Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nestodle Mary Holiday


The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nestodle Mary - in Orthodoxy and Catholicism a holiday, which is devoted to the memory of the death of God. Orthodox Assumption includes the two-month holidays. What information about the death of the Virgin is preserved in the Bible, what traditions are related to this holiday? Let's deal with.

When will the audience of the Virgin in 2021?

Assumption is an indispensable church holiday that does not change its date.

For Orthodox ON. comes on August 28, And Catholics will celebrate the celebration August 15 After all, they use not Gregoryan, but the Julian calendar.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nesthelov Mary

Historical information

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When Jesus Christ left the sinful land and raised to heaven, his mother Maria was entrusted to the care of the Apostle John the Theologian. When the apostle left his home, the Virgin Mary was located in the house of John's parents, close to the Eleon Mountain. During his lifetime, the Holy Deva provided spiritual assistance to all followers of his son, comforting them and giving reasonable advice.

In conversations with people who come to her, Maria told them about the amazing events of the Annunciation, the immaculate conception, the birth of the Savior, his childhood and his whole life on Earth. The woman as well as the apostles developed and approved the Christian faith with his presence, in words and prayers.

Before the death of the Virgin Mary, everything also lives in the city of Jerusalem, regularly walks to pray on Calvary and to the coffin of the Lord. It was there during the commission of the sacred prayer of Virgin is the Archangel Gabriel, who informs her news - after 3 days she will "depart to Christ Christ." Angel reassured a woman, giving her punishment to prepare for her mortal hour.

About the resulting vision, the Virgin immediately reports Joseph Arimafi - Jewish Elder, in whose tomb was buried Jesus Christ. The last death desire of the Virgin Mary was to see all the apostles to say goodbye to them. Therefore, she began to pray to God and further, as they say in the Bible, "the angels delightly delighted the gospel at the ends of the Apostles Universe and on the clouds brought them to Jerusalem, putting on the doors of the house where the Mother of God lived in Zayon.

When the Virgin Mary said goodbye to all the closest and disciples of Jesus, and also ordered his property, she calmly won in the circle of the apostles and relatives. Maria buried in the same tomb, where Her parents of Anna and Joachim were stubbered, as well as the husband Joseph. The Major Body of Our Lady, a solemn procession carried on Odra throughout Jerusalem, information about it reached the high priests. They sent the guards with the order to disperse people, but they could not do this, since the cloudy circle came down from heaven to the ground, which as a wall surrounded the apostles and all those present Christians.

The high priest named Afony, at that time passed by, he wanted to turn the ADR with the Virgin, but then an invisible force cut off his hands. Subsequently, the Bible states that Aphonia is sincerely repents, after which he is healing and appeals to the Christian faith. When the apostles buried the virgin Maria in the cave, they closed the entrance to her with the help of stone and left.

What happened further - there are several versions on this score. For example, according to the Greek version of the Apocrian "Tale of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin" says that she moved to heaven. And in one of the versions of the Latin apocryph "Transition of Mary", a little more details are offered. So, the apocrifa describes that only the Apostle Thoma did not come to the farewell ceremony with God's mother. He was transferred to Jerusalem after the Mother of God buried. Thomas was confident that there is no body in the coffin.

The apostles, trying to prove that Maria was buried in all the rules, open the tomb, where they really do not find the body. Foma also says that he was the Mother of God, who showed that he was ascended to the sky. The apostle requested the blessing that the Virgin Mary dumps his belt.

Virgin Mary dumps her belt icon

Interesting! According to statements, the belt, relieved by Fome Maria, fell to the stone. The latter is under the Russian Gefsema Monastery (Eleon Mountain).

What can i and what can not be done

How Need to do On the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin?

  1. Believers must visit the temple. Previously, on this day, wheat spikelets from the last harvest were consecrated. Today, the described custom is outdated. The audit of the priests spend a special solemn service.
  2. Sincerely, soul pray that the Lord will send you health, your loved ones and relatives. Do not forget to put candles about health in the temple. It is believed that on the day of his death the Mother of God reacts the most reacting to prayers for children.
  3. Make donations to the beggar. Distribute alms, feed the hungry. It is important to take care of other people in a religious holiday, especially those who are in a very bad position, in dire need of help.
  4. Search for wedding planning. In the people, beginning on August 28, the groom came from the groom, and the wedding itself, as a rule, was celebrated on Pokrov (October 14). Ancient beliefs promise to newlyweds happiness and peace in family life, if the engagement will be engaged on the day of Assumption.

