Mikhail ArchReart Cathedral and other celestial forces of disembodied


Christian religion accompanies a person from the moment of adopting baptism to the very death. A special role in the system of Christian values ​​is played by the Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces of disembodied. Who is the Archangel Michael than he can help the believer man, how to ask for help, when the Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail is celebrated in 2021? We will talk about it in the article. My long-ranking only thanks to the help of heavenly defenders was able to cope with the extortionists who wanted to take away the countryside with the help of fake documents.

The Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces are observed on November 21, 2021.

Mikhail ArchReart Cathedral and other celestial forces of disembodied

Who are such disembarrass

ArchReart Mikhail knows all believers Christians. And who are such celestial strengths? Angelov's Orthodox West was approved shortly before the first universal cathedral, which took place in the 4th century of our era. Angels are called messengers who bring to lead from heaven to Earth. God communicates with people through angels, since God's glory cannot see any mortal to stay alive after that.

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Some angels are referred to as the "Arch" console, which indicates their higher and responsible position in the heavenly hierarchy. The following Archangels are glorified on the day of reverancy:

  • Michael;
  • Gabriel;
  • Rafail;
  • Uriel;
  • Yehudil;
  • Selafail;
  • Ieremic;
  • Varajil.

The most famous and revered is Archangel Mikhail, as well as Archangel Gabriel - he brought the news of the Virgin Mary about the immaculate conception.

However, an Angelic hierarchy consists not only of angels and archangels. Its the following disembodied celestial forces are compiled:

  • seraphim;
  • Cherubim;
  • thrones;
  • domination;
  • forces;
  • authorities;
  • Beginning.

Beginning, Archangels and Angels belong to the lowest stage of the hierarchy, which directly contacts the sinful people on Earth.

Who are the beginning? These disembodied forces are controlled by the archangels and angels, as well as countries and peoples. They teach and instruct people that for everyone should be glory to God. They also teach respect the worldly power and obey her, as there is no power not from God.

Who are the archangels? These forces are given to us to help to strengthen faith, to understand the will of God, for the message of important good news. Who are angels? These are the lowest forces of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which are given to help a person. Angels are always next to a person, they can always be asked for help. Angels have no right to act in addition to the will of a person, but only when they are asked.

Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces taken abandoned in 2020

Cathedral of Arresting Mikhaila

The main task of the Archangels is to help people in the fight against Satan and his angels. Since the celestial strengths are disembodied (intangible), people cannot see them with their own eyes. However, you need to know. that Archangels always hear people's prayers and assist.

The main defender of people from the Satanic Forces is Archangel Mikhail, he is named ArchReart. This is a heavenly warrior, in submission of which is all the heavenly forces of the lower hierarchy. Mikhail pray for help in every matter:

  • When you need to sanctify the beginning of a new case;
  • in case of a charm, before surgery;
  • To strengthen faith, when they begin to overcome doubts.

Mikhail provides protection and patronage of believers during a night sleep (saves from nightmares), and also accompanies the souls of the dead to the throne of God.

The day of reverending the most involuntary forces belongs to the non-transmitting date, so it is celebrated every time at the same time - November 21. On this day, believers give a tribute to all the Archangels that Mikhail commanded. Consider the spheres of their influence.

Michael Worried as the leader of the war of heaven. His name from the Hebrew translates as "equal to God." The word "archrest" means seniority, that is, he is a senior of warriors. This title Mikhail received after the reflection of Lucifer's attack with his legions of the rebel angels. Mikhail first went into battle with an evil beginning.

Mikhail pray:

  • To strengthen faith;
  • in the fight against heresy;
  • Against any evil.

This archangel is depicted with a fiery sword and piercing the devil with a spear.

Gabriel Release as a carrier of joyful good news. His name is translated as "Husband of God." On the icons of Gabriel is depicted with a burning lantern and a mirror in hand or a paradise branch.

Rafail revered as a leakage, healer. His name is translated from the ancient Jewish language - the healing of God. In addition to healing, Rafil assists against the power of evil and protects travelers on the road. The Archangel icon holds a drug with a medicinal product in one hand, and in the second bird feather - to smear body wounds. However, Rafail Docucuses and sincere diseases too.

