Christmas Blessed Virgin: Date of Celebration in 2021, customs


Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary - in Orthodoxy this is the two-month (that is, one of the twelve most important holidays after Easter). Catholics refers to rank just church holidays.

What date will the holiday in 2021?

The Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an innocent holiday that does not change his calendar dates. Every year he falls on September 21st (For people who live in the Gregorian calendar) or on September 8 for the Julian calendar (old style).

At the same time, the celebration begins from September 20 and stretched up to the 25th. As the church canons say, the date of the appearance of the Virgin Mary was established exactly after 9 months from the feast of conception of St. Anne, marked by Orthodox Christians on December 22.

Virgin Mary with parents - Anna and Joakim

Historical reference

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The canonical gospel does not contain information about this event of the religious world - the emergence of the Virgin Mary. It is mentioned only apocryphas, as well as oral church legends. Mary's parents were Joachim and Anna, who lived in Galilee.

Anna suffered from infertility for a long time. It should be noted that the Jews found the absence of children terrible shame - believed that so the Lord Kares who had guessed for terribesty. As for Joacima and Anna, these were very righteous people, but the woman could not become pregnant.

In one of the great Jewish holidays, Joachim is not allowed to make a donation to the temple. He refuses, saying that he did not give the offspring to Israel. A strong sad-hearted man goes to the desert, where he makes a post and assumes the god of prayer about the miracle. His wife at the same time remains at home, she also sticks to a strict post and constantly prays.

It takes 40 days when Anna and Joyakim see the Angel of God, carrying them the good news: for the fact that they continued to believe in the Lord, they showed patience, now they can enjoy parental happiness. And moreover, they are honored to be the parents of not an ordinary child, but the Virgin itself. After receiving this joyful news, the outbred Joamak is in a hurry to return to his wife. After 9 months, they are born a girl called Maria (name means "Madam", "Nadezhda"). It was she who later falls a great role to become the mother of the Savior himself.

Similarly, all other Virgin holidays, the date of Christmas Maria was established relatively recently. According to assumptions, the first who ordered it to celebrate him in the Byzantine Empire was the emperor Mauritius. This event occurred at the end of the 6th and early 7 centuries. For the first time, the celebration of the appearance of the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the 5th century of our Era of the Holy Big, who was Archbishop Konstantinople. However, the accuracy of these references is not confirmed. According to another theory, the first information about the celebration in honor of the birth of the Virgin, we find the hymns of Roman Sladkopevts (dated 536-556 by our era).

Most likely that the holiday appeared against the background of the reinforced reverence of St. Mary, after the Ephesus Cathedral. It is believed that he arises around the 6th century, for the first time in the Greek Church, soon moved to Rome, from where it extends to subsidiary churches.

Holy Mother of God

What can I, and what can not be done?

Let's now talk about the permitted and prohibited actions for the holiday. Let's start with the first category. So, that You can (and need) to do on September 21?
  1. First of all, you need to go to the church, where to remove sincere prayers to the Virgin. It is believed that on this day, the holy maiden hears and executes all requests, the main thing is that they go from the pure heart. It is especially good to pray for protection from any evil, health, God's assistance in affairs and family happiness.
  2. Baby parents who have already wanted to start a child for a very long time, but their efforts are unsuccessful, they also appeal to the Virgin very much, and pray her parents - Anne and Joachim. Holiday in honor of the latter is installed on September 22.
  3. The people believed that the holiday begins a new cycle. Therefore, they definitely lit in their housing a new candle, believing that its flame will attract the very good to the owners.
  4. Very important in the Christmas of St. Mary is charity. Women are encouraged to make generous donations to the beggar - then, according to believe, they will always have prosperity.
  5. This holiday plays a huge role in Orthodoxy, it needs to be in an emotionally raised state - rejoice, have fun.

But what actions fall under Strict prohibition:

  1. Any physical work is that there is a "black" homework (washing floors, notice, dend of garbage) plus garden work. Mouse over to the house in advance.
  2. It is forbidden to representatives of a beautiful floor to engage in any female work: sew, knit, embroider, do not even cut bread.
  3. You can not walk on the grass on the grass with bare feet, so as not to "collect different ailments."
  4. When a festive feast occurs, sin drop into the floor and throw away bread crumbs. They are better feeding hungry birds.
  5. Of course, it is unacceptable to find out the relationship, participate in squabbles, disputes, scandals.
  6. It is important that your thoughts are crystal clear on the holiday of the Birthday of the Virgin. Do not raise voices once again, do not wish bad to other people, don't even think about them anything wrong.

