Day of the Great Martyr Barbara in 2021


The Day of the Great Martyr Barbara will come on Thursday, December 17, 2021 . On this day, it is customary to begin preparations for the New Year holidays - buy gifts, prepare food and sweets in advance. Pray, turning to the icon, please send health with children. Any kinds of needlework are prohibited.

history of the holiday

The future of the Great Martyr was born on the territory of modern Syria in a very famous and rich family. Little Varbara wounded her mother early, and his father sharpened after the death of his wife's daughter in the tower. He was a pagan, and thus wanted to limit the daughter from communicating with adherents of Christianity.

Varvar's Day Martyrs How to celebrate

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Long days the girl spent, sitting by the window of the tower and admiring her by beauty, as far as it was seen from a small window. She really wanted to go into the world and see more, while her father sought to give her marriage with a suitable man.

Varvara flatly refused to marry so father gave a temporary permission to leave the tower and communicate with other girls so that his friends helped him send the daughter to the "True path".

One day, the girl discovered Christianity for himself, after which he decided to be baptized and devote his existence to the ministry to God. When the father became aware of her intention, he was so angry that he decided to kill Barbar, but she managed to escape and hide some time.

It didn't work for a long time, Dad found a dismissed daughter and put it on the city court. She was tortured, kept in the dungeon, trying to make the disconnect of Christian religion, but she refused. In the end, the father cut off the barbarian head. Soon he was overtaking the divine retribution for cruelty - he died of a lightning strike.

The relics of Varvara were in Constantinople for a long time, and currently contained in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

Signs for 2021

There is a whole series of admission - these are perennial observations of people who associated the offensive of certain events with signs sent by the fate in this holy holiday.

Day of the Great Martyr Varvara Tradition

Here are some of the following:

  • If on December 17 there is a strong frost, he will last a few more days. If the day was warm, then, on the contrary, the weather will be clear, sunny and comfortable enough for walking or winter sports.
  • On the night of December 17-18, you will definitely look at the sky. If it has many stars, the winter will be very frosty, student. And if the sky turns out to be dark, dim, then three winter months will pass almost like a thaw.
  • A bright sunset with a crimson-red sky foreshadows very sunny and clear, but a cold day, so you dress up the next night. But the dull and not particularly colorful sunset promises an offensive soon of heavy snowfall.

Traditions and rites

Holy Varvara patronized unhappy women who suffer from tyranny in the family from her husband or mother-in-law. Therefore, this holiday can pray to the image of the Great Martyr, asking her protection and blessings.

Day of the Great Martyr Varvara

What other rites to protect against domestic violence can be used on this day:

  1. Take a photo of your husband, burn two red candles. Relax, free your consciousness from thoughts, and start catching up all the negative feelings and emotions that you feel about the current situation. Imagine how the candle flame burns all these sensations, and mentally send a love my husband.
  2. Take a sheet of paper, draw a circle on it and put a photo of the offender on it. Start breathing very deeply, trying to "extend" all your emotions and sensations, all offenses. Ask mentally or loud to free you from this negative.
  3. The easiest way is the prayer facing the holy with a sincere request to protect you. Words for prayer Choose themselves, are important not any special rules, but your intention and real faith in the fact that the rite will work.

Also on this day it is customary to pray for the health of children and loved ones. The energy of the day in which the holiday passes is very strong, and can send long-awaited healing. You can simply pray, referring to the icon with the image of the Great Martyr.

Or do rites that are aimed at attracting health and liberation from diseases. For example:

  1. Fresh yourself an hour of free time, close your eyes, relax and make some deep breaths and exhale. Start representing the image of a loved one as if he is already healthy. Mentally fill it with a bright light, representing how he heals sick bodies.
  2. Similar manipulations can be done with a photo of a person who needs healing. Put the photo in front of yourself, cover it with your hands and imagine how the bright, clean and sparkling healing energy comes out of your palms.
  3. More complex option - Put the barbaria icon and a patient's photo. Between them, put and burn the candle. Imagine how all the diseases come out of the patient's image and are burned in the flame of the candle. And then, how the healing light comes from the icon.

What other traditions and rituals are held in this holiday:

  1. On December 17, you can actively begin preparation for New Year holidays. In an old woman, women began to prepare sweets, cook jam and bake cookies. Men cooked medovers, harvesting a drink. It is important to attract children to the process.
  2. But it was categorically not recommended to engage in any kind of needlework, so the needles and yarns are better to leave aside, only cooking attention to pay attention. It is important to cook food with positive thoughts, filling it with love and care.


  • The Holy Great Martyr Varvara was first subjected to brutal torture due to the failure to be a pagan and baptism in Christianity. But nothing could make her betray God and renounce him. And then was killed by his own father, who himself soon died.
  • She is a patroness of women who suffer from domestic violence. Therefore, the image of the barbarians pray with a request to protect from tyranny from her husband, mother-in-law or other senior relatives.
  • Also to the saint treated with prayers in which requests for the healing of children are concluded. In the holiday, they are most stronger and can send long-awaited recovery even quite desperate.

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