When Potrov's post begins in 2021 and how to observe it


In the Orthodox Church Calendar in the middle of the summer there is an important event - Petrov post. The date of it began "floating", so every year this period is accounted for by different numbers of June. Petrov post is of great importance for believers, so they must adhere to him. In this article, I will tell you in detail about the meaning of this period, forbids and diet.

In the present 2021, this holy period from June 28 to July 11.

The beginning of Petrov's post depends on Easter. On the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, the Trinity is celebrated, and then a week begins post.

Petrov post

The meaning and history of the post

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In Starina Petrov, the post was called "Pentecost", but today it is often called apostolic. This period is devoted to the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul - students of Jesus, who glorified him, argued the existence of true faith, and made good things. The meaning of the post is to express them to his respect and devotion not only to the apostles, and Jesus.

Earlier, Pentecost was completely not connected with the Acts of the Apostles. This period had a different purpose - the preservation of grocery reserves, which were on the outcome, because the new harvest was not yet ripe. More wealthy people have definitely shared their food with needy, older or weak residents.

Later, the period of restrictions in nutrition The church decided to name in honor of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This was done in order for people to look at such a difficult hungry period in a different way, and remembered that once Jesus and his followers had to go through such trials for the sake of a good deal.

Post Petrov

Preparation for post.

Petrov The post is considered to be incredible, however, it should be prepared in advance to it, otherwise it will be difficult to utter conscientiously without familiar food. The landline menu is low-caloriene, therefore, it will be most difficult for those whose daily life is associated with large physical exertion.

The body's training should be started 1-2 weeks before the start. First you need to exclude forbidden products from diet - meat, milk, eggs, animal fats. It should be done gradually that the body does not feel discomfort. The shortage of proteins needs to be filled with legume crops - beans, soybeans, peas, etc.

For a long time to feel satiety, it is necessary to enrich your fiber feeding diet, i.e. Vegetables, fruits, bran. Also, it is also necessary to use complex carbohydrates in the form of a porrip, oatmeal, buckwheat, and others. Reducing the feeling of hunger will help snacks from fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits and dried fruits. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the water. Cutting a glass of clean water for half an hour before meals will improve digestion, and will allow you to get enough to a small portion of food.

Due to the low content of fats in lean dishes, problems may arise from the intestinal operation. To avoid these troubles, it is recommended to improve the condition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal bodies by the use of fermented dairy products - yogurts, ryazhenki, kefir, yogurt.

Preparation for post.

List of permitted and prohibited products

All days of Petrov post are allowed to eat bread, vegetables, nuts, fruits, dried fruits and honey. In the days when the boiled food is allowed, you can prepare various soups, cereals, mushrooms and fish. Sometimes vegetable oil can be added to dishes, such as sunflower, olive, linen or coconut. On weekends it is allowed to drink 1 glass of red wine. As for drinking, you can drink water, tea, morse.

Forbidden foods include all the products of animal origin - meat, fat, sausage, milk, eggs. The dishes with the addition of eggs and milk are also prohibited - confectionery, baking, pancakes, cookies. In no case cannot drink alcohol, with the exception of wine on weekends.

Holding the post, it is important to remember that his meaning is to restrict nutrition, therefore, it is impossible to nourish. Portions should be small, so that after their fee, there was a lung feeling of hunger. In addition, the last reception of food must end until 21:00, because It is forbidden to eat anything later than this time.

Food Petrov post

Food rules during post

During Petrov, the post is important to comply with the rules. If some products can be used at any time, others are allowed to use only on certain days.

  1. Monday. The menu includes vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms, porridges and 1-2 pieces of bread or other flour products without milk and eggs.
  2. Tuesday. In addition to the above products, you can eat fish and legume crops. The dishes allowed to add a small amount of oil, honey and nuts.
  3. Wednesday. On this day you need to stick to rawy. You can eat any dishes and products that do not require preparation by heat treatment. At the heart of the diet for the day of salads, refilled by a small amount of vegetable oil. One piece of bread is allowed into one of the glands of food.
  4. Thursday. Thursday menu is the most diverse, because You can eat all the allowed dishes, including fish and lean pastries. Portions must be small to prevent overeating.
  5. Friday. The diet of the last day of the week is the same as on Wednesday. You can dilute it with honey and nuts in limited quantities.
  6. Saturday and Sunday. On weekends you can eat any lean dishes with the addition of vegetable oil, as well as allowed to drink 1-2 wine glasses. Usually on the output hostess bake fish pie, pancakes and unsweetened buns.

For the period of Petrov, the post accounts for several memorial days, during which the fish, wine and vegetable oil are allowed in the diet.

Some people are allowed to relax in compliance with the post. These include pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, children and prisoners. Those who have serious diseases must first consult with the attending physician. In the absence of contraindications, they can start fast.

Menu Petrov post

Other prohibitions and restrictions

The meaning of Petrov's post is that by means of restrictions, believers clean their body and soul, free the place for faith and repentance. In addition to the refusal of gastronomic excesses, a ban on various pleasures and sinful things is imposed in this holy period, including:
  • drinking alcoholic beverages and tobacco
  • visiting entertainment institutions and events;
  • noisy celebration of any important dates, with songs and dancing;
  • Rugan, quarrel, foul language, bad thoughts;
  • condemnation and envy in relation to others;
  • Conduct a long period of time from a TV, computer and on the Internet;
  • Magically rituals, rituals and fortune telling;
  • intimate joy and the conception of the child;
  • Wedding and wedding celebration.

Any holidays can be marked only after the completion of Petrov post. An exception may be a birthday, but it should be celebrated in a narrow family circle, while on the table should be extremely lean dishes. You should also refrain from songs, dance and other entertainment.


  • Petrov post each year has a different start date, but always ends on July 11th.
  • This post cannot be called strict, because Its menu is quite varied, and only on some days there are hard restrictions in food.
  • Observe all restrictions can be absent only in the absence of contraindications from health.
  • Have fun and celebrate holidays during this period is prohibited.
  • It is impossible to eat food later 21:00.

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