Uryal Indicates the correct direction of the path, he enlightened and instructs sinners. He strengthens faith, disperses doubts, opens the Divine Truth. His name is translated as "Light of God." On Icon, Uriel is depicted with heavenly fire in one hand and a sword - to another.

Selofila Helps prayer books, his task is to encourage those who believe believers to the harder prayer. On the icon, it is depicted with lowered centuries and folded cross on his chest. This image sets believers on a prayer feat.

IEGUDILE It is revered as a patron and the intercessor of monastic and everyone who devoted their lives to the ministry to God. His name is translated from the ancient Jewish language as "praise to God." On the icon, he is depicted with a golden crown (award for diligence in prayer) and a leaf (for punishment of non-refinery).

Varachil Helps people in their affairs, he is a zealous prayer for human needs before the throne of God. His name is translated from an ancient language as "the blessing of God." On the icon, it is depicted with white roses - a symbol of divine grace and grace. However, Varajil prays about the blessing of labor and cases only if the person generously gives his tenth and helps the needy. In other cases, he will not pray for success if a person is only thinking about himself and his well-being.

Ieremil Helps a person to realize the vanity and the meaninglessness of worldly life and raise to God. His name is translated as "Rising God." He helps people to return to God, raise over their animal start and gain spirituality. On the icon, the Hierediel is depicted with weights in hand.

What helps icon

Mikhail and his soldiers appeal if a strong damage is hooked. As soon as the first symptoms of negative impact appeared, you need to immediately read the prayer appeal to the Archangel.

Mikhail ArchReart Cathedral and other celestial forces of disembodied 2805_3

Before handling, our father, Mikhail prayer, and read (or listen to audio recordings) Akathist. So it is necessary to come daily until all the symptoms are disappeared. Mikhail also provides protection against possible witchcraft attacks and in the future. Obereg needs to be constantly updated, once a month.

Another strong prayer to Archangel Mikhail:

Mikhail ArchReart Cathedral and other celestial forces of disembodied 2805_4

They read during magical attacks, to protect against enemies and enemies, in family and everyday troubles, as daily support in everyday affairs.

Cathedral of Arresting Mikhaila

Seam Seven Archangelov

This talisman is considered a powerful fault of the forces of evil, enemies, diseases and accidents. The six-pointed star inscribed 7 names of powerful archangels and 7 planets of the solar system.

  • Archangel Zafkiel He is the patron of Planet Saturn. He protects unfairly accused, brings God's justice to the world.
  • Archangel Tsadkiel Manages the planet Jupiter. This archangel gives happiness, joy, beauty, pleasure life.
  • Archangel Rafel - God's healer. Manages the planet sun.
  • Archangel Kamale Manages Mars, holding back destructive devilish forces that are constantly trying to destroy the world.
  • Archangel Haniel Manages the planet Venus. Helps to achieve equilibrium in a psycho-emotional sphere.
  • archangel Michael Manages the planet Mercury. He is the keeper of all material in this world, helps on the mental level.
  • Archangel Gabriel Manages night celestial luminaries. It is also keeper of material energy, protects and protects people in their daily life.

In the talisman opposite each archangel, a symbol of the planet managed by him is depicted. The artifact helps to follow the right path of light, develops intuitive abilities and the ability to distinguish good from evil. This talisman brings happiness to its owners, fills with joy and Divine grace.

The action of the talisman per person does not always occur in the expected channel, sometimes it acts contrary to the desired one. This is due to God's guidance, because some of our desires can lead to trouble after their implementation. Thus, the talisman is a defender from ourselves from our irregular thoughts and aspirations.

The mascot can be drawn on a dense sheet of cardboard, and then dip in melted wax. Wax will keep the inscription in the safety. If the talisman becomes unusable, it burns, and make a new option. You can also order a talisman Jeweler: it can be performed as a pendant of silver or gold.

Activate the mascot to utter the names of the archangels, read prayer for each of them. They draw and activate the mascot with tight church candles, clean and holiness, with the prayer to the Lord on the lips. Use the talisman in magical practices and as protection against evil forces in everyday life.

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