confused people to the correct path. Each of the angels fulfills the function confused by him. Let's talk more about Archangel Gabriel.

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Archangel Gabriel

The main duty of the latter is to bring good news and distribute knowledge. According to researchers of Christianity and the Bible, Archangel Gabriel is well known all the secrets of God. This indicates the fact of the truthfulness of those prophecies that God's messenger announced.

Interesting! Speaking about the heavenly hierarchy, it should be noted that Archangel Gabriel has a rank of seraphim - that is, the highest and most approximate to the Lord angel.

As stated in the Holy Scripture, the task of this Heavenly Messenger is to protect people from various destructive passions. Archangel Gabriel is honored as artist miracles, owner of sacred knowledge, as well as the good news. So they were reported following good news:

  1. The biblical prophet Daniel learned from the Archangel Gabriel about the great kingdoms, and about the time when the Savior comes to the promised land. Also, Gabriel predicts Daniel what the true truth will come, all the vices will be eliminated, Jerusalem will recover and the local population will return to it.
  2. The prophet Moses, being in the desert and writing his book of being, sees the Messenger of Heaven, who tells him about the very first genera of people from the moment God created the world.
  3. The priest Zechariah from Gabriel will learn about the birth of his elderly wife John the Forerunner. Prayers, assessed by the Most High, Zharya and his spouse were heard, a couple will have a son, whose life will be righteous, will be held in serving the Lord.
  4. Careless Anna and Joachim from Angela learn about the soon appearance of her daughter, whose fate is to become a Virgin, help to come to the world to the Savior.
  5. And Virgo Maria at the time he learned from the Archangel about the immaculate conception and birth of Jesus Christ. And when first, the last maiden is somewhat embarrassed from such news, then Gabriel soothes her, says wise speeches and instructions.
  6. I talked the messenger of the light and with Josepho a hoop - the husband of the Virgin, explaining that Holy Mary was destined to give birth to the baby of Christ, but remain innocent.
  7. When the baby Jesus appears on the light, the Archangel Gabriel is the shepherds, the spells of the cattle, pointing to them the right direction, where they can find a divine infant.
  8. A little later, the Bulletin of God warns the parents of Jesus on time about the danger's threatening, when the cruel king Herod gives the order to kill all newborn male babies. As directed by Gabriel, Maria and her husband and the newborn Christ are running to Egypt, where there are temporary asylum. When Tsar-tyrant dies, the Angelic Bulletin informs the family that they can return home.
  9. It was Gabriel that told the Savior to the Savior's tomb of the Savior about the wonderful resurrection of Jesus.
  10. And Mary's Virgin learned from him about the date of his death.

Interesting! According to researchers, prayers directed towards the Messenger of God have a strong energy vibration.

Archangel Gabriel and Virgo Maria

Who helps Archangel Gabriel?

Gabriel - performs very close to the Lord's figure, so he often recalls believers in their prayers, counting on obtaining the assistance they need, namely:
  • It is believed that Archangel Gabriel patronizes, first of all, representatives of those professions where the main is the transfer of information, knowledge (that is, a teacher, a writer, a journalist, reporter, and so on).
  • Pray to Gabriel, wanting to eliminate bad thoughts from her head, get rid of different fears, phobias. Prayer reading to him is favorable at the state of the nervous system, emotional and mental activity. Prayers help in the treatment of depressive disorders and mental abnormalities.
  • Given the fact that Archangel pleased Maria and Joseph the news about the appearance of the baby, the future parents turn to the Messenger, begging to send them the firstborn. In the competence of Seraphim, healing is healing from infertility, as well as improved human health and baby, ensuring light and prosperous labor.
  • Pray to Gabriel and for healing from serious diseases or their relatives, close when official medicine cannot help.
  • Herald of the world can fill the heart of a believer man with joy, strengthen his faith in the Most High, instruct the right life road.
  • Angel is especially brutally fighting with traitors and deceivers, pouring them and forcing them to change for the better.
  • Lonely beautiful sex representatives pray for a meeting of a worthy satellite of life, which is capable of honest and disinterested love.

What can and can not be done on a holiday?

Let's start S. Permitted action:

  1. On July 26, all believers are strongly recommended by going to church, where the Divine Liturgy passes. A candle is put in the temple and the sincere prayers of Archangel Gabriel are asked. You can ask for everything about everything you want in what you are experiencing the most severe need: in improving health, protection from someone else's negative, evil, success in endeavors and so on.
  2. The people on this day always did the first sheaf, which was called "heated" or "birthday." Our ancestors were holy convinced that the heated sheaf is able to work wonders.
  3. If you have some kind of intimate desire, and you really want to embody it in life, then ask the Archangel Gabriel's Archangel in his holiday. But remember that we are talking exclusively about good and spiritual desires, not material and mercenary.


But this Do not do on a holiday:

  1. It is necessary to control your emotions, not allowing the quarrel, foul language, insulting other people. And it is important not to make evil in relation to others not only by the affairs and words, but even with your thoughts!
  2. According to the ancient believe, Archangel Gabriel reflects attacks by enemies, sending fiery arrows in them - lightning. It was characterized by epithets "Thunder" or "angry". In this connection, on July 26, any heavy physical work on home or on the street fall under the categorical prohibition. Otherwise, an angel can hit the man with a zipper.
  3. Cannot be abused with food or alcoholic beverages.

Weather signs

In the people, every holiday has its own weather commences. Not exception was the day of Archangel Gabriel.

  • What kind of weather is July 26 - this will be all the autumn time.
  • If the holiday swallows fly low - it means that the autumn will be long.
  • From the day of Gabriel, the Grachics are collected by the first autumn stakes.
  • Dark clouds appeared in the sky - to rapid weather changes.
  • The bees in the morning fly to the meadow - all day will shine a bright sunshine.
  • If it rains on the holiday, but you can hear ducks, it will soon work out.
  • Many rye grew up in the fields - Malina is good.
  • Fish on holiday tails beat - you can wait good weather.
  • If a strong shower goes on July 26 - a bad sign that promises a farewell year.

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