Do I need to follow the post?

The church calendar finds the day of the appearance of the Mother of God of God is not a lean day. Accordingly, the hostesses are permitted to treat home or coming guests with both launchy couches and meat food.

But in some cases it will still have to withstand the post - when the event falls on Wednesday or Friday (which are close days). Then you can prepare fish and seafood instead of meat.

Let's look at what day falls on September 21 for several years ahead to understand what you need to prepare:

  • 2021 - the date of the holiday falls on Tuesday - another no longer a day;
  • 2022 - here the situation changes here, September 21 accounts for Wednesday, respectively, believers will be forced to abandon the use of meat products.

Traditionally, a large table was always covered in the solemn date. The hostess had to generously force him with different goodies. After all, they believe in the people that the richer will be feast - the better the next 12 months will be held, a good harvest will be erupted. It is important that fruits, apples, pears, plums and grapes be present on the table.

the Virgin Mary

Traditions and rites

Many different rites and rituals were held in this holiday. Basically, of course, they were intended for women, they were also performed.
  • For example, representatives of the fine gender were to go to the river in the morning of September 21 on September 21, and washed with river water until the sun rose. They believed that in this way will be able to preserve their beauty and freshness until the oldest. And the lonely girls thanks to the rite throughout the year will find their female happiness.
  • To kids were healthy - they should have been pouring them on the threshold.
  • Newly-made husband and wife were invited to visit their parents. They were followed on the christmas day of the Virgin to teach newlyweds to successful housekeeping. The girl was supposed to bake the pie and feed them the guests. If the cake burned, then her spouse was given a whip, so he punished the hostess for spoiled food. The husband should have shown how good the owner he was. At the end of the holiday, if the guests remained satisfied, pleased with young gifts.
  • Women on tradition should certainly go to the temple where to put a candle in front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin. The candle was wrapped in a piece of paper, which was recorded by their innermost requests (there could be several). And then carefully looked at how much desires burned down - if everything, then, it is all destined to come true if some remained intact - until they fate.
  • And childless women dreaming about the offspring should have been organized by lunch, for which convening the beggars "so that the Holy Gast Maria prayes for their children." In addition, unfulfilled ladies ordered church service, after which the feast was already organized.
  • We still believed that on September 21 - the last day, when you can collect herbs for the manufacture of a "magical" drug, which girls poured the guys like, wanting to make them their own. They began to collect them from August 28 - the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin.
  • From the day of the Nativity of the Mother of the Savior, the guy's parents went to wrap up to the parents of the bride. It was believed that playing a wedding on a holiday is a very successful solution.
  • In the ancient times, the hosts were baked to the festive day of the Bread, which were depicted "P" and "B" letters, which meant "The Nativity of the Virgin. The products should be kept in a corner, where the icons were stood in the house, and when the black days came either from someone from the family members of the family, they were biled and eaten on a piece.
  • When making a festive meal, there was a gratitude to the Virgin Mary for a good crop of last year and ask for the same for the next year.

Ritual to get married

A single girl can spend a special ritual on September 21, which is designed to attract the soul mate into her life. For this, a twig is broken from a hazel, tied up with a red thread, is placed in the tank of metal and is ignited. All the time, while burning is continued, pronounce the words:

"How fast the fire goes in a circle, so quickly I meet my future spouse. It will make me an offer, finally, and I will go with him under the crown. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After driving a sprig, the remaining ash carried into the courtyard, dispelled in the wind with the words:

"I let the ashes in the wind, I attract love in your life. It was idle, but soon I will become a legitimate wife. "

It is believed that with the right holding of this rite for the year in life there should be a future husband.

Signs of holiday

  • The weather on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is clear - it will be the same until the end of October.
  • In the morning foggy - to the rain.
  • Fog quickly disappeared - there will be very volatile weather conditions.
  • In the morning it rains - it will continue in the next 40 days, then you need to wait for the cold winter.
  • The morning dew on September 21 was quickly dried by a sun - winter will be a minor.

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