And the following actions are considered Forbidden For the holiday under consideration:

  1. Equally, as in another big Christian holiday, it is forbidden to perform a heavy physical work, otherwise it is possible to attach trouble. The only thing to do is allowed is to plant cucumbers or mushrooms.
  2. The girls do not cut hair and do not braid braid - it is believed that they will spoil their fate with such actions.
  3. Under the strictest ban on the day of the Assumption there are quarrels, foul language, wishes of evil, manifestation of tricks, insincerity, deception and other similar actions.
  4. Cannot cook food on August 28. Otherwise, the material well-being of the family can worsen. Therefore, festive dishes are recommended to prepare in advance.
  5. It is forbidden to walk on the ground with barefoot legs, so as not to collect all the terrible ailments. The fact is that Nature is currently crying for the deceased by the Virgin, and Rosa changes its properties with healing to the opposite.

Traditionally, believers treat the Mother of God with such requests:

  • To know maternal happiness;
  • Seal from a tormental disease;
  • Mothers are asking for the protection of kids from any evil and evil eye;
  • pray to strengthen faith, eliminating fear of death;
  • Single girls hope to meet the future spouse soon;
  • And those women whose husband drinks or walks, begged the holy Maria to save him from fearful addictions;
  • They are still praying for peace and harmony in the family.

Praying girl

Ritals and rituals

It is known a lot of rituals that are performed at this date. Basically, they are associated with the arrangement of personal life and, according to reviews, are characterized by good results.

Ritual attract her husband

The girl bathes in herbal bath, next to the mirror, puts church candles with her side. When will be calculated, it must say such words:

"It is a tower, on her a beauty girl. Such and I want to make a beauty. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

After which the candles steal, all the ritual attributes are hiding under the pillow on three days. It is believed that during this time the image of the narrowed appears in night dreams. On the third day, the candles are lit, they must completely burn.

Ritual to get rid of loneliness

If the unmarried girl is tired of loneliness, dreams of meeting the soul mate, then in the morning she should, without saying a word, wash his face in studénaya water. During this act in thoughts, the consultation is read three times:

"The Most Holy Mother of God, you all walked, family connect, help me to find a groom. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ritual from Kalina

Since ancient times, blooming Kalina near the house was designed to inform the guys about the presence of a potential bride in the house. If you have not had time to find your female happiness, then on August 28, Narvit the bunch of a red berry and spread them on the window, where to place the icon of the Virgin. The young man should soon appear in life.

Ritual "Magic Bread"

The rite is considered ancient, before the women on the audience of God's mother baked bread from the last harvest, gave it to children, and those sent to stand next to the gate to the house. If a woman goes past lunch in position - she needs to be presented with baking as a treat. When this did not happen, then the bread was sanctified in the service in the temple. Karavaja attributed the healing properties.

Ritual to gain family happiness

Traditionally, August 28 - the Day of Celesties. If desired, a couple of jars will speak for family happiness with such words:

"The fungus is salty, a mountain from the family, the curtain crisp - no one in our house. I sprinkle all salt, I attract good luck. "

After forty days, the banks open and eaten, while it should be read by the prayer of "Our Father" and cross themselves three times.

In general, it is believed that on the Assumption of Mary's Navigation, you can contact her with a request to send to life what you need. It is important to do it from the pure heart, sincerely and, of course, believe in help.


Assumption is celebrated at the very end of summer, the holiday seems to share the seasons. And although after it, a long time can be warm, people always associated on August 28 with the beginning of autumn. And invented a lot of weather.

  • With the success of swallows fly to the south and the frogs are no longer squatted.
  • 14 days after the holiday, India Summer came to September 11th.
  • If on August 28th there is a thunderstorm - autumn will come early, strong rains will pour.
  • Clear Weather on Assignment - To Cool Baby Self.
  • The appearance of rainbow in the sky foreshadows warm autumn.
  • Spiders splrew a lot of web - you need to wait for frosty winter without snow.
  • Actuation is a strong fog - a good harvest of mushrooms will grow, autumn will be warm.
  • Who with the prochanters did not look after the insurgent - to the winter in girls go.
  • Starting from August 28, people went to the forest for mushrooms and nuts that were poisoned by winter